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buying guns for "protection" same as buying motorcycles for "fuel economy"?


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It's how I grew up. Life without guns would be unnatural to me. They're tools for hunting and protection, but I also enjoy them for sport and collection.

And yes, I bought my first bike for fuel economy. How can you argue against? I drove an F150 and got about 20mpg. Gas was $4.00 in 2008. I paid $2200 for a 2002 Nighthawk 250. I road it to work for 2000 miles in three months. Paid $70 in insurance. Got 65 MPG or so. Sold it for $2000 3 months later. In that time, I would have spent $800 in gas. Instead, I spent $70 on insurance (actually less since premium prorated to next bike), $200 loss on bike, and $124 in gas. I saved nearly $400 in those three months. That being said, if you're buying for economy, you can't get a litre bike or a Vmax. If you're looking for personal protection, you don't buy a 7mm bolt gun. But both will do the job. Even the 35MPG of a litre bike is better than most cages and a 7mm hunting rifle is better than a cell phone.

Edited by C-bus
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Hell I will play along. I bought my first gun for protection actually had my ccw before I ever fired a round (Indiana). Wife worked at the bank, the bank across the street got robbed , they murdered the loan officer which didn't even make the news. The robbers were stalking the tellers and other bank employees, following them home and getting what info they could and yhrn killing them. I had already applied for my ccw, but this expedited my gun purchase. We were followed for about 6 miles all around town one evening , and we only lived 1/2 mile from work but we zig zagged and went a different way home daily. We started shooting regularly my carry gun, and enjoyed the time together at the range. Next came a 22lr pistol for cheaper plinking well she didn't like sharing it so I bought one next. At this point all of my firearms are for protection and because I like guns! Shit its just relaxing and fun.

FYI you can blame my parents I wasn't even allowed a toy gun as a kid, now look at me.

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Magz I sincerely hope you or anyone else on here never has to use a gun for protection but should that need ever arise it would become clear why some of choose to carry guns.


I honestly hope I NEVER have to use a weapon in self defense , but if I'm put in that situation where its life and death I won't hesitate.

Smurfs live in a fictional make believe land that is only on your tv, and it is scripted. If life was scripted there would be no death or crime.

Magz guns aren't for everyone if you dont want one, don't buy one.

Edited by crb
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why can't it be for both?

I am a firm believer that 95% of motorcycle owners don't save any money by owning one (unless they get rid of their car and actually substitute their bike), but it can save cash if you look at it in the right context.

I owned a Ranger 4.0, and my EX-500 at the same time. I did several trips down to Dayton to visit people. I never rode the bike with enough regularity to actually cover its purchase price and ongoing maintenance, for the sake of that 400 mile (round trip) ride, I paid significantly less than I would have if I'd taken the truck (bike was getting 58 mpg, truck got more like 18).

The same is true for firearms. I buy and use them for fun, but they're still CAPABLE of providing protection if necessary, or in those rare situations where I actually need protecting.

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I bought my first gun to learn how to shoot then got my chl and got a carry weapon for protection. I'm actually looking to add another three guns to my small collection this year if I can. I use to be against guns till I wised up one day and said why fear and went and bought my first gun. It's kinds like an addiction you can't just have one ya know.

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"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself! They are the American people's Liberty Teeth and keystone under Independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere, restrains evil interference -- they deserve a place of honor with all that's good!"--President George Washington, in a speech to Congress. 7 January, 1790

"If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed."--Exodus 22:2

"When a strong man, fully armed, guards his house, his possessions are safe." -Luke 11:21

"Jesus said, 'But now whoever has a purse or a bag, must take it and whoever does not have a sword must sell his cloak and buy one.'" -Luke 22:36

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