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We had such a good day today! Weather was perfect, not too many riders, put in some solid laps, and our group kept all the bikes in one piece. Solid day. Oh, and I had Dave Moss set up my suspension, pretty sweet. It was nice to get back out to Beaver... I mean Pitt Race.

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Put a cock in it, Craig. :D

And I never blamed the suspension by itself. I didn't like the Q2's equally. Besides, I'm guessing this guy that ran 5s weighed what.....170ish? If I were inclined to drop 30lbs. I'm sure I could get into the 5s on Brandon's scooter. :rolleyes:

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i dont know if even your ass is big enough to back all that smack talk up, kevvy kev

My ass is big enough to squash you Sumo style my little Asian friend.

How's the bike coming along by the way?

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My ass is big enough to squash you Sumo style my little Asian friend.

How's the bike coming along by the way?

haha oh, you

i finished drilling the holes on the bolts and crap. the crush washer is on. still havent fixed the plastics lol

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was a good event with very small grids...there was MAYBE 30 riders total on Sunday if I was to guess. Only one crash all day, great weather. Was nice to have the services of Dave Moss for suspension tuning and Chris Peris for coaching available for those that were interested. It was cool to be able to go out during lunch also and watch Chris ride and see his apex and line selection. Overall I would say it is a good group and they seem to run a decent program, main thing that was affecting their turnout is lack of advertisement, being new group to the area, and WERA having a race weekend at Grattan.

Pictures from the pits:






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No one has mentioned it at all, but looking at those pics the parking area appears to be in great shape with the recent repave and work going on.

Yep entry road, hot, and cold pit have all been repaved. The pit area on the right (when driving in to cold pit) is paved all the way up to the curb. The area on the left where we have pitted before still has the grass to where you could put a tent up.

^this, it will be nice to be completely on pavement.

Also, I heard they fixed the bump into T1

Yep, it is noticeable when you go into T1 as you can see where it was grounded down, was a big surprise, but a good one.

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Put a cock in it, Craig. :D

And I never blamed the suspension by itself. I didn't like the Q2's equally. Besides, I'm guessing this guy that ran 5s weighed what.....170ish? If I were inclined to drop 30lbs. I'm sure I could get into the 5s on Brandon's scooter. :rolleyes:

5 minutes maybe. I'm not sure if the tires or suspension would be to your liking though.

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No body squeezed your dick there, McGyver. :D

You still haven't figured out how to make more power using only safety wire, duct tape, a metric socket set, and Craig's panties?!!??

:nono: I'm disappointed.

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Hey, Shitnugget. He's the one that rushed out to get it. I didn't have time to get it ready for him, besides I should have charged him more.

i thought you needed the money right away for you broken chevy? and here i thought i was helping. this is most hurtful.

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No body squeezed your dick there, McGyver. :D

You still haven't figured out how to make more power using only safety wire, duct tape, a metric socket set, and Craig's panties?!!??

:nono: I'm disappointed.

This doesn't even make sense? :confused:

I don't have any snarky reply or comeback, because I'm still trying to figure out wtf you're talking about. Everyone knows Craig doesn't wear any panties?

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I had an excellent time with track tactics this yesterday. They had cookies and shit for when you signed in and some other free food. Their control riders were constantly towing people around and helping the entire time. They would follow people out and give them tips. Some people would come by every now and then just to make sure we were having a good time and if we had any questions or needed any help. And to top it all off, the track "walk" and watching the AMA guy ride was an EXCELLENT idea and I wish other orgs would do this. It helped me seeing an AMA pro ride the track and watching his lines, and I am sure it helped everyone else very much. I could tell they really cared about the riders and making sure everyone had the best possible time.

A+++ I wish these guys did more track days around here

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