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Is 12 too young for blond highlights?


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My answer is yes, it's too young. My daughter's asking for them, I'm curious what the masses think? I'm more concerned with why she needs them so bad.

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Girls want to grow up too fast. Make her wait until she's 15 or older for something like that. Most likely, there are friends of hers that have them, or theres a boy driving her decision. Either way, I'd say tough shit for a bit

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Their mom already allowed makeup. They (there's a 13 year old also) don't really use it much. I'm sticking with tough sh*t for now. What's tomorrow, a belly ring....although she doesn't like earings and let the holes grow back.

I'm sure it's a friend or some influence. At her age some girls look like girls, then some look like 18 year old giants.. It's gotta be a tough age for them.

I'm always worried about being to strict, then they rebel, and go nuts later type scenario.

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Yup, too young imho.

Any amount of time spent in the sun should just do it naturally anyway.

She probably won't like you saying "no", but someday she'll respect you for your stance (hopefully).

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My daughter just got highlights this year, she will be 13 in October. She has no desire at all to wear make up. I know when I was at her age I was far beyond highlights, used to dye our hair with kool aide until we discovered manic panic, then there was the lets shave half of my head era. Also used India ink from art class to do a couple old school tattoos. All done by age 13! Also my husband says I should include a fact here, I grew up on the corner of Cox and Johnson! True Story!

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ey ey ey.....tattoos and a shaved head at 13? :nono:, You seem normal now though. If your parents said no to all that, do you think it would have changed anything?

Krystyn's paying for it themselves I like... although they like to hock stuff for money vs. getting paid to work.

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I'd tell her no, have you seen how old some of these young girls look? Some 12yo look like they are 18 :nono: highlights first, makeup next, then skimpy clothes...

If I had a daughter she wouldn't be changing/revealing her body till she was out of the house, but that's just me :dunno:

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A good alternative to highlighting, and it's cheaper in the long run, clip in extensions. That way she can also change the color if she wanted. At Sally Beauty they range from about $15-$20. No need to damage the hair but she will still get the look. I started that way at about her age. Now I dye my hair every 3 weeks. :)

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ey ey ey.....tattoos and a shaved head at 13? :nono:, You seem normal now though. If your parents said no to all that, do you think it would have changed anything?

Krystyn's paying for it themselves I like... although they like to hock stuff for money vs. getting paid to work.

My mom never said yes either, I never asked, just did it. She didn't know bout hair until a couple months afterward, she worked 2nd shift. My tattoos. She didn't know about for 2 years. She suggested highlights to fix my hair.

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Don't forget to get this shirt for when they are around boys, lol.


Haha, I've seen someone wearing that.

I don't have kids but I'd say it's too young. I think kids these days are doing/getting stuff wayyyyy earlier than I ever did (and I'm only 26). I know an 8 year old girl that has facebook (I HATE facebook), and a 5 year old that has a cell phone. That's just crazy to me. Kids want to grow up so fast. I'd give anything to go back to being a kid again.

If I did have a daughter, you can bet she'd be under super strict rules until she was AT LEAST 16. ESPECIALLY with boys. But to the original topic, yes 12 is probably too early. Tell her if she still has the desire to get them in 6 months to a year then you can TALK about it then.

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It's just Hair! Let the kids be creative and express themselves. When my kids were younger (1 girl 12, 1 boy 10) we would have a hair party once a summer. $10 highlight kit from Walmart (usually fire Red or Neon Blue) and we all help do eachothers highlights, was fun, and it grows out. This only lasted about 2 summers.

Come on Gump be that fun parent and add some highlights too.

Honestly, take her to Walmart buy the $10 kit let her and her friends complete the project. It will probably look like a mess and chances are she will never want highlits again. Solved!:D

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