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Sweet, losing my job...


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U know how long they dicked me around with this training? I was off my other job for 3 Weeks during shut down, I tried to get it in then(this was back in January) and they are just getting back to me now... 4 months later...

I'm not asking for a pity party or for anyone to feel bad for me, but I am certainly am entitled to bitch about it, am I not? I ALWAYS drop what I am doing to come into work when I am called at any job, but not coming in because I'm not willing to risk getting fired from another job? I have to do right by both jobs, I don't intend to screw either one over, but I'm being put between a rock and a hard place here.

You don't get it - you're the one having the pity party and I have ZERO pity for you. I just wanted to make that crystal clear.

FYI, your attitude is your problem and thinking you're making "sacrifices"...you're not.

I'm on call 24/7/365 for my employer while entrusted with a multi-million dollar portfolio of assets while doing the work of two employees and I don't bitch about it, I just do what is and isn't asked of me because it is always the right thing to do.

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You don't get it - you're the one having the pity party and I have ZERO pity for you. I just wanted to make that crystal clear.

FYI, your attitude is your problem and thinking you're making "sacrifices"...you're not.

I'm on call 24/7/365 for my employer while entrusted with a multi-million dollar portfolio of assets while doing the work of two employees and I don't bitch about it,] I just do what is and isn't asked of me because it is always the right thing to do.

Hard to do when you have to be at 2 places at once... I tried to make a compromise, I told them I could show up 10-15min late, but that was a no go. Unless I magically gain the power to transport I cannot clock out, get changes, drive 10miles, and make it 1/2 way across the building in 0minutes, thats just not gunna happen...

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I didnt read the screw your boss thread, will tomorrow though, I can only guess it is fucking epic.

BUT, working 2 jobs just doesn't work unless you have a boss that is totally understanding. It sounds like if the other thread delivers like I am sure it will, then you knew ahead of time he didn't give 2 fucks what you had planned to work with the other job.

As a reminder, normally having 1 FT job is a good thing, a 2nd PT job is good too, BUT your 1st FT job obviouslly gets priority. If that means calling off the PT job at the last minute to make whatever training it is, even with a days notice, you do it.

The FT job pays benefits etc. PT doesn't.

I'm a corp. puppet like IP said and I fucking hate it, however it pays me well, and it's entry level, meaning advancement is there. I do what I have to do, and then I leave. I worked a PT job, for a while too and they asked me to work several times I said no because I knew my work was not done at FT job. You get it done, you miss the PT job, you do what you have to do.

Also I pray that you don't post all this shit from your work PC through the day, because if you did/do, then you got yourself fired. Even reading it while signed in etc. Trust me, they are watching.

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I didnt read the screw your boss thread, will tomorrow though, I can only guess it is fucking epic.

BUT, working 2 jobs just doesn't work unless you have a boss that is totally understanding. It sounds like if the other thread delivers like I am sure it will, then you knew ahead of time he didn't give 2 fucks what you had planned to work with the other job.

As a reminder, normally having 1 FT job is a good thing, a 2nd PT job is good too, BUT your 1st FT job obviouslly gets priority. If that means calling off the PT job at the last minute to make whatever training it is, even with a days notice, you do it.

The FT job pays benefits etc. PT doesn't.

I'm a corp. puppet like IP said and I fucking hate it, however it pays me well, and it's entry level, meaning advancement is there. I do what I have to do, and then I leave. I worked a PT job, for a while too and they asked me to work several times I said no because I knew my work was not done at FT job. You get it done, you miss the PT job, you do what you have to do.

Also I pray that you don't post all this shit from your work PC through the day, because if you did/do, then you got yourself fired. Even reading it while signed in etc. Trust me, they are watching.

I post from my personal phone. Both are FT jobs, this job pays less than the other job and this job has said no to me giving a 2week notice to attend a emoloyee/member golf outting at my other job.

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If this job is truly going to be the better job, and one that you will keep over the other, take the hit and call off from the other to take the class. MOST places will understand if you ASK them to head out a little early, say an hour? Have you tried that?

Sort of related: In my current job, before I even accepted the job, I had a stipulation that once a week I have to take a 2-2 1/2 hour lunch to take my kid somewhere. It wasn't even a hesitation on their part to say no problem.

