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Ever thought about just giving up and saying f**K it?


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Ever consider being a volunteer? Some how even on my worst days I feel better after I have helped some one else.

That right there is good, sound advise - one key to kicking depression is getting past yourself and helping out other's is a good way to do it.

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The decision must come with motivation otherwise it is hollow. Many people must hit rock bottom before something stirrs them into change. Sometimes people are "scared straight", all I know is something just clicks in your head and that's when the decision is truely made.

I've experienced such a thing. After pretty much a lifetime of feeling sorry for myself for being very overweight; One day something clicked, I got on nutrisystem and lost nearly 70lbs in a matter of months. I don't know what motivated me, just after that morning in the shower before work I was all of a sudden dead set on doing it, and I did it. Had I made such a "decision" any other day I would not have followed through.

I'd say considering suicide is damn near a man's rock bottom. If he's down there, he's ready to make a decision to turn his shit around.

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Well when I was your age, I remember when them youngsters came and took my job and how livid I was. Then I just took a step back counted to 100 and bought a motorcycle to calm myself down. Greatest decision, then I went and got me a college education and then after 4 years I was promoted. Best decision of my life, you can do it sunny

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