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Ubuntu experts: Help please...

max power

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I am running Linux and my computer was running slow, so I got it running better by doing the janitor utility. The only problem is that I somehow deleted the programming that connected the simple scan program to the scanner. Now when I attempt to scan, it says no scanner available and when I look under preferences, there is no scanner to choose from.

How do I get the program to see the scanner?

I looked on line, but I find that I dont understand too much when I get on those Ubuntu nerd forums. I got the dumbz.

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Have you looked in the Ubuntu Software Center to see if it's still active on your computer?

I have Simple Scan and XSane Image Scanner on mine. The beauty of Ubuntu/Linux is how it recognizes printers and scanners w/out installing the drivers.

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from the terminal: sudo apt-get install --reinstall simple-scan [enter]

or just go into the Package Manager GUI app, search for simple-scan, and select it, choose reinstall.

(not in front of my laptop, and am a command-line guy, so I don't recall exactly how the GUI works...)

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Ok, after a quick phone search and link from our fearless leader, I got it working. Seems the system janitor deleted some needed drivers.

All is well now. Knowin all that nerd stuff is gonna make that Casper kid rich someday.

Thanks brudda. :cheers:

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Ok, after a quick phone search and link from our fearless leader, I got it working. Seems the system janitor deleted some needed drivers.

All is well now. Knowin all that nerd stuff is gonna make that Casper kid rich someday.

Thanks brudda. :cheers:

Of course man. I might not always be the most timely person but dammit I try. :D

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