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Need a Real Estate Agent Recommendation


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The Fiancee and I are looking for a house, really want a fenced in yard, blah blah blah. Never bought a house before, never really looked for one. Does anyone have a trusted agent that can find us a good house for a good price. We have a budget in mind and want someone willing to work within that budget. Thanks in advance

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Makes sure your agent is a "Realtor" (individually a memebr of the national association of realtors) they have higher ethical standards than just a real estate agent...

don't bee fooled by agencies that are members who's agents are not...

IIRC there is a agency that was listed on here as screwing with one of our members, so i'd avoid them for sure.

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Chris Harpster, Revealty Real Estate. (click)

Used him as a buyer's agent to get the latest property last May. His website has a search tool which is a map - you drill down to area(s) in which you're looking and you'll see all the properties for sale. Has all of the usual filters: price, bedrooms, etc.

Nice guy, always on time, did all of the paperwork w/o any issues, did my negotiating, all the things you want a Realtor to do, he did.

Best thing is he's got an electronic signature thing - no more having to meet every time you have to sign something (which is every single time you make any adjustments to an offer).

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Don't use an agent. Go with a real estate attorney, do the searching yourself, have the sellers agent earn their 3% and show you their listing for whatever home you want to see.

It takes a little more time, but you can take 3% off the top of any home price and it's a full price offer. (This because the seller usually has to pay 6% combined to both the agents). If you write in your offer (which your real estate attorney will help you write up) that you're considering 3% off the top a full price offer, because their sellers agent should only net 3% on the deal - the sellers agent is obligated by law to show it to their clients. Only the most unscrupulous agents wouldn't agree to that - at that point, they should only take their due 3% instead of the full 6 when the buyers don't have an agent.

I'm in my 3rd home, bought and sold each one without an agent. It's literally saved me 10's of thousands of dollars.

Oh, and a real estate attorney will usually do the whole thing (along with being there at closing) for $500ish.

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