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"Now thats justice for Trayvon."


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I had a tough time not noticing the black to white ratio. It saddened me that it was so blatantly obvious that I would notice, and that those who don't want to be discriminated against seem to do the most to live up to the stereotypes against them.

Shh, I tried stating this and got my bones jumped(granted I went into a lil more detail and wasnt quite as sensitive, but sent the same message)

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edit- Hard to believe I got a 100% on my english placement test and was put into honors englishes classes in college... :dunno:
Shh, I tried stating this and got my bones jumped(granted I went into a lil more detail and wasnt quite as sensitive, but sent the same message)

I see a disconnect somewhere... I didn't quite get that same message from your posts. I'll try to go back and re-read what you've posted with this in mind later, if time permits.

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Shh, I tried stating this and got my bones jumped(granted I went into a lil more detail and wasnt quite as sensitive, but sent the same message)

its not about not being sensitive, its about not being a complete and utter racist which as I said completely nullifies anything intelligent you may have said or want to say on the subject in the future

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I see a disconnect somewhere... I didn't quite get that same message from your posts. I'll try to go back and re-read what you've posted with this in mind later, if time permits.

no need, the message isn't the same whatsoever

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its not about not being sensitive, its about not being a complete and utter racist which as I said completely nullifies anything intelligent you may have said or want to say on the subject in the future

I dont see the racism :dunno: I stated some stereotypes and what I noticed from where I grew up... How is pointing out the obvious being racist? Is it cuz white people shouldn't say anything negative about black people? Does that constitute racism? is that what society deems racist? Not trying to be a.dick, but I truly dont see the racism or how there is.no relation to.what he said and i.said.... that was my whole point.... I just dont limit myself cus it might hurt someones feelings :dunno: sure I may be partially racist(as I stated b4) I wont willingly go into.the hood.... I wont go anyplace where im.the only white person.... ill treat a black guy with the same respect as a white guy though, I lost my virginity to a black chick, I have many black realitives, some black friends and always willing to help a stranger(yes, even if he is black) now do I profile? Hell ya I profile, black, wite, asian etc... If they LOOK like bad news I avoid them(unless they prove me wrong) I wouldnt go.into.a harley bar or.hang out with 1% cuz again I do profile and have some common sense, if it looks like bad news its probably bad news.

So again, I dont see a single racist statement I made(sure anything can be twisted around) I guess I just dont think like that. And like I said if the shoe was on the other foot I would of voiced my opinions and facts just the same.

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if you can't see it then you're not going to. Unlike my brethren I will not sit here and point out everything you're missing just for you to continue missing it. Mainly because I'm not at work bored but also because its not worth my time to argue about something that won't matter in 3 days anyway

I know what stereotyping is. I agree at times with said stereotypes when it comes to certain types but when you lay a blanket statement down in the open you're gonna get ridiculed or seen as racist. I could care less honestly if you're racist, partially racist or love everyone. It isnt going to change my way of thinking nor should anybody expect yours to be changed

Edited by Bad324
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if you can't see it then you're not going to. Unlike my brethren I will not sit here and point out everything you're missing just for you to continue missing it. Mainly because I'm not at work bored but also because its not worth my time to argue about something that won't matter in 3 days anyway

I know what stereotyping is, owning a taco cart and all. I agree at times with said stereotypes when it comes to certain types but when you lay a blanket statement down in the open you're gonna get ridiculed or seen as racist. I could care less honestly if you're racist, partially racist or love everyone. It is going to change my way of thinking nor should anybody expect yours to be changed


Love everyone. You don't have to like them, or condone their choices, but if we would love everyone, all this BS would stop. (Why do I feel like I'm in a John Lennon song all of a sudden?)

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Love everyone. You don't have to like them, or condone their choices, but if we would love everyone, all this BS would stop. (Why do I feel like I'm in a John Lennon song all of a sudden?)

GTFO with your long ponytail hair and peace and love hippie rhetoric!

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Your prob right, Im not seeing it cuz I wasnt raised to be intolerant and dont see the way other people see my views. all good though, I figured what I said wasnt gunna go over well in the first place cuz the truth hurts... Again, seen it first hand, I know its true. Its not something the media just makes up(although many would like to believe that) doesnt matter black on black, black on white, white on black whatever.... The Statistics dont lie... If someone needs me to do some research to back up(with proof) what I said that probably would only take a few minutes to do with google search.

Didnt read your edit b4 I posted this. But nehow back to watching netflix and eating my oinkadoodlemoo :)

Also normally wouldnt give a fuck bout defending my reasons, but shit what else do I have to do at work? I have waaaayy too much free time to make myself look like an ass on here :lol:

Edited by Exarch
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What about the Jews? Has no one mentioned the Jews? They control the media and most of the worlds kosher delis.

My oma was.in the. holocaust so ill stay away from jews and nazis on the off.chance she sees this... Although she is not jewish...

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When I was living in Maryland we were living in a pretty nice apartment complex until it started taking in low-income families, most of them black. Things went downhill after that and I have come to realize that black neighborhoods are the least civilized in our country. For some reason many young black males seem to think that having three or four "baby's mama's" is something to be proud of while these kids grow up in poverty, which perpetuates the cycle. I was crazy enough to run with a borderline psychotic black male when I was younger and we were a few seconds away from murdering an older gentleman at his suggestion after an argument that occurred in that man's apartment. Being in "the hood" if you're white will invite trouble, especially if you are minding your own business as I was, and don't ever think that you will have to fight just one. Fortunately, my buddy, the borderline psychotic, had my back despite my willingness to fight.

Always have a weapon on you whenever you are forced to enter a situation that may become hostile. The days of bare-knuckle brawls, one-on-one have gone the way of the Dodo. The other night my neighbors' friend, who is black, pulled up to our apartment complex blasting that hip-hop garbage at almost full volume. Why? Should I be impressed that you have a shitty musical preference that is mostly played in homes where baby #4 is being conceived despite having almost no income outside of public assistance? For every black male who is killed by a white male, there are 20 black males killed by fellow blacks. Is there some atavistic tendency to carry on the tribal wars of The Dark Continent? I don't see the race problems going away anytime soon so I merely work hard, keep to myself, ride as much as possible, and drink beer. It's a violent, sometimes chaotic world and I am a part of it, so I must adapt accordingly...

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Ok people, this is getting stupid. There are some very cool riders on here from all segments of the color wheel. I've lived long enough to know that there are great people of all colors and lazy fucks/thugs as well. Let's stop the generalizations.

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Your prob right, Im not seeing it cuz I wasnt raised to be intolerant and dont see the way other people see my views. all good though, I figured what I said wasnt gunna go over well in the first place cuz the truth hurts... Again, seen it first hand, I know its true

we know, we got it the first time. I'd venture to say a lot more people here have also seen it first hand by way of living situation, job or whatever the case may be. Hell, I lived basically in Over-The-Rhine for 4 years and then another 1.5 years on the edge of the hood. Granted to me pretty much the entire city limits of Cincinnati is ghetto (minus my beloved Hyde Park)

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