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Ever thought about just giving up and saying f**K it?


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Ever since I was 18, I've been working. I've been at my current job for 10 years, and it is becoming a dead-end quickly. I am surrounded by ass-kissing know-nothing jerkoffs that get ahead by being yes men. I hear from these people (that haven't really ever produced anything for this company- managers) that the only way I will get ahead is by getting a degree. I've proven many times over that I'm capable of doing much more than my education level, but the dickhead that is over everything is so hung up on his piece of paper from a well-respected school that it's pretty obvious I will never be qualified, whether I am or not. I have 2 kids at home, and if I go back to school I won't see them at all. Hell, I'm 36... by the time I'm done, I can retire! My life has been the same grind for years now. There is no light at the end of the tunnel any more. I've seriously considered killing myself lately, but I'm too much of a pussy, and I don't think God would like that too much. So, I'm thinking about becoming a non-productive member of society. Quit the job and let it all go to hell. It seems to work for some people. I assume a divorce is in my future, as well as losing all my stuff. I'll let you all know when the bikes go up for sale. I also have some guitars and drums and stuff. Circle the vultures!

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Maybe its tome for a career change, counceling, and well that's all I got. Suicide is never the answer think about your kids. I do feel your pain I'm sick of working my ads off just to see the recipient class swipe theory government card, and them pay cwdh for the tobacoo and alcohol. They them climb I'm their newer car than mine and drive off pumping the jams with their $5,000 sound system and $4,000+ tires and rims.

If you think a divorce is coming I recommend marriage counseling, not enough couples fight through the tough times in todays world.

If you and I quit how will the recipients eat and get all their "free stuff"

Edited by crb
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I don't think school has to be the answer, but never think you're too old to go back to school. I've had classes with people well into their 60s.

What do you do? Ever thought about just starting a new job? What makes you happy?

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Is there anyway you can change employers and not career fields? You seem to doing well though with a 09 Speed Triple and 07 Strom. I am getting my bachelors while working so it can be done and in a timely fashion. Look into Franklin University (its all online)...

Maybe its a good time to take this as an opportunity to change careers or use school for a new profession. There is a lot more to life than work. Take some time off and do something you really enjoy for a week or two and refocus on the positives.

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That's the problem. I really do know how to do a lot of stuff, but I don't have a degree and can't get my foot in the door. I've clawed my way to a position making decent money compared to my education, and once I quit this job I won't be able to find something comparable. And I really need a change in a bad way.

Thanks for the replies, and I'm sorry for the whining. I really shouldn't have anything to complain about, but man am I depressed lately. Having a hard time getting out of it for some reason.

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I feel you man. It's life of the working stiff. But you can't give up!

There is plenty of other shit out there to do. You just need to step up. Do something different. Go bold. Adopt a "can do" attitude and own it. You're down right now that's obvious, you need to get back up.

Also use this site to network. If your comfortable tell us what you do. Sebody might have a lead or point you in the right direction.

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You don't have to work 5 to enjoy 2 for the rest of your misearable days. There are alternatives. I gave up and so can you. The most liberating thing I've ever done. Whether you know it or not there are many out there who have also. This is your life and you don't owe shit to society (nor does it owe you). This isn't communist Russia. You'll be dead and forgotten soon enough so there is no time to waste not living YOUR life. More money at a different job is not going to fill that hole. Trust me.

Edited by ped
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I've left my current employer twice and the job is still a dead-end one with zero upward mobility. I'm not, however, leaving it because there are too many good things about it to go elsewhere for less pay, responsibility, and satisfaction despite the negatives.

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I've left my current employer twice and the job is still a dead-end one with zero upward mobility. I'm not, however, leaving it because there are too many good things about it to go elsewhere for less pay, responsibility, and satisfaction despite the negatives.

That's what I've been telling myself for like the last 5 years or so. I know what you're saying and I don't disagree- I'm in the same position. The problem is, I'm running out of ways to motivate myself and have a good attitude. I'm becoming somebody that is content to do the bare minimum, which is one reason I'm depressed- that's not who I am.

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I feel you man. It's life of the working stiff. But you can't give up!

There is plenty of other shit out there to do. You just need to step up. Do something different. Go bold. Adopt a "can do" attitude and own it. You're down right now that's obvious, you need to get back up.

Also use this site to network. If your comfortable tell us what you do. Sebody might have a lead or point you in the right direction.

I have been thinking this way at times. The problem I have is, my wife and I are both pretty low-risk people. It's not just my fears I have to overcome; I have to deal with her freaking out as well (understandably so- we have responsibilities). The thing is, I realize there is no reward without risk, but she's not in the same mindset.

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You don't have to work 5 to enjoy 2 for the rest of your misearable days. There are alternatives. I gave up and so can you. The most liberating thing I've ever done. Whether you know it or not there are many out there who have also. This is your life and you don't owe shit to society (nor does it owe you). This isn't communist Russia. You'll be dead and forgotten soon enough so there is no time to waste not living YOUR life. More money at a different job is not going to fill that hole. Trust me.

tell me more!

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What kind of work do you do?

Don't worry once the weather breaks and you get out some you should feel better. Don't give up, seems like there are a lot of people going through this samething and there are in our age group.also looks like a few people here carry how you feel too..

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Schooling isn't necessarily the answer either as there are many college educated people with big studentoan payments working for little over minimum wage. College is over rated today.

Have you considered finding some time for yourself? Take up a hobby, spend some time near nature.

