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buying guns for "protection" same as buying motorcycles for "fuel economy"?


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I have guns for personal protection, because I like them, and I use the for sport.

Never carried one concealed until the Ohio CCW law was enacted. I have guns in my house / truck that I have for protection.

Also, have a couple SOG tactical tomahawks just in case I feel like recreating a scene from Last of the Mohicans.

Edited by Hydrant
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What? Its in the r&r section..

So if you're so concerned with personal safety, why ride a motorcycle? Wouldn't a volvo be a MUCH safer option?

for the same reason people drive a smart car or a scion IQ.... The cool factor man.

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What? Its in the r&r section..

So if you're so concerned with personal safety, why ride a motorcycle? Wouldn't a volvo be a MUCH safer option?

I don't really even like guns all that much (see rep ala "liberal dbag") And I own two. I bought them to protect my family. Sure they are sort of fun to shoot but ultimately the wife and I have them to protect, and to ward off boys from our daughters in about a dozen years.

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What? Its in the r&r section..

So if you're so concerned with personal safety, why ride a motorcycle? Wouldn't a volvo be a MUCH safer option?

Nope you're much more likely to be injured or killed in a cage

Reverse troll FTW!

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I think you are hunting for a premise that makes your dislike of guns seem valid; the wrong way to use the scientific method. IP hit it on the head: "bad shit doesn't check my schedule before it does its thing"

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I'll give you some ammo Magz.

When i was little I remember my dad taking down a wild dog that was eating our chickens. He was using an old bolt action .22 shooting downhill with open sights at a dog running full tilt diagonally across our property. He took one shot and scored a head shot at just under 100 yards.

Since then I've wanted to shoot that well. I haven't achieved it yet. As an avid hunter in his youth he had a talent. He put that talent to good use when he volunteered and did 3 tours in Vietnam as a Marine Grunt. Hes probably killed more people than most of us have seen this week. I joined the Corps because of him. I fucking love that guy.

Oh and my 14 year old has better groups than me most days. He's going to be a killer as well.

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My first few guns where for target shooting. Then I got into collecting for historical value. Once I moved from the country to the city, I purchased some for protection.

My collection ranges from a handgun that is only good to 25 feet up to a rifle with sights calibrated to 2,700 yards. A rifle that is 101 years old and pistols as new as last year. I like to joke with the guys at work that everyone in their own way stimulates the economy. I do it by purchasing dangerous weapons and keeping them out of the hands of idiots and politicians. :D

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