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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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In all seriousness Magz.

I'm in agreement with you on this topic. I don't always see eye you eye with your opinions. But I don't think less of you for having them.

As a person of faith I find this a very difficult topic to discuss. I know what the book tells me, and what society tells me. But I don't agree with it at all. Pretty hotly debated topic in my household.

I'm not going to tell two people who love one another that they can't. Why shouldn't everyone be given the same right to love someone. Not my job to judge them, and cast them aside as second rate citizens. No person deserves that. Doesn't matter who they like, what color they are, who they pray or don't pray to, they are still our neighbors. I was told to love and to forgive. Not to restrict, and hate.

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Agree, There's time to change, if you're done being a dush. everyone here would welcome a change of your tune and move on because we're not pricks and just like to enjoy the site and humorous babbling.

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I don't know if I said it in this thread or not but I've said it a million times...

If the gays want to ruin one of the best things they have going, I think we should let them if they are that adamant about it and learn for themselves what a mistake they are making.

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Obviously you don't know what a joke is and your a fanboy who reads every little word I type, so u obviously know my mom and her ENTIRE side of the family is Catholic.

If your Catholic you can expect a little boy joke from me, no exceptions. It's not my fault it keeps happening...

Nah, I don't post in every thread, infact I may only post in 2 or 3 threads a day or create my own thread, but there you are every single time. You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

has anyone suggested to you that maybe you should walk around 24/7 with your helmet on? I'm afraid to see what anymore brain damage could do to you

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In all seriousness Magz.

I'm in agreement with you on this topic. I don't always see eye you eye with your opinions. But I don't think less of you for having them.

As a person of faith I find this a very difficult topic to discuss. I know what the book tells me, and what society tells me. But I don't agree with it at all. Pretty hotly debated topic in my household.

I'm not going to tell two people who love one another that they can't. Why shouldn't everyone be given the same right to love someone. Not my job to judge them, and cast them aside as second rate citizens. No person deserves that. Doesn't matter who they like, what color they are, who they pray or don't pray to, they are still our neighbors. I was told to love and to forgive. Not to restrict, and hate.

(Same as the rep I left)

Kudos to you, living the spirit of your faith, not a slave to the dogma of it's hierarchy.

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I don't know why I bother stooping to y'alls level, hate if you want. If you think it's fun or cool to bash others then so be it. Not my style, dunno why I would lower my standards and hate back.

Continue bashing me, I'll just take it and leave it at that. There is no winner in a situation like this, everyone is just a loser. But I do promise this, if one of you wants to talk bad about my wife or kids(happened twice on here now) to my face I guarantee I will wipe that smerk off your face. It's one thing to bad mouth me, but no one and I mean no one bad mouths my family, that is where I draw the line.

And I swear if one of you hateful guys bad mouth my dad at a bike night just because he has CP I will deal with that personally as well, wouldn't be the first time someone opened their mouth to the wrong person making fun of others. I'm sorry everyone wasn't born the same way, it's nobodys place to judge others based on a handicap.

There I have layed my cards down, feel free to bad mouth me, but leave my family out of it. I wish people would keep their negative thoughts to themselves, but if you are going to preach your hate I'd rather it be against me.

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So religion is ok to bad mouth then? :dunno:

Pretty sure no one here is going to make fun of someone cause they have a disability of any kind, (if I remember there's a guy on here that is a paraplegic and still rides a bike) and from what I've seen bout people talking bout your wife and kids is cause of the way you present yourself on here and the only ones I've seen have been along the lines of "god help them" not that I've followed every thread you post in so I could be wrong if so feel free to quote the post with said hate full things in here.

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I don't know why I bother stooping to y'alls level, hate if you want. If you think it's fun or cool to bash others then so be it. Not my style, dunno why I would lower my standards and hate back.

Continue bashing me, I'll just take it and leave it at that. There is no winner in a situation like this, everyone is just a loser. But I do promise this, if one of you wants to talk bad about my wife or kids(happened twice on here now) to my face I guarantee I will wipe that smerk off your face. It's one thing to bad mouth me, but no one and I mean no one bad mouths my family, that is where I draw the line.

And I swear if one of you hateful guys bad mouth my dad at a bike night just because he has CP I will deal with that personally as well, wouldn't be the first time someone opened their mouth to the wrong person making fun of others. I'm sorry everyone wasn't born the same way, it's nobodys place to judge others based on a handicap.

