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Grown Children, A Rant


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Yes, I do love my grown children & step children but, I am getting really tried of helping support them! They do whatever they want & when that doesn't workout they expect us to hand them our money. The youngest, almost 24, asked if her & her unemployed boyfriend could move in! Oh hell no!

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I don't know how people can live like that. I am 22 and just moved out for the second time and I will tell you, moving back in AFTER moving out for over a year is the worst. I never would have done it if I could have avoided it. Now that I have moved back out, I will do everything in my power to keep it that way. I love my parents but I can't stand living in the same house with them and even worse, I can't stand asking them for things.

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I don't think that they do it on purpose, they just make piss poor decisions about their lives. I am 52 years old & I want to enjoy my life & spend our money on what we want. It is just getting real old, I have been raising kids since I was 19. I am about at the end of my rope!

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I borrow money from my parents on occasion, but always pay it back in a timely manor. My sister gets pissed because they won't loan to her anymore because they have to fight tooth and nail to get it back. My sister has already taken inventory on my parents stuff saying she wants this or that when they die, and that makes me sick. She is older than I am too she is 40 now, and my parents are only 64.

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I know what you you mean busa, I have my 19 year old living with me. Now to his credit he got a job right out of high school and has been under employed since and does pay rent, The wife and I keep trying to encourage him in improving his life and get a career.

He has moved out once and moved right back not 2 weeks later and we told him that was his 1 freebie. Anyways good luck

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Let the daughter move back in but only if she finds a job and pays rent. don't let the boyfriend move in. Only 20-24? then his folks should be alive still? I moved out when I was 19, came back for a short period when I was 20 something, moved back out quickly and have never went back. Love my folks, hell they live like 5 mins away from the wife and I. I see them every week seems like it. I haven't asked them for money in a long time. Been working since I was 13-14 years old.

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Hell, I moved out when I started college and I've had to come back for like a month or two but after that I moved back out and been doing fine ever since then I'm 24 moved out at 19

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I moved back home twice, each time I sat down with my dad and made a plan about what I was doing to better myself. 1st time was to attend OSU and finish my degree. I graduated Cum Laude. Second time was to save money to buy my first home. Each case for returning home is unique but always insist on them having a game plan and sticking to it with consequences for not meeting expectations to keep them motivated.

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I moved out a week after I turned 18 never moved back in but I know if something had ever happened where I had needed to my parents would have allowed me to. It's hard to say no to your children when they need help. As long as they are trying to better themselves how can you say no? On the other hand I have a friend that is 38 living at his parents out of his choice and he has no intentions on moving out anytime soon he's lived out on his own maybe 2 years total now that is pathetic and I've told his parents several times they need to kick him to the curb.

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I moved out when I was 19 of my own choice due to a breach of contract so to speak. Step dad said I could live at home with no rent as long as I went into the service like I was planning on doing, changed my mind when the Navy decided to put me on a waiting list for a waiting list. Gave me 2 months notice that I had to find a place and I found one in 1 month. Helped me move and haven't been back since. I still visit them when I can and get along great with em, I'm almost 23 now and have also had a job since I was 13.

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i was out at 18 for college and it was great. Went back for 8 months when I was 23 and moved back to Cleveland for a job. My parents are great and didn't really care I was there but after being on my own for 6 years it was the longest 8 months ever and they were cramping my style. I waited it out that long so I could pay off my car I bought the year before and be free of debt when I moved

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stayed home for college, got started in my field, then the economy tanked. i'd been unemployed or underemployed until the beginning of this year... i'm on track to buy my first house in august or september.

I have borrowed money from my parents, and they currently borrow from me. We get along really well, and it will be a happy day for all when i call my parents from my new house.

(we loved that commercial where that guy calls his mom and says "well, I've got every light in the house on, and tell dad I'm air conditioning the entire neighborhood" while standing at his front door)

Edited by magley64
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My step daughter is the one that is having problems. 23 almost 24, she is bi-polar & is no meds. She is working but, not working all the hours she could. If she has to move back I can live with that but, her unemployed boyfriend is not moving in with her.

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My step daughter is the one that is having problems. 23 almost 24, she is bi-polar & is no meds. She is working but, not working all the hours she could. If she has to move back I can live with that but, her unemployed boyfriend is not moving in with her.

sounds like the right call to me.

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My step daughter is the one that is having problems. 23 almost 24, she is bi-polar & is no meds. She is working but, not working all the hours she could. If she has to move back I can live with that but, her unemployed boyfriend is not moving in with her.

That's the right call IMO

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