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Riders Discount -A+


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Last year at the end of the season I picked up a Scala Cardo G4 multi communicator system from Riders Discount for an excellent price. Never really got to use them. So a couple weekends back a bunch of us rode to WV and the wife and I thought we'd give it a try, her on her own bike, me on mine. I had already linked my cell to the bluetooth on the G4 at that point.

WOW. I had thought this would probably be something I would never use. Thought it would be a pita to use. WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Its great and ez to use. I can 2 way with the wife, it has a fm receiver built in with a 'seek' mode, and bam, all of a sudden I get a phone call! Interrupts the music and answering the phone was easy. The clarity of the phone call was surprising and my son on the other end said he could hear me easily even considering I was riding at 60 on the glide. The call can be made to be a 3 way so the wife and I talked to my son at the same time. I was told the clarity of the 2 way was just as good. Another feature is the sound adjusts according to the surrounding noise level, so it increased as my motor noise increase, and leveled off when the surrounding sound diminished.

I highly recommend the G4 and thank Rider Discount for selling it at such a good price.

I'd give a rep point to RD for this but just plain do not know how.....lol

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use the balance sign on the right top of riders discount post in that thread

Mike how did you connect three way? Where you able to listen to fm and then talk with you wife without having to press any switch?

I like mine a lot in regards to quality, still i dont use the thing to its max considering the options it provides.

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LOL, doc I am still figuring out the controls, it does so much. Yes, I was listening to fm when the G4 beeped and indicated an incoming call, so I had to touch a button to engage (answer) the phone. This was my first time using it so am not sure how I got it to 3 way. Maybe because we were linked together already. We had to designate Rider 'A' and rider 'B' to each unit. Mine is 'A', hers is 'B'. I do know there is a way to have a solo conversation on the phone but its in the buttons and I just haven't had enough saddle time to figure it out yet. I'm like you, I am not utilizing it to its fullest, but so far its da bomb. But I find the users manual to be a bit difficult to digest, more difficult than the G4 is to use. LOL. I also like the function it has to 'talk' to others using older Cardo systems. But again the manual makes 'linking' with them seem to be kind of difficult, but if its anything like what I have discovered already it won't be difficult at all.

Heck it even makes me want to wear my lid.....lol

Thanks for the heads up on giving 'rep' to people too.

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