There I have layed my cards down, feel free to bad mouth me, but leave my family out of it. I wish people would keep their negative thoughts to themselves, but if you are going to preach your hate I'd rather it be against me.

1) we stooped to YOUR level, I'd be ashamed if I cared

2) I win at everything so you're wrong again

3) I highly highly doubt there is a single person on this board that would make fun of your dad due to a handicap out of his control. We make fun of you're stupidity because it is in your control to change that so unless I missed a comment I have no idea where that is coming from so its irrelevant and screams "im beat so give me sympathy"

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1) we stooped to YOUR level, I'd be ashamed if I cared

2) I win at everything so you're wrong again

3) I highly highly doubt there is a single person on this board that would make fun of your dad due to a handicap out of his control. We make fun of you're stupidity because it is in your control to change that so unless I missed a comment I have no idea where that is coming from so its irrelevant and screams "im beat so give me sympathy"

Boom goes the dynamite.

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So religion is ok to bad mouth then? :dunno:

Pretty sure no one here is going to make fun of someone cause they have a disability of any kind, (if I remember there's a guy on here that is a paraplegic and still rides a bike) and from what I've seen bout people talking bout your wife and kids is cause of the way you present yourself on here and the only ones I've seen have been along the lines of "god help them" not that I've followed every thread you post in so I could be wrong if so feel free to quote the post with said hate full things in here.

I'm not saying they will or will not make fun of someone with a disability, I'm just saying don't do it around me, especially in person. I have had in the past people say something to me not knowing my father has CP(including a couple friends) I find it very very disrespectful and I don't appreciate it in the least bit. I wouldn't be surprised though if someone here would say something though.

I'm not badmouthing anyones religion, I just made a joke about Catholics, I'm sorry if it offended some people. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but like I said the joke does hold some truth, which is very sad. I cannot believe someone who preaches the word of God could do something like that, but it does happen.

I have stated religion is a good thing, it gives people hope and that is all that matters. But, sometimes people take their religion too far and try to use it against other people, unfortunately.

I have no reason to bring up quotes, a joke is one thing, but when someone says something negative about my family it's a whole nother story. I just ask people not to talk bad about my family please, keep the negative comments directed away from them.

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I'm not saying they will or will not make fun of someone with a disability, I'm just saying don't do it around me, especially in person. I have had in the past people say something to me not knowing my father has CP(including a couple friends) I find it very very disrespectful and I don't appreciate it in the least bit. I wouldn't be surprised though if someone here would say something though.

if you're that concerned and unsurprised maybe you shouldn't associate with "the people here" Seems like too much logic for you though:dunno:

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I just made a joke about CP, I'm sorry if it offended some people. I didn't think it was that big of a deal

Goes both ways, didn't offend me personally as Ive been hearing those lame ass jokes for years now

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Goes both ways, didn't offend me personally as Ive been hearing those lame ass jokes for years now

ah yes he's the typical disher and not a taker. This makes sense now as well

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Goes both ways, didn't offend me personally as Ive been hearing those lame ass jokes for years now

I don't mind a joke, but outright making fun of someone is something different. I'm not going to dislike someone for their religion or disability or whatever. I used to do volunteer work at a Jewish daycare and I can tell you this, them Jewish kids are well behaved. Their parents seem to be doing a good job raising them, but I'll still crack a Jew joke here and there infront of Jewish peoole, but I wouldn't talk about any of them behind their backs.

Now if I were to see a handicap person and started mimicking the way they walk or talk that goes way beyond a joke. There is a line I won't cross, but if I offend someone all they have to so is let me know and I'll respect the way they feel.

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Wtf are you talking about? Did anyone actually insult your dad? I don't think so. And you volunteered at a Jewish day care? I've never seen someone who has done/seen/knows as many things as you.

I would like to challenge you to go 1 full day without posting on this forum. Just 1. I think you would last 45 minutes.

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Wtf are you talking about? Did anyone actually insult your dad? I don't think so. And you volunteered at a Jewish day care? I've never seen someone who has done/seen/knows as many things as you.

I would like to challenge you to go 1 full day without posting on this forum. Just 1. I think you would last 45 minutes.

I never said anyone here did, now did I? I said it wouldn't surprise me considering the quantity of people here that like to bash on others to make them feel better about themselves.

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