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Sorry about your luck, and best of luck with the job search.

I do agree with the others though. You should always prioritize the FT job over the PT.

IMO, you had already missed the training twice. You're lucky you weren't fired earlier.

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If this job is truly going to be the better job, and one that you will keep over the other, take the hit and call off from the other to take the class. MOST places will understand if you ASK them to head out a little early, say an hour? Have you tried that?

Sort of related: In my current job, before I even accepted the job, I had a stipulation that once a week I have to take a 2-2 1/2 hour lunch to take my kid somewhere. It wasn't even a hesitation on their part to say no problem.

I can't just take off early it would depend on the current situation.

They agreed to my terms aswell, before I got hired, but obviously they don't stand by their word...

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Sorry about your luck, and best of luck with the job search.

I do agree with the others though. You should always prioritize the FT job over the PT.

IMO, you had already missed the training twice. You're lucky you weren't fired earlier.

Both are FT... Morning job pays more... Of course I missed it twice... They tell you a day in advance, not my fault they schedule me without asking(btw, that isn't on my 40hour schedule, they "schedule" you with a phone call.. Its more if a "demand" than a "schedule" )

I work 3pm - 11pm mon-Fri regardless and that is the ONLY thing that my schedule reflects... This "schedule" he is referring to is more/less a phone call asking you to work over, which i'm not legally obligated to do since it is not in writing :dunno:

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I can't just take off early it would depend on the current situation.

They agreed to my terms aswell, before I got hired, but obviously they don't stand by their word...

This is lol worthy. You aren't some corporate bigwig that has an employment contract, you are a simple drone the same as most of us. Ohio is an employment-at-will state, your job can be terminated at any time for virtually any reason. Unless, of course, if you can prove unlawful termination due to discrimination or in violation of statutes such as whistleblower (good luck with that), or you have a signed and agreed employment contract ahead of time which allows for severability under certain conditions or for cause. You have none of those.

This is how jobs work. You agree to their terms by showing up for work and doing what they ask of you, and they agree to your terms by giving you money. When one of those things stops happening, you should have a pretty good idea where your current employee status sits.

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This makes 2 or 3 days in a row now I have allowed myself to be sucked into reading pages and pages of your babbling. At least before I could say it was because it was in the gun threads and I was hoping for some morsel of intelligent conversation or gun talk. Whats my excuse now?? I need help.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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Just how many epic threads can this dude have? :popcorn:

More than one can fathom ;)

This makes 2 or 3 days in a row now I have allowed myself to be sucked into reading pages and pages of your babbling. At least before I could say it was because it was in the gun threads and I was hoping for some morsel of intelligent conversation or gun talk. Whats my excuse now?? I need help.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

Your another one of my fanboys :dunno:

I have many followers here, most hate, but they are followers none the less. I know I don't read threads that arn't interesting to me. I cannot see how people can trash my posts, but yet continue to read every single one of them. Oh and whats next? they read every thread I make/post in :dunno: I think they have me on subscribe or something :confused:

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Youre so right. Being the OR whipping boy is a job you were born to do. Too bad the only pay is your silent unspoken tears and the inevitable collapse of your e-persona. If only you could perform at your real job with the same level of... competence.

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2 jobs and you still have time to troll this site? You are the reason I wont become a member and rarely get on here anymore.. I hope I never meet you in person...

Go fuck yourself crybaby:cry:

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This is awesome... And I got chewed out for saying screw my boss from alot of people here? Well looks like he screwed me pretty good here, what do you have to say to that?

I say that if you actually said any of the bullshit you claim to have said to him you would be gone already. Walk away. Save them they hassle of firing you.

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I say that if you actually said any of the bullshit you claim to have said to him you would be gone already. Walk away. Save them they hassle of firing you.

I believe this whole training scheduling issue is a polite way of this company telling him to go fuck himself within the Ohio employment laws.

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2 jobs and you still have time to troll this site? You are the reason I wont become a member and rarely get on here anymore.. I hope I never meet you in person...

Go fuck yourself crybaby:cry:

Uh, dude? If you are posting on here, you are already a member.

There is no initiation ritual....but there should be.

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