I was in a slump too which is when I bought my bike. Don't get my wrong I make excellent money I wad just depressed.

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Electrical work. My range of knowledge is fairly broad, from pc board level circuit design to industrial controls (more toward the small-scale stuff), but I don't have a lot of experience. I'm working on getting a better handle on programming (C/C++) to do more embedded stuff and software design, but still have a way to go on that. I've done a lot of audio circuit design on my own... pretty good with analog design. I've done some control systems where I work to operate industrial conveyors and other systems. I currently do a lot of industrial electrical system design and autocad work. I've done a lot of design and documentation for systems going over to Europe and elsewhere that have to meet emissions and electrical standards. I've done pc board layout before.

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Dude.. swing by my place and we'll smoke a big' date=' fat blunt. Seriously, you need to smoke yourself retarded for an entire weekend. Come Monday... it's all cash and pussy.[/quote']

:D I never have in my life, but watch out or I might be on your doorstep, lol.

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You sound a bit frustrated... search the calssifieds/monster/etc.. for something that interests you, who cares if you don't have the education, you have experience, apply anyway... worst they can say is no, and you'll be no worse off than you are now, right?

best case scenario, you get an interview, they like your background and boom, more fulfilling job.

Edited by magley64
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Schooling isn't necessarily the answer either as there are many college educated people with big studentoan payments working for little over minimum wage. College is over rated today.

Have you considered finding some time for yourself? Take up a hobby, spend some time near nature.

I was in a slump too which is when I bought my bike. Don't get my wrong I make excellent money I wad just depressed.

I agree, but for what I know how to do, there are very few opportunities for someone without a degree. I've looked for months, and every single job I'm interested in they want a degree. It's my own fault... should have done it a long time ago, but that's another story for another day. Let's just say the opportunity wasn't there.

I've been trying to do the nature thing and it is helping to some extent.

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Are you certified in anything? Because electrical work and CNC programming, if I am not mistaken, look at certs almost as highly as a college degree depending on what certs you have. And those are a lot easier to get than a degree.

Also, the weed would help too :D

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I am surrounded by ass-kissing know-nothing jerkoffs that get ahead by being yes men.

fuck all the ass kissers out there, they can all suck my left nut.

I hear from these people (that haven't really ever produced anything for this company- managers) that the only way I will get ahead is by getting a degree.

busting ur ass doesnt mean shit nowadays, its totally fuckin redicilous.... Back.in the day(b4 my time) busting your ass meant everything

I've proven many times over that I'm capable of doing much more than my education level, but the dickhead that is over everything is so hung up on his piece of paper from a well-respected school that it's pretty obvious I will never be qualified, whether I am or not.

these corporate and management type of people have their heads so far up their asses they cant see what really matters

I have 2 kids at home, and if I go back to school I won't see them at all. Hell, I'm 36...

I've seriously considered killing myself lately, but I'm too much of a pussy, and I don't think God would like that.

im atheist, so the whole god thing is on you... But your seriously bitching about not.seeing your kids as much and.then talking about sucide? Seriously, I hope you realize you will never ever ever see.your kids again if.you go down that path. Seriously bro talk to a councler, there is no reason to kill yourself no.matter how bad you think your life is. Also think how fucked up your kids will.be, they are gunna have to explain why they have no dad to everyone and live with thay pain for the rest of their lives.

So, I'm thinking about becoming a non-productive member of society. Quit the job and let it all go to hell. It seems to work for some people.

yes, everyone loves a deadbeat dad and loves pitiful fucks begging for change on the side of the road. Thats no way to live.

I assume a divorce is in my future

a divorce isnt the end of the world, sure its tough but 51% of our population is divorced and they manage to get by. Also there are ways to figure this.shit out and people that can help, but thats only.if u 2 wanna work it out. Bte there are PLENTY of fish in thr sea

(bold comments) btw, lifes a bitch

im not sure what you do for a living, but here is 1 easy option. CDL <---- cheap to get em(7k with the school which u get a loan for and most companies pay it all back for u) OTR is good money, local is decent money.

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I agree, but for what I know how to do, there are very few opportunities for someone without a degree. I've looked for months, and every single job I'm interested in they want a degree. It's my own fault... should have done it a long time ago, but that's another story for another day. Let's just say the opportunity wasn't there.

I've been trying to do the nature thing and it is helping to some extent.

Taking classes a little ay a time might not be bad the price of school is outrageous! Just because they want a degree doesn't mean they won't hire you. Trust me. I've newb offered Jove without the "required degree". I wouldn't take put student loans to take classes as toy will be very depressed when the bill comes due. Once again trust me. Even your dream job won't help if you miss 4+ years of your kids life and wake up $80k+ more in debt. Trust me!

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(bold comments) btw, lifes a bitch

im not sure what you do for a living, but here is 1 easy option. CDL <---- cheap to get em(7k with the school which u get a loan for and most companies pay it all back for u) OTR is good money, local is decent money.

Jupiter would come into this thread with your bad info and nonsense.

Cdl is am option but be prepared to be gone for weeks for the first year. There are some bereft hometime options. I would take out a loan for $7k to do. Oh and I didn't. I make excellent money driving a truck but its not for everyone.

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Just because school isn't/wasn't an option for you doesn't make that so for everyone. There are tons of schools geared toward adults with kids and jobs. Speedy if you need help with looking for schools or info pm I can offer my experience.

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