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(Snakes) so I'm called a puss! That's OK


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My brother being the phsyco-somatic sick fuck that he is! Always picked on me about it.

Running a track hoe in Jackson had a title shot with a full size adult copperhead. Unfortunately, copperhead 1 him 0!

He has been in and out of the hospital all week and today woke up feeling fine only to cough blood up everywhere 10 minutes later.

I'm not afraid of them dummy! I would just rather shoot them from a safe distance instead of trying to step on its head.

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Copperheads are the least dangerous of the venomous snakes in Ohio, and as far as I know, deaths are very rare. Leave them alone and they will never be a problem unless you almost step on one. I almost stepped on a rattler once, and now when I am in the wilderness, I pay attention. The bite of a Copperhead is very painful, however. What people don't realize is the more you panic after you get bit, the quicker the poison goes through your system, with your heart-rate increasing and everything. Snakes are a very important part of the ecosystem and should be respected when they are encountered...

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Snakes are the devil, it in the Bible.

Like so many things, intent. Fact lie and you can lie with facts.

The serpent was a symbol of evil power and chaos from the underworld as well as a symbol of fertility, life, and healing.

Would your run away from this sign if you were in need of medical care:


In the garden of Eden, we always hear the story of the apple, snake, eve leading to banishment from Eden.

However, the tree was Eve, the fruit was her womb and the serpent is sexual desire that started life. Poor Eve just got horny and it is all her fault. For that, the root of all our problems are women but they constantly tell us it is men. Deceitful cunning temptresses that they are. I consulted the Gods and they told me so, "Lots of people talkin', few of them know

soul of a woman was created below."

If you subscribe to the religious notion of God, 7 days, Adam and Eve - then how can everything we have today stem from something bad? Church even promotes procreation and forbids birth control. How can sex be evil if promoted and endorsed by the Pope, himself?

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Like so many things, intent. Fact lie and you can lie with facts.

The serpent was a symbol of evil power and chaos from the underworld as well as a symbol of fertility, life, and healing.

Would your run away from this sign if you were in need of medical care:


In the garden of Eden, we always hear the story of the apple, snake, eve leading to banishment from Eden.

However, the tree was Eve, the fruit was her womb and the serpent is sexual desire that started life. Poor Eve just got horny and it is all her fault. For that, the root of all our problems are women but they constantly tell us it is men. Deceitful cunning temptresses that they are. I consulted the Gods and they told me so, "Lots of people talkin', few of them know

soul of a woman was created below."

If you subscribe to the religious notion of God, 7 days, Adam and Eve - then how can everything we have today stem from something bad? Church even promotes procreation and forbids birth control. How can sex be evil if promoted and endorsed by the Pope, himself?

Holy overreaction Batman!

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Snakes are the devil, it in the Bible.

disagree. the serpent in the garden of eden was just a cloak for Satan. he is also referred to as a lion and a dragon.

also, "Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

there are actual sects of Christianity that handle snakes in their churches because of this passage saying that those who believe in God will have no fear of snakes and handle them


i doubt you were serious about your post, so i wont keep going into even more detail...ill just leave it that saying snakes are the devil according to the bible is highly debatable, and widely accepted as untrue.....people who have an irrational fear of snakes will find any reason to hate them, and blaming a religion is easier than taking responsibility

Edited by Steve Butters
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With respect to the Bible - it uses a LOT of symbolism and that is all it is doing with respect to Lucifer, aka Satan, aka Beelzebub, etc. and snakes. The irony of it all is that in the Garden of Eden, Adam had already determined in his heart that he was going to eat the forbidden fruit, knew who Satan was, allowed him into the garden, and allowed Eve to be deceived. The fall was ultimately Adam's fault because God gave him full authority over EVERYTHING in the Garden.

Also, that bit of scripture from the Gospels, in this case the Book of Mark, the bit about snakes, again, is only for the purpose of proving the truth (establishing the religion), not doing it foolishly to try and prove something outside of the protection of God. This was literally fulfilled when Paul shook the viper from his hand in Acts 28:5-6 and it wasn't done to test God like the Pentecostal preachers we know about claim is scriptural (and recently died of a bite as a result) - it isn't.

