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1 million firearms banned by Obama


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Why did you put quotes around the word elected? Do you have any basis to argue his election was not legitimate?

You may suspect or believe he will introduce anti-gun legislation - but that doesn't mean we should all send a week's pay to Rand Paul every time he goes "GUN BAN!! OOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE"

Other than Michigan union use thugs being bussed to Ohio to vote and acorn signing the Dallas starting line up and the smurfs to vote. Nope I'm just racist, I hate President Obama's white half. He isn't black enoughfor me, and does.t cone from a slave family history.

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i don't think major change is going to happen with Obummer however all this gun talk has inspired my ass to get to the range on my day off.

Enjoy arguing while I go blast some targets :D

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Other than Michigan union use thugs being bussed to Ohio to vote and acorn signing the Dallas starting line up and the smurfs to vote.

Obama won the popular vote by 18 million. That's a shitload of smurfs.

(Do these smurfs have state-issued IDs, without which they could not vote?)

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Some of these people that think Obama cheated to win, probably believe the Bush election was perfectly fair, being decided by the Supreme court in 2000. And Bush lost the popular vote.

Just makes me think they like to turn the truth upside down and repeat it enough times to where the facts actually don't matter any more.


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