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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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It doesn't matter what you would say Gump. Its never good enough for some of these guys because they just cant accept someone having another opinion.

Gump is in the right ;)

However, you sir are full of hot air...

Gump is a big boy and can form his own opinion and ideals.

You on the other hand keep babbling about some bullshit you heard at church, which youself even said you sin on purpose all the time, but yet it is wrong for others to sin? You sir are so hypocritical it's not even funny.

Oh my beliefs and the Bible say gays are a sin... Oh btw I break those rules, but I am above the church, these queers need to quit sinning...

Get over yourself dude, I'm not one to bash other people, so I won't bash you, but you are a major hypocrite. Your religion is obviously a joke to you and you sir are a disgrace to your religion. What would your God have to say about this?

I'm calling this as I see it, if it offends you then so be it, but you need a serious reality check. Everyone isn't you and everyone doesn't want to be like you, no matter how much you want to believe it. So, again, get over yourself and your closed minded view of life and other peoples choices.

As a man that joined and volunteered twice I can tell you I didn't join for no reason. I joined because it was MY choice... Yes thats right, so pricks like you wouldn't have to be drafted. Alone I am nothing and did absolutely nothing for my country, but as a whole we stand united. And maybe one day that queer you hate so much will be defending your country, oh wait he already is. Maybe one day a queer will save your life, will you turn down his help because it goes against your beliefs?(which u dont care too much for anyhow by what you have said)

People are just people, nothing more, nothing less. Every man, woman, and child should.have equal rights until they fuck up and get sent to jail/prison.

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So, now that the appropriate levels of extremism has been reached, can we talk about clothes hangering some babies out of a vagina yet? It's my body, biatch, I'll do what I want!

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Gump is in the right ;)

However, you sir are full of hot air...

Gump is a big boy and can form his own opinion and ideals.

You on the other hand keep babbling about some bullshit you heard at church, which youself even said you sin on purpose all the time, but yet it is wrong for others to sin? You sir are so hypocritical it's not even funny.

Oh my beliefs and the Bible say gays are a sin... Oh btw I break those rules, but I am above the church, these queers need to quit sinning...

Get over yourself dude, I'm not one to bash other people, so I won't bash you, but you are a major hypocrite. Your religion is obviously a joke to you and you sir are a disgrace to your religion. What would your God have to say about this?

I'm calling this as I see it, if it offends you then so be it, but you need a serious reality check. Everyone isn't you and everyone doesn't want to be like you, no matter how much you want to believe it. So, again, get over yourself and your closed minded view of life and other peoples choices.

As a man that joined and volunteered twice I can tell you I didn't join for no reason. I joined because it was MY choice... Yes thats right, so pricks like you wouldn't have to be drafted. Alone I am nothing and did absolutely nothing for my country, but as a whole we stand united. And maybe one day that queer you hate so much will be defending your country, oh wait he already is. Maybe one day a queer will save your life, will you turn down his help because it goes against your beliefs?(which u dont care too much for anyhow by what you have said)

People are just people, nothing more, nothing less. Every man, woman, and child should.have equal rights until they fuck up and get sent to jail/prison.

I am amazed at how hypocritical you are. You insist on putting words in my mouth and assume my position is something other than what it is no matter how many times I spell it out. That kind of behavior is typical in my experience of extreme leftists, which maybe you are. I apologize if somehow you misconstrued my words as being critical of homosexuals. I did not intend to insult your way of life. I simply will not vote to support your extending it into legalized marriage.

I do not have dislike for any group of people. I dont hate anyone. You on the other hand seem to have a strong hatred for Christians or at least ones that wont role over and adopt your non-christian views and yet it is you who calls others names like Bigot and worse. I think your inability to deal with an opposing viewpoint says a lot.......

Enough said.........

Edited by Rod38um
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I am amazed at how hypocritical you are. You insist on putting words in my mouth and assume my position is something other than what it is no matter how many times I spell it out. That kind of behavior is typical in my experience of extreme leftists, which maybe you are. I apologize if somehow you misconstrued my words as being critical of homosexuals. I did not intend to insult your way of life. I simply will not vote to support your extending it into legalized marriage.

I do not have dislike for any group of people. I dont hate anyone. You on the other hand seem to have a strong hatred for Christians or at least ones that wont role over and adopt your non-christian views and yet it is you who calls others names like Bigot and worse. I think your inability to deal with an opposing viewpoint says a lot.......

Enough said.........

Do you even know what a hypocrite is? I didn't think so :lol: re-read what you wrote then read this again, it will make more sense ;)

And every day we hear about how atheists can't hear the pledge or anything else that had the word god in it. I think we are even.

Btw atheist really? I'm pretty sure you mean other religions that don't believe in god...



Edited by Exarch
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Do you even know what a hypocrite is? I didn't think so :lol: re-read what you wrote then read this again, it will make more sense ;)

Btw atheist really? I'm pretty sure you mean other religions that don't believe in god...

Someone who goes around accusing others of being a bigot while harboring hatred for certain groups themselves would be hypocritical.

No, I did not mean atheist, I meant homosexual. You were telling me about volunteering for the service and "that queer" defending my country and oh wait, he already is..... Were you not trying to tell me that you are a homosexual?

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Someone who goes around accusing others of being a bigot while harboring hatred for certain groups themselves would be hypocritical.

No, I did not mean atheist, I meant homosexual. You were telling me about volunteering for the service and "that queer" defending my country and oh wait, he already is..... Were you not trying to tell me that you are a homosexual?

