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Texting and driving :)


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Imho anyone caught texting while driving should automatically lose their driving privileges forever. No compromise, no excuses, no ifs ands or buts.

:rolleyes: Please. Texting should result in a permanent ban, but trying to eat a bowl of soup(with a spoon no less), putting on makeup, reading a paper, programming a GPS, or even posting on a forum via laptop are fine? I've seen all of those done within the last week as well, but I don't think they are going to make specific laws for all of them.

There's already laws regarding distracted driving. We don't need more.

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Please. :rolleyes: Check the topic of this thread. It didn't mention

trying to eat a bowl of soup(with a spoon no less), putting on makeup, reading a paper, programming a GPS, or even posting on a forum via laptop
. If it did then my post might have included those things.
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To me, with the exception of the Semi probably taking an exit ramp, it kind of looks like everyone is stopped in traffic if you look at the reflections in the side view mirrors.

Doesn't matter. Police/emergency personnel are exempt from the ban(s). :wtf::nono:

Yep. Exempt.

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I just noticed the ron paul sig line. Kinda ironic seeing that below a post fully supporting a typical big brother government control measure. :cool:

You are out of your mind. Typical big brother- bullshit. Control, what a fool thing to say. So what you're saying is that texting while driving is ok. Oh, until its you or your loved one that is killed by some fool who texts and drives, huh? But you did say if they did it they should be banned. Banned from what?

Yep, your a poser alright. LMAO.

Ever been run off the road while riding by someone texting? I have. Nearly run into a wall. But guess she had the right to text because we wouldn't want big brother controlling her. How about someone swerving over into your lane while they were texting going 70 mph on 270? My wife has had that happen more than once. Its bullshit and should be outlawed with an extreme punishment for doing so.

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But you did say if they did it they should be banned. Banned from what?

:confused:Reading comprehension. I made a statement about you wanting texting banned, but pointed out a handful of the other distracted driving issues I see every week as well. I didn't say anything needs to be banned....

Ever been run off the road while riding by someone texting? I have. Nearly run into a wall. But guess she had the right to text because we wouldn't want big brother controlling her. How about someone swerving over into your lane while they were texting going 70 mph on 270? My wife has had that happen more than once.

Close calls while driving in traffic? Hell, I have them weekly. My job has me driving all over the Cincy/Dayton area daily. Yep, I see plenty of people driving shitty while texting. I also see them driving shitty while on the phone, tending to kids in the back seat, eating an ice cream sundae, and all kinds of other stupid stuff. Why single out this one cause of shitty driving over all the others and make yet another new law which won't be enforced? I would hope if a cop sees someone swerving all over two or more lanes, run a traffic light or stop sign, or any other bone headed thing you can do in traffic, he stops them no matter if they are texting or whatever else is the reason. It's distracted driving, and it's already illegal.

Are you saying you have never so much as picked up your phone and looked at a message while in your car?

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:confused:Reading comprehