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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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the amount of alcohol I've had tonight either didn't make me and dumber or didn't make Extinct any smarter. I was hoping this would help me understand things and it still has not so I guess I'll just never be that illogical

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why did dad having CP even come into this convo? What does that have to do with anything at all???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Just more of exarch's adhd posting... He has no focus, just verbal diarrhea.

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Let's get this Gay shit pushed through so we can move on to legalizing multiple sister marriages and making Real Dolls Legal US Citizens.

More important shit awaits!

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Let's get this Gay shit pushed through so we can move on to legalizing multiple sister marriages and making Real Dolls Legal US Citizens.

More important shit awaits!

Polygamy is already cool for the utards

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Ya...wait a minute... Why can't I marry my brother, sister, mom or dad! My rights are being trampled on dammit!

I've got no problem with that, if you're all of consenting ages respectively, marry whoever you want.

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Weak. So to get equal benefits I have to be like someone else, do what someone else does. Maybe marriage benefits were designed to help people raise families originally.

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Weak. So to get equal benefits I have to be like someone else, do what someone else does. Maybe marriage benefits were designed to help people raise families originally.

and who's to say 2 men or 2 women can't raise a family?

I have the right to race motorcycles, it's my own skill and ability that dictates how successful I am, not an arbitrary and baseless law.

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U get no benefits from the gubment for riding? My vote would be to remove all benefits from marriage. Their should also be no law within marriage tying eachother to one another financially in any way. What's yours is yours and what's mine is mine unless given to you. No difference,single or married. It's not like we have a population problem to begin with.

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U get no benefits from the gubment for riding? My vote would be to remove all benefits from marriage. Their should also be no law within marriage tying eachother to one another financially in any way. What's yours is yours and what's mine is mine unless given to you. No difference,single or married. It's not like we have a population problem to begin with.

I agree whole heartedly with that statement.

Edited by magley64
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U get no benefits from the gubment for riding? My vote would be to remove all benefits from marriage. Their should also be no law within marriage tying eachother to one another financially in any way. What's yours is yours and what's mine is mine unless given to you. No difference,single or married. It's not like we have a population problem to begin with.

That has been my point all along!

While changing baseless laws I want all public nudity laws changed. We were all born naked and should have the freedom to be naked anytime anywhere!

Secondly police officers get to carry their personal firearm loaded pm their person I'm all 50 states. Why don't the rest us get thay right? Where is the equality.

Thirdly end affirmative action equity is equal NOT equal plus a little. I was denied a job because a minority got a higher score on the exam with his minority bonus points. Where is my equality? Why do minority or women owned companies get preference on government conttacts? How about that equality?

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That minority stuff is for the birds. I see it in business all the time. Gubment funded facilities must use a minority supplier for this or that....or, not must, but it benefits them to use a minority supplier/contractor in some manner so it's make the choice easy for them.

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I've been out of town, so I haven't been able to post anything, but I just read through this thread, and it included some really good points, and some of the dumbest shit I've ever read.

This kind of stuck out to me (I'm not saying it's a great point or that it's stupid, it really seems like neither to me):

If you believe in evolution or Darwinism, homosexuality serves no purpose. It doesn't provide any advantage to natural selection or the survivial of a species. If any species adapted/evolved to be homosexual it would be extinct, right?

That is not a pro or anti gay statement, more a comment on the Nature vs Nurture debate (I tend to believe nurture, but who knows), which has been going on for hundreds of years and isn't going to stop anytime soon.

I'm really surprised that someone could come to this conclusion. It would seem that after only a couple of minutes of thought, one might consider that homosexuality would be a great way to control an already booming population naturally. If an entire species evolved to be homosexual, sure, that species would go extinct. On the other hand, if a small segment of the population had no desire to physically procreate, you drastically reduce the use of natural resources.

The math is pretty simple.

Make the (probably erroneous) assumption that, since there are 4,000,000 gay people in the US, there are 2 million couples that cannot procreate.

If a couple has two kids, and those two kids each have two kids, and so on and so forth, you're talking about a thousand descendants over 10 generations. Not all that bad. But when you consider back to the 2,000,000 non-procreating hypothetical couples that we have today, you're talking about two billion descendants over 10 generations, just in the US.

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