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How should he be stopped?


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these bikes are 200+mph bikes....on a proper straight away, he would have a chance to ditch a chopper....im assuming by the shitty police cars that they dont even have air support where this was filmed....and if they did, im sure he has a backup plan....chopper is easy to get rid of depending where youre at....how? ride to the airport. chopper wont have authority to invade airspace, thus ending the air pursuit, which would then make it him vs shitty volvo wagon or whatever that thing is.....the guy does this for a living, im sure he has a plan for the situations that apply to him


I know what a fast bike is...i have a factory fast bike...

There is a reason he hasn't made a career of it here... any major police department here would be able to catch him.

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I know what a fast bike is...i have a factory fast bike...

There is a reason he hasn't made a career of it here... any major police department here would be able to catch him.

you asked about stopping that guy, not some hypothetical "how would you stop him in this country under perfect circumstances?"

also, they could probably pin him by license plate etc here, but actually catching him i think it debatable. like i said, helicopters are great, unless the pursuit leads towards and airports....then what do you have left?

would it be a lot harder here? absolutely. but i dont think its easy as pie like you think it would be....people get away from the police all the time here

as for rolling your eyes....its a documented fact that your bike will only go 1.85$ , which is less than my stated 200+ (he actually has a 246mph run on video)....tail wind and a solid wing flap might push you to 200, but at that speed your visor will fly up and a bee in the eye will kill you

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these bikes are 200+mph bikes....on a proper straight away, he would have a chance to ditch a chopper....im assuming by the shitty police cars that they dont even have air support where this was filmed....and if they did, im sure he has a backup plan....chopper is easy to get rid of depending where youre at....how? ride to the airport. chopper wont have authority to invade airspace, thus ending the air pursuit, which would then make it him vs shitty volvo wagon or whatever that thing is.....the guy does this for a living, im sure he has a plan for the situations that apply to him

EMS and police aircraft coordinate with ATC constantly. They'll do what they can to work it out.

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as for rolling your eyes....its a documented fact that your bike will only go 1.85$ , which is less than my stated 200+ (he actually has a 246mph run on video)....tail wind and a solid wing flap might push you to 200, but at that speed your visor will fly up and a bee in the eye will kill you

my visor goes down at high speeds ;)

and yes, it's a 15 mph difference between your stated 200, and my factory speed of 185 (which is now a little higher due to a bigger front sprocket, power commander, and akra pipe)

15 mph isn't a big difference when you're doing 180, you've already ditched nearly every police cruiser.

how do you catch him in germany? well, I guess you don't... who cares if he speeds?

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my visor goes down at high speeds ;)

and yes, it's a 15 mph difference between your stated 200, and my factory speed of 185 (which is now a little higher due to a bigger front sprocket, power commander, and akra pipe)

15 mph isn't a big difference when you're doing 180, you've already ditched nearly every police cruiser.

how do you catch him in germany? well, I guess you don't... who cares if he speeds?

youre doing it wrong...you need bigger sprockets in the back for more whoolie height.

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youre doing it wrong...you need bigger sprockets in the back for more whoolie height.

I only whoolie in first gear, and never use the clutch to do it.

by going up 1 tooth up front, it set my speedometer correct, and made first gear more useable, it also improved fuel economy.

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Ah, this thread delivers all the movie references. I especially like Tyler's reference to Speed, just go to the airport and you're home free!

Not only would they coordinate with ATC, but do you have any idea how many police are at airports nowadays, and how many CCTV cams they have set up there? It'll be easy as pie to watch him go right into the nearest parking garage, seal it off, and then play the waiting game. Sure, if the guy is willing to ditch his motorcycle he could, conceivably, get a cab out of there, but must airports I've been to usually have one way in or out, so setting up a roadblock or some sort of screening mechanism wouldn't be totally out of the question.

Of course, this is a WAY overkill for just some squid who decided to play "race the pig" that day. I'd wager that not only would the cops need to know who you are, but you'd need to have some serious outstanding warrants or be a suspect in a capital crime to merit that kind of reaction.

As for the "fuck it, use stop sticks", give me a fucking break. It's one thing to POSSIBLY subject yourself to harm in riding at unsafe speeds, it's another to have that harm purposefully inflicted on you by a third party. That's the thing that personal injury lawyers DREAM of. Instead of using stop sticks, why don't they just pull the cruiser next to the guy and put out a pole like in Indiana Jones, stick it in their wheel and watch them highside and faceplant into the pavement? They were going to do it eventually, right?

