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#OccupyCleveland can blow me.


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I think that was pretty well blown long ago.


Also, if you go to occupycleveland.com and look for the disclaimer post about the bombers...the look at the post right below that you will see a video that promently features one of the bombers.

I want to know why this isn't national news.

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I want more info on how these guys got hooked up with Mr. FBI Informant before I completely weigh in on this. With the amount of agent provocateurs LE's been throwing at Occupy, something's not passing the smell test. That being said...

Unf***ing beleveable...go get a job you bastards

What makes you think they didn't have a job to begin with? Surely you have evidence to support your well-researched opinion?

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From the pics I saw of these 5 guys, I'm not surprised the got caught, they don't look to bright.

Which is why I want to know more about their connection with the explosives guy. I understand that Occupy is slowly being undermined by the anarchist community (of which these guys were most certainly members by the looks of it), however I'm not following the mental gymnastics from slacktivist anarchist to flagrant destruction of a public landmark. It's like being a meticulous saver all your life then one day you suddenly show up someplace with a massive diamond encrusted chain and sporting a set of grillz. Doesn't follow.

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Which is why I want to know more about their connection with the explosives guy. I understand that Occupy is slowly being undermined by the anarchist community (of which these guys were most certainly members by the looks of it), however I'm not following the mental gymnastics from slacktivist anarchist to flagrant destruction of a public landmark. It's like being a meticulous saver all your life then one day you suddenly show up someplace with a massive diamond encrusted chain and sporting a set of grillz. Doesn't follow.

^ Conspiracy theorist? I think so.

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^ Conspiracy theorist? I think so.

Please. This is a tactic used by police both here and abroad, like in the G20 summit in London which is being investigated by a MP. The NYPD used this on the Occupy protests.

Besides, the staggering amount of mental gymnastics you people come up with as far as liberals and gun control laws blow anything that I could conjure right out of the water.

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I can tell those guys that belong to the occupy movement don't have a job because every hard working motherfucker doesn't have time to sit in a warehouse and plot bridge bombings. Worthless sacks of shit... All of them.

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Please. This is a tactic used by police both here and abroad, like in the G20 summit in London which is being investigated by a MP. The NYPD used this on the Occupy protests.

Besides, the staggering amount of mental gymnastics you people come up with as far as liberals and gun control laws blow anything that I could conjure right out of the water.

what do you mean, you people?

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I gotta say I love the broad brush painting going on in here... as if somehow an entire movement is now a terrorist movement because 5 of it's members illegedly tried to bomb a bridge...

By that same measure, the pro-life movement is just as bad...

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I want more info on how these guys got hooked up with Mr. FBI Informant before I completely weigh in on this. With the amount of agent provocateurs LE's been throwing at Occupy, something's not passing the smell test.

From a legal standpoint I agree. However, once they were approached they had a choice. Call the cops or go along with the plan. And then you REALLY need to remember the last choice they made in this process, they decided to push a button that they completely believed would blow up a bridge and everyone on it.

They are scum for that reason alone.

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I gotta say I love the broad brush painting going on in here... as if somehow an entire movement is now a terrorist movement because 5 of it's members illegedly tried to bomb a bridge...

By that same measure, the pro-life movement is just as bad...

Actually in this thread we are only blasting the Cleveland chapter. No one tied this to the national movement. But now that you have brought it up lettuce discuss that in detail.

There have been some very serious riots in Seattle, and some pretty big ones San Fran, Oakland, LA and Atlanta. In DC they beat the crap out of some National Park guards. There have been numerous reports of rapes in the camps. One of them in Cleveland of an underage mentally challenged girl. And three murders and over 500 arrests for theft. Close to 7000 arrests overall.

And 12 million dollars in property damage.

Yep, there are some real pro-life nut jobs that need to fry. But Occupy is making them look like angels.

Edited by Tonik
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I want more info on how these guys got hooked up with Mr. FBI Informant before I completely weigh in on this. With the amount of agent provocateurs LE's been throwing at Occupy, something's not passing the smell test. That being said...

What makes you think they didn't have a job to begin with? Surely you have evidence to support your well-researched opinion?

I initially thought this whole occupy stuff was bullshit but then I started reading more and I'm not as against it as much as i used to be. Granted there are some bad apples there just looking for their hand out and that's to be expected, but I'm seeing a lot of similarity between what is being said these protests and what the tea party had to offer. If you step back and look its all the same just a different route to getting there. My favorite guys were the ones with the wooden cut outs of guns protesting New York's gun policies.

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Actually in this thread we are only blasting the Cleveland chapter.

chapters are just a function of location, am i right?

or are there people from houston and san francisco coming to occupy cleveland?

are the individual chapters somehow intrinsically different?:confused:

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I initially thought this whole occupy stuff was bullshit but then I started reading more and I'm not as against it as much as i used to be. Granted there are some bad apples there just looking for their hand out and that's to be expected, but I'm seeing a lot of similarity between what is being said these protests and what the tea party had to offer. If you step back and look its all the same just a different route to getting there. My favorite guys were the ones with the wooden cut outs of guns protesting New York's gun policies.

I'm so disappointed.............. I had such high hopes for you.... lol

I'm not sure what you've been reading but my understanding of this movement is purely socialist. They believe they can use the disguise of anarchist's to bring down capitalism to the point that Obama will have to nationalize most business. In effect, putting all those mean, nasty, evil job creators out of business and giving the government total control over the economy so we can all finally live in their socialist utopia where productivity is punished and non-productivity is rewarded. But hey..... at least we are all equals right?........... well except for the liberals who get to run things and oppress or kill anyone who wants to change things or keep what they earn. The ones in charge usually live pretty good.

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I'm so disappointed.............. I had such high hopes for you.... lol

I'm not sure what you've been reading but my understanding of this movement is purely socialist. They believe they can use the disguise of anarchist's to bring down capitalism to the point that Obama will have to nationalize most business. In effect, putting all those mean, nasty, evil job creators out of business and giving the government total control over the economy so we can all finally live in their socialist utopia where productivity is punished and non-productivity is rewarded. But hey..... at least we are all equals right?........... well except for the liberals who get to run things and oppress or kill anyone who wants to change things or keep what they earn. The ones in charge usually live pretty good.

2/10. You've lost a step, your trolls used to be so much better.

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:lol: I'm not as opposed to shutting them down I guess. If we take away their right to protest that's another step down the road of losing liberties. The socialist side of it I'm definitely against ... like I said the ones there with their hands out wanting their share instead of working for it. It seems that the media like everything else they cover only go for the super crazy. They don't cover the ones there who actually make sense just like at the tea party rallies.
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I'm so disappointed.............. I had such high hopes for you.... lol

I'm not sure what you've been reading but my understanding of this movement is purely socialist. They believe they can use the disguise of anarchist's to bring down capitalism to the point that Obama will have to nationalize most business. In effect, putting all those mean, nasty, evil job creators out of business and giving the government total control over the economy so we can all finally live in their socialist utopia where productivity is punished and non-productivity is rewarded. But hey..... at least we are all equals right?........... well except for the liberals who get to run things and oppress or kill anyone who wants to change things or keep what they earn. The ones in charge usually live pretty good.


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