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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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who cares?

Race baiting assholes, that's who.

When it stops being about race and starts to be about crime then we will hear the truth.

Wait! just because he was black?


Obama's son? Get real.

And please notice we had no race trouble until Obama took over.

Just sayin....

Sad, all the way around. No winners here, just losers on all fronts.


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"Evidence points to Martin. No evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Clear cut."

What evidence points to a Martin?

The only evidence at all, aside from Zimmerman's statement, about the initiation of contact points to Zimmerman. He was actively following Martin.

Zimmerman had no offensive injuries, and his face was beaten / broken nose / black eyes. Martin had offensive injures (knuckles from punching) and no injuries other than being shot.

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Zimmerman had no offensive injuries, and his face was beaten / broken nose / black eyes. Martin had offensive injures (knuckles from punching) and no injuries other than being shot.

one small scratch on one knuckle...does not constitute "injuries"

it barely constitutes "injury"

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Zimmerman had no offensive injuries, and his face was beaten / broken nose / black eyes. Martin had offensive injures (knuckles from punching) and no injuries other than being shot.

Yeah, well that's like your opinion man.

Ever get the feeling you're playing handball against the drapes? You keep hitting it, but nothing comes back.

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Yeah, well that's like your opinion man.

Ever get the feeling you're playing handball against the drapes? You keep hitting it, but nothing comes back.

Not opinion - police report.

Also: http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/autopsy-results-show-trayvon-martin-had-injuries-h/nN6gs/

Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles

SANFORD, Fla. — WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.

The information could support George Zimmerman's claim that Martin beat him up before Zimmerman shot and killed him.

Edited by Scruit
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1/4" x 1/8" abrasion on left fourth finger

media: OMG INJURIES to knuckles! :nono:

The plurality of injury can make a lot of difference.

Still comes down to the whole who initiated physical contact thing. We know the fight wounds likely preceded the gunshot wound, it's awful hard to fight with a perforated right ventricle and lung. However, the actions preceding the fight are less clear.

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you can't speculate that the black man might have been wrongfully approached attacked and killed, or else you have a political agenda and you're racist.

assuming that the dead black guy got what's coming to him, and any other possible scenario is an attack on your second amendment rights, no agenda, no racism...

something seems backwards here...

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Zimmerman had no offensive injuries, and his face was beaten / broken nose / black eyes. Martin had offensive injures (knuckles from punching) and no injuries other than being shot.

None of that is an indicator of who initiated contact.

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i thought we were just making fun of magley for snark-tastic comments about how he thinks it's wrong and unmanly even to protect oneself with a gun from violent crime.

if we're going back to speculating on evidence that's not available/non-existent, i'm outta here!


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i thought we were just making fun of magley for snark-tastic comments about how he thinks it's wrong and unmanly even to protect oneself with a gun from violent crime.

guns are the same as religion in my mind, maybe a little worse because they are actual physical objects, not just thoughts, words and emotions...

I have no respect for your gun or your religion, I have respect for your right to have them, as long as you don't attack me with them or use them to deny other people their rights.

unmanly or immoral, I make no such judgements

Edited by magley64
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guns are the same as religion in my mind, maybe a little worse because they are actual physical objects, not just thoughts, words and emotions...

I have no respect for your gun or your religion, I have respect for your right to have them, as long as you don't attack me with them or use them to deny other people their rights.

unmanly or immoral, I make no such judgements

:lol: ...do you even read your posts? these two comments are opposite of your whole argument

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So I can just grab ahold of you and detain you against your will and as long as I'm not violent about it its fine?

A grab is violence. Physical assault.

If I walk up to you and ask what you are doing in the area then you cannot respond by attacking me.

How does this relate to the Martin/Zimmerman case? Do you have evidence that suggests Zimmerman grabbed Martin?

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A grab is violence. Physical assault.

If I walk up to you and ask what you are doing in the area then you cannot respond by attacking me.

How does this relate to the Martin/Zimmerman case? Do you have evidence that suggests Zimmerman grabbed Martin?

Wait for it...........No of course not, because Martin is dead and only Zimmerman is telling his side.:rolleyes: Bring in CSI Miami, they would get this shit all figured out within 46 min.

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Wait for it...........No of course not, because Martin is dead and only Zimmerman is telling his side.

Well, at least someone is listening, even if you disagree... you have to concede that people will lie to cover their asses.

I've done it before, and I would do it again if the occasion called for it.

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Well, at least someone is listening, even if you disagree... you have to concede that people will lie to cover their asses.

I've done it before, and I would do it again if the occasion called for it.

I am not listening at all, just being a smartass. And not that it would hold up in court whatsoever, but I am betting Z has had a polygraph and he passed.

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beside the fact that polygraphs are bullshit....they only work if you believe they work....

and I don't know what will hold up in court, i have not looked at the evidence, I'm not a juror... but I'm also not so quick as to take the word of a guy who got into a fight with an unarmed person and killed them that they were in the right because "he started it".

I'm gonna need a little more than your word on that.

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