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Doing some post dog colision work on the TL today, and one of the things i had to do was semi repair the crack in fairing (without having to paint) and install my new turn singals. Ok i ordered these off of ebay


i didnt like the idea of having LED bulbs(i didnt want to change my relay)but i ask the seller and he said you can replace the LED with a incondecent, which you can but even the 5watt incondecent isnt enought to keep the relay from flashing fast(i cant stand that). SO, i can either ...

1. put the new winkers on and order a LED relay from the UK for $35(that is the only place ive found plug and play ones for my old ass bike

2. just deal with the fast blink(not even really a option, i hate that)

3. just order a new OEM winker for $30 and stick with the old style

the main benefit for option 3 is the OEM one kinda hides the ckack in the fairing a bit and makes it less obvious, see pics below

Im also including a pic of the brokem rear set braket, that poor pup really took a lick to break that thing like that:nono:

New winker


other side so you can compare


that poor pup


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even thought I'd rather support a small bussines like tripage, you can save $3 and order from ebay from the uk.


i wanted them yesterday too...im worse than a damn woman..ops im going to get drilled for that comment:D

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I added proton flush mounts today. Already had the new flasher installed but I have to add resistors. All of them flash when either right or left is on.

dont get those inline resistors, i have them on my wifes bike and they are a pain to wire and conceal..i wrapped them in heat shrink but they melted it off and the leads are stiff ad hell

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ok here is what i decided, im going to use the new flush mounts and order the led relay..sooooo, i can also order these http://www.ebay.com/itm/370567063345?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 and maybe some leds for the rear as well:D

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