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F'd up dream


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Had a dream the other night that I was talking about bikes with some guy I apparently knew, and he asked how I lost my leg. I pulled up my left pants leg the reveal a shiny metal prosthetic leg and explained about the accident.

Thing is, I don't have a prosthetic leg and I've not been in a motorbike accident. Still, the dream was real a vivid enough that it's circulating in in my brain even 5 days later.

dafuq? Is this a message from above that I need to be more careful on the bike? Or just randomly firing synapses that just happened to come up with something that hits close to home?

Still freaked out.

(I know a guy who lost his leg in a bike accident. Some lady pulled out of a parking space as he rode by and her bumper crushed his leg against the engine too bad to be fixable. The prosthetic in my dream was the same as his) IN fact I know two folks in the predicament - another is a cop who was hit by another cop while he was fueling his police bike in the city gas station. He returned to active duty with a prosthetic leg.

TBH this is my biggest fear on the bike - my leg getting crushed into the side of the bike. I mounted special footpegs for my 8yo son that place his feet above bumper-height in case we get t-boned.

Edited by Scruit
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Thats pretty deep... I'm guessing your stressed about something and its carrying over into your sleep. I've had weird things like this freak me out about riding. If its that bad just stop riding for a few days or until it passes. Thats what I did.

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I have very vivid dreams all the time. It could be from stress, I know if I avoided every situation cause of a dream I would never get out of bed. You can be to careful...its just a dream. We can not control them. So enjoy today for nothing is guaranteed....

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One thing they say is that dreams can never be literal interpretations of the problem or thought that's going on in your mind. Instead think of it more like something is bothering you about your relationship with said friend (I don't really know what it means, just that it doesn't mean what is manifested in the dream)

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i have crazy dreams all the time.

few months back i dreamed me and bad123457764 go into the human smuggling business with illegal mexican imigrants. he was my translator.

great dream!

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