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are manners and politeness a thing of the past?


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What the hell happened to manners? People can't nod or say thanks when you hold a door for them?

Why do smokers thinks its okay to throw their cigarette butts on the ground? Isn't that littering? Do cars not come with ashtrays? I guess Walmart doesn't sell ashtrays either? St least stomp your cigarette out!

Why do cagers drive with their high beams on all the time or run headlights, foglights, and four off road lights? Are these people blind?

Why does everyone think the should flip you off when they are the one driving like a dumbass? Example: car runs up beside you from a ramp, another car is beside you they flip you off for not slowing down or moving over. Last time a checked the person that has the yield sign is supposed to speed up or slow down to get in without affecting the other traffic.

I feel better now!

Oops one more.

If there is a urinal piss instead of pissing all over the shitter! I know your afraid somebody might see you little pecker, but get over it or sit and pee if you can't raise the lid and hit the water. I don't care to use public restrooms, but don't have w choice.

Edited by crb
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What the hell happened to manners?

Example: car runs up beside you from a ramp, another car is beside you they flip you off for not slowing down or moving over. Last time a checked the person that has the yield sign is supposed to speed up or slow down to get in without affecting the other traffic.

I feel better now!

I don't typically let people ride "beside" me for very long... and I have the manners to move out of the slow lane if traffic is coming down the ramp.

People want to show me their fingers, so be it.

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My mom and I had this discussion after a couple couldn't control their two children while waiting in line to order food and also decided to cut in front of us. I usually call people out if they are being dicks. I think a lot of it deals with the fact that no one is specially aware of what's going on around them. It amazes me how many people try to get on the bus when there is a line of people getting off. Wait your fucking turn. No need to be rude and push past everyone.

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i routinely get my feelings hurt when i slow down to let people into my lane and they don't wave. also, when i force my way into a lane, i'll at least wave frantically to let them know i appreciate their compulsory acceptance of me playing the role of "that douche bag who cut me off" today.

if they speed up to keep me out of the lane on purpose (competitive left lane camper), then i will wave even harder. fairly sure I get the car to shake when i do it this way... they usually back off cause they know i got mad waving strength.

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...If there is a urinal piss instead of pissing all over the shitter! I know your afraid somebody might see you little pecker, but get over it or sit and pee if you can't raise the lid and hit the water....

P.S. When using the urinal, "it" 's not as long as you think it is. Stand closer and stop peeing all over the damn floor.

And why do you need to place your carefully picked nose nuggets on the wall? You're already at the f*ckin' pisser - flick 'em in there. Yes, this means you, Oracle Contractor from another country. (Hint: It rhymes with Mindy-a)...


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I blame the internet. There, in my view, has been a direct (inverse) relationship between the advance of the internet and the decline of common courtesy. Not sure exactly why…Perhaps less genuine social contact and tendency toward instant gratification. Folks seem to be more “Me-Me Me!” about it all anymore.

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I make the kids (mine and friends) say please, thank you and have patience. I don't blame technology, if used correctly its a great tool. Its the parents not teaching the kids.

Edited by snot
can spell
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I make the kids (mine and friends) say please, thank you and patients. I don't blame technology, if used correctly its a great tool. Its the parents not teaching the kids.

QFT. I am not ashamed to say that I am often compliemnted on how polite my kids are in public. But they also exercise the same level of manners at home with the wife and I. Please and thank you are common place, and it's because we exercise it with them as well as instruct them to act as such. While we don't ask our kids to do what is expected of them ("Please clean you room for me?" - Uh, no. I am the parent, this is my house.) we do exercise the same courtesy with them that we expect them to use with others. The whole golden rule thing really works if you apply it regularly. And being a youth football coach for the last 6 years, having seen dozens of families from all walks of life, it's not hard to tell why kids act a certain way.

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I like to stand square in front of the elevator doors, so no one can get in till I and everyone else gets off first. I hold the doors for people getting off, and I hold the door for those that want to get in...

Dam I've gotten some mean looks as people try to force past me. didn't work...

I mean really people, if the dam elevator is FULL, where the fook you going?

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I like to stand square in front of the elevator doors, so no one can get in till I and everyone else gets off first. I hold the doors for people getting off, and I hold the door for those that want to get in...

Dam I've gotten some mean looks as people try to force past me. didn't work...

I mean really people, if the dam elevator is FULL, where the fook you going?

I have full on body checked people trying to push past me trying to get on the while there is a line of people trying to exit. They get really pissed when you say " excuse you".

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That's alright. Snot spelled 'patience' incorrectly. I was going to let it slide' date=' but since you're getting all "GrammarNazi" on us..[/quote']

No spell check on phone...I do it all the time :lol:

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I have full on body checked people trying to push past me trying to get on the while there is a line of people trying to exit. They get really pissed when you say " excuse you".

Note to self: next ORdN function, try to shove past Gen3, maybe she'll rub all over me... :banana:


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The last 2 Honda Civic's I have purchased (2005 & 2012) do not have ashtrays, I don't smoke or allow smoking in any of my vehicles or home so it's not a problem. I don't think my Xterra had a ashtray either, my Ford Excursion does have one.

They sell car ashtrays at Walmart, autozone, advanced auto, etc.

Grammer Nazi's FUCK OFF please and thank you sir's and madame's!

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Children are being raised with a sense of entitlement and the thought that it's always someone or something else's fault. It's the teachers fault u didn't pass or the foods fault u got fat. I'm trying my hardest to teach my kids the opposite.

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