That net is an interesting idea. It solves the issues of sudden deceleration (I imagine it would have some stretchy qualities to it), and it could prevent injury (road rash, mainly)

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why don't they just pull the cruiser next to the guy and put out a pole like in Indiana Jones, stick it in their wheel and watch them highside and faceplant into the pavement? They were going to do it eventually, right?

that doesn't work... the front wheel just slides decelerating that quickly, no cool handlebar flip.

i still think a couple bullets to the head would fix it...and he couldn't go back and file suit.

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that doesn't work... the front wheel just slides decelerating that quickly, no cool handlebar flip.

i still think a couple bullets to the head would fix it...and he couldn't go back and file suit.

if the rod locked the front wheel suddenly, wouldnt it have the same effect as slamming the front brake? high side is more than possible in that situation i would think

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if the rod locked the front wheel suddenly, wouldnt it have the same effect as slamming the front brake? high side is more than possible in that situation i would think

mythbusters went over it...

front wheel slides, you need to load the tire with the brake before stopping to get the cool endo flip. or just pack some C4 under it and detonate.

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everyone who says get him at home....this situation doesnt apply

for anyone who somehow did not recognize this video, this is a clip from a ghost rider video.....he does this stuff on purpose with the intent of filming it and fucking with the police

he has already publicly revealed his identity (patrick furstenhoff), and due to laws where he lives, you cannot be prosecuted unless caught in the act, even if theres video (no way to prove he is the rider by the video)......the only way they will ever bust him for these videos is if they stop him in the act, which probably means killing him

regardless, i love watching the videos....every squid thinks they can ride like him, but this dude is a pro and i enjoy his videos....reckless? sure, i guess, but at least hes a trained professional

if he was trying to get away, im pretty sure he would have no problem....notice he kept slowing down to get more footage? if thats the bike i think it is, i believe its around 300hp....he has a few, including a 500hp turbo busa

I was pretty sure that was one of his vids, that dude is crazy. His vids always put a smile on my face :D he loves to tease the cops.

For those who don't know who he is look him up, his vids are worth watching. The one of him wrecking is a fake though, that was some nub poser.

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I don't get the comments about how cool this guy is. IS it just because he's on a sport bike and does what you guys would like to be able to do or are you really cheering on a person riding on public roads at dangerously high speeds, putting others at risk and tying up police who could be working at catching thieves who stole your MC, robed your house or committed some other crime? :nono: What happened to the responsible keep it on the track view point I hear so much? Or is that just for other riders, because when you do it you're better and safer at it?:rolleyes:

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these bikes are 200+mph bikes....on a proper straight away, he would have a chance to ditch a chopper..

the bike may be able to go faster in a straight line than the chopper, but you still aren't going to lose the chopper. all it has to do is just go higher, and it can still keep an eye on you... unless maybe the bike is on the bonneville salt flats or something and has no turns or intersections or anything else to slow it down for miles and miles, then maybe the bike would have the advantage.

chopper is easy to get rid of depending where youre at....how? ride to the airport. chopper wont have authority to invade airspace, thus ending the air pursuit,

lol ok memphis raines... this isnt gone in 60 seconds.

Edited by John
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This is good stuff, people look at me weird when I'm laughing this hard at my phone. :)

Tazer the motorcycle short out the computer.

lol ok memphis raines... this isnt gone in 60 seconds.

Because we all know cops can't go to the airport :lol:
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Me? 1. I'd require police to maintain speeds under 70 mph. No point in the officer being out of control trying to catch someone he really has no chance of catching. 2. Allow use of spike strips on motorcycles. 3. If the officer has an opportunity to "ditch the bike", do it. If the rider has this much disregard for safety any injury he receives is deserved.

On a side note if you watch it on you tube read the comments. I was surprised to see hardly anyone commenting on the wreckless behavior in the video.:nono:

really? so you want the rider to be killed? they get caught eventually, they always do.

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Man, that is some crazy riding. I did watch the whole video. I would probably say just shoot him with a tranq dart. He would have time to slow down and realize it's game over :D

that is somewhat reasonable...

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