... According to this thread I said I do not care what people believe in ;) reread please if your going to get it wrong :D

Here is my stance on religion in general... I think it is a good thing(to an extent) it gives people hope(false hope, but hope none the less) it gives people something to look forward to, but some people let it consume their lives.

I could be :dunno: what's it to you? My sexual preference has nothing to do with you, but if you must know im straight. If I was gay though I would expect to be treated the same as everyone else :)

I'm married(been married for 5 years) and I have 2 kids (under 2)... Just because someone isn't gay doesn't mean they hate gays... I know, that blows your mind, but its true, not all straight people like to see gays treated like less than humans ;)

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... According to this thread I said I do not care what people believe in ;) reread please if your going to get it wrong :D

I could be :dunno: what's it to you? My sexual preference has nothing to do with you, but if you must know im straight. If I was gay though I would expect to be treated the same as everyone else :)

I'm married(been married for 5 years) and I have 2 kids (under 2)... Just because someone isn't gay doesn't mean they hate gays... I know, that blows your mind, but its true, not all straight people like to see gays treated like less than humans ;)

Oh my bad, you had me confused by all the insults and personal attacks and then again with all the "queer in the service" talk.

Well, I'm glad you dont hate gays, I dont either, no matter how much you really want me too, I just dont.

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Oh my bad, you had me confused by all the insults and personal attacks and then again with all the "queer in the service" talk.

Well, I'm glad you dont hate gays, I dont either, no matter how much you really want me too, I just dont.

you wrapped it up pretty nicely here... Anti-gay, bigotry, ignorance, and a hypocrite in one nice neat little post a few pages back ;)

Separation of church ans state is not constitution. Nothing in our constitution sought to keep religion out of government just government out of your religion.

On the subject of sin. I and other christians sin all the time. We recognize it as sin and ask to be forgiven. For me to vote for gay marriage would be like saying its not a sin and God must change to suit my wants. I am perfectly within my rights to take my religious beliefs into account when voting and I shall continue to do so.

A weak minds inability to deal with or process facts that dispute that persons flawed core belief system, usually results in insults, cursing or violence. ;)

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Separation of church ans state is not constitution. Nothing in our constitution sought to keep religion out of government just government out of your religion.

it has to be both ways, otherwise, what's to stop the government from governing with a mormon doctrine, and outlawing caffiene, processed foods, and refined sugars?

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I'm curious as to how far this will go? Is the next step after gay marriage accepting polygamy? Then what? People wanna start marrying their pets because they need to extend the medical coverage they get at work for vet bills? Where does the line get drawn? Wasn't it in Japan where a guy tried to marry a pillow? And I forget where it was at also where the woman tried to marry a roller coaster. Like I said I'm not against gay marriage but I wanna know where the line will be drawn.

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I think the government shot itself in the foot when it got into the marriage business...

IF they just left it a religious institution, and recognized people as individuals, this wouldn't even be an issue.

I.E. This is what happens when you start to incorporate your religion into issues of state.

Marrying inanimate objects... Can't happen IMO, needs to be consent from both parties, objects cannot consent.

Polygamy....messy but I'm not sure why you couldn't do it... everyone enters as equal partners... I could see it working.

Edited by magley64
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I don't think you are getting my point. I'm not saying anything about taking any rights at all. I'm just asking what are we viewing as unacceptable now that we will be arguing about accepting later on. I have already said I don't care what is done.

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I'm curious as to how far this will go? Is the next step after gay marriage accepting polygamy? Then what? People wanna start marrying their pets because they need to extend the medical coverage they get at work for vet bills? Where does the line get drawn? Wasn't it in Japan where a guy tried to marry a pillow? And I forget where it was at also where the woman tried to marry a roller coaster. Like I said I'm not against gay marriage but I wanna know where the line will be drawn.

Dude.... You don't get what equal rights mean obviously... if one person can do it everyone should be able to do it. "drawing the line" has nothing to do with it...

it has to be both ways, otherwise, what's to stop the government from governing with a mormon doctrine, and outlawing caffiene, processed foods, and refined sugars?

As long as every man/woman/child is banned then its equally banned, not just oh gays cant drink coffee, or women cant drink coffee...

Our government has already taken some of our rights away(smoking in a bar, drinking a beer and riding your mower, smoking weed, walkin around naked, whatever) but atleast that applies to everyone and not just a certain race/gender/religion/sexual orientation.

Our government is flawed, but we can atleast make it flawed equally :D

Hey.. New Guy.. This thread isn't for bashing religion. It's for debating the issue of gay marriage (which should just be called "marriage"' date=' anyway).

No need to be a douche canoe.[/quote']

When religious people are trying to prevent equal rights your damn skippy it's apart of this issue. He is brining religion into our government decisions :nono:

Our constitution states everybody has the right to pursue happiness, who is "GOD" to take those rights away according to him?

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I don't think you are getting my point. I'm not saying anything about taking any rights at all. I'm just asking what are we viewing as unacceptable now that we will be arguing about accepting later on. I have already said I don't care what is done.

Obviously you do, otherwise you would keep quiet ;)

I'm just trying to envoke critical thinking at this point.

That all may sound crazy but 100 years ago the thought of letting two women marry was just as crazy.

Times change ;) 100 years ago I could smoke where I please.

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what do you view as unacceptable now?

I don't view anything as unacceptable unless it affects other people, or is intrinsically problematic...

Unacceptable? Well sticking with marriage theme and like I asked earlier are those acceptable in your eyes? Should marriage extend past the right of being between just two humans? Eventually somewhere you are going to trample what someone believes is their rights.

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