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diablo III? get in hurrrr


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I am almost too ashamed to post this, but my need for diablowing random dudes on the bnet is too strong to resist.

in this thread: post your battlenet ID


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I haz no battlenet, as I'm not a huge fan of all things Blizzard. However, if you would like to saunter over to CoD:MW3 world, I could pwnz0r you something fierce.

Oh, and I'm only PC, bitches. I got no time for your xblippitybloopityboxes or you sadstations that get hacked every weekend. Keyboard/mouse represent!

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Hahaha I knew you would do this eventually

i wont be on there nearly as much as I was on this past weekend, but just in case i get the itch while working, i need to have options... lol

I haz no battlenet, as I'm not a huge fan of all things Blizzard. However, if you would like to saunter over to CoD:MW3 world, I could pwnz0r you something fierce.

Oh, and I'm only PC, bitches. I got no time for your xblippitybloopityboxes or you sadstations that get hacked every weekend. Keyboard/mouse represent!

i'm pretty wretched at FPS and found that I don't really enjoy them unless I'm playing co-op or it has a good storyline. borderlands (ps3) was really fun for me, for example (obviously, for the great coop part of it).

i'm pretty bad at diablo and star craft too, but that's by my peoples' standards.

I thought this was a tire thread.

It's a trap, it's a gay thread.

Carry on.

when's the scooter ride?

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i'm pretty wretched at FPS and found that I don't really enjoy them unless I'm playing co-op or it has a good storyline. borderlands (ps3) was really fun for me, for example (obviously, for the great coop part of it).

i'm pretty bad at diablo and star craft too, but that's by my peoples' standards.

I'm the opposite, I suck something awful at RTS's and RPG's. I can get into a good story, but the monotony of the gameplay always seems to do me in after a while.

Your peoples' standards are, in fact, stringent. I've heard of deportations for weak Zerg rushes and canings for not spawning enough overlords. You've got some big shoes to fill, I suggest hopping off OR for the next few days so you can grind enough gold to at least try and fill them.

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i've been playing on my laptop, but i'm long over due for a home desktop so i may be starting a thread about that shortly.

I might be able to help thar, I just built a rig about 3 months ago for roughly $1100, not counting the $110 in rebates I finally got back.

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I might be able to help thar, I just built a rig about 3 months ago for roughly $1100, not counting the $110 in rebates I finally got back.
I also just built a new one. Newegg ftw

orly? expect pm's shortly if you dont mind me asking dumb questions

I'd like to purchase, but I'm afraid my laptop won't handle it. Don't really feel like flushing $60 for a game a can't play. Or investing money on a new rig for 1 game.

i have this that I got on sale a couple years back:


and it runs it fairly well. it does hiccup when some ass witch doctor has 8 billion minions running around, but i'm not sure that's the computer or the network.

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Ive been in need of a nice desktop for a while as mu current is for internet only pretty much and my last gaming rig was an Alienware laptop (WASTE OF MONEY!!)

Plan on watching CL for something maybe I don't know exactly what I want

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What res do you have it set on?

The only requirement I don't meet is the graphics card.

i dont remember what res (maybe 1600x900... that might be it) but texture was high, and i think just about everything else was medium to medium-high.

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