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Also says that its ok to own slaves and that you should be put to death for eating shell fish.

its not ok to own slaves? :confused:

and the dietary laws were old testament....they were in place to distinguish the jews from the gentiles, saying that jews do not eat unclean meat....in the new testament in Acts 10, Peter has a vision of eating all kinds of unclean meat...he later realized, when gentiles showed up to meet him, that the vision was the Lord telling him that no man is considered unclean and that Peter should treat them all the same.....if there is no longer a distinction between the jews and the gentiles, and all are equal, then there is no need to follow the dietary laws set in place to separate the jews from the gentiles

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its not ok to own slaves? :confused:

and the dietary laws were old testament....they were in place to distinguish the jews from the gentiles, saying that jews do not eat unclean meat....in the new testament in Acts 10, Peter has a vision of eating all kinds of unclean meat...he later realized, when gentiles showed up to meet him, that the vision was the Lord telling him that no man is considered unclean and that Peter should treat them all the same.....if there is no longer a distinction between the jews and the gentiles, and all are equal, then there is no need to follow the dietary laws set in place to separate the jews from the gentiles

Excellent explanation!

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With respect to the Bible - it uses a LOT of symbolism and that is all it is doing with respect to Lucifer, aka Satan, aka Beelzebub, etc. and snakes. The irony of it all is that in the Garden of Eden, Adam had already determined in his heart that he was going to eat the forbidden fruit, knew who Satan was, allowed him into the garden, and allowed Eve to be deceived. The fall was ultimately Adam's fault because God gave him full authority over EVERYTHING in the Garden.

Also, that bit of scripture from the Gospels, in this case the Book of Mark, the bit about snakes, again, is only for the purpose of proving the truth (establishing the religion), not doing it foolishly to try and prove something outside of the protection of God. This was literally fulfilled when Paul shook the viper from his hand in Acts 28:5-6 and it wasn't done to test God like the Pentecostal preachers we know about claim is scriptural (and recently died of a bite as a result) - it isn't.

i dont agree with those religions, but please note it is not a big part of their services in most cases, and is used as a way to prove your faith. it is often done as part of a baptizing ceremony, not just a weekly "heres a rattlesnake, lets fuck with it"

those churches have been around for a very long time, and there have been numerous preachers killed by their snakes....i dont see any religious meaning behind that myself....you mess with venomous animals on a regular basis, youre most likely going to get bit at some point...just because the bible says you are protected, does not mean you can go step in front of a bus and not get hurt lol....you cant take everything in the bible literally, like you mentioned, there is a lot of symbolism...and i believe theres a common sense factor involved as well

Edited by Steve Butters
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Wow, now I'm afraid of satan, Eve, hospitals and Southern Churches with Baptisms. But I'm still not afraid of snakes. :)

Used to catch water moccasins and copper heads as a kid in the creek when I lived in Gahanna. Park down Cherry Bottom had a nature center and being the budding young serpentologist I was I had to prove them wrong when they said there are no poisonous snakes in Ohio. Should have seen their faces when I took that baby cotton mouth in there. :lol:

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interestingly enough, water moccasins are actually not native here.....they were introduced by man to Ohio

*edit - odnr says they are not found here at all....i knew they werent native, but thought we still had some

Edited by Steve Butters
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Wow, now I'm afraid of satan, Eve, hospitals and Southern Churches with Baptisms. But I'm still not afraid of snakes. :)

Used to catch water moccasins and copper heads as a kid in the creek when I lived in Gahanna. Park down Cherry Bottom had a nature center and being the budding young serpentologist I was I had to prove them wrong when they said there are no poisonous snakes in Ohio. Should have seen their faces when I took that baby cotton mouth in there. :lol:

I call total bullshit on the cottonmouths in Ohio.

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I call total bullshit on the cottonmouths in Ohio.

ive seen people quite often say they have run into water mocassins in ohio....i guess perhaps they could have them confused with northern water snakes

the odnr page does mention them, saying they have been found here, but are not native to the area

**edit, double checked the odnr page again, and while it does mention them, it says that is a common belief that they live here, but they actually do not....my mistake

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