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Learn how to shift!


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My dad recently added a 4th bike to the stable and has been bugging me to come ride it. So Monday I grab my gear and head to his house. He picked up an 08 Vulcan.

I pull out and start heading down the road. I get into downtown Kent and am sitting at a light. The lights about to change so I start getting ready to take off. I start putting my toe down and click through a lot gears... I dont think much of it and go to take off. The bike conks out... In a panic I hit the horn :D then the ignition and rev the hell outta her and start to go only to have the same thing happen again... I pull off the side of the road beyond embarassed :o and look down to see what the hell's going on. The bike has a hell and toe shifter. (I've rode lots of dirt bikes, sport bikes, and a few cruisers. The cruisers have all only had the toe shifter). I had shifted into top gear using my toe (on the heel part). Wow did I feel like a heel :nono: I shift it correctly and take off! The rest of the ride was a blast but damn I was too ashamed to even post it here for a few days.

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Had the same sort of thing happen to me once on a old enduro bike that was 5 up and N was at the bottom. Couldn't figure out where 1st was for a minute. Obviously I didn't stall it but I also didn't go anywhere at first either. Much less embarrassing in a drive way though. :lol:

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You must have been stopped in second gear. On that bike if you are at a complete stop and in first and try and hit second it won't happen. You will only hit Neutral. It has a positive neutral finder when stopped in first.

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I got the heel toe down but yesterday I was going down the freeway and the gas light came on so I figure I have enough to make it home when I feel her dying I pull over ready to do the walk of shame when I kick myself and remember I have to flip the valve to reserve normally do not run her so low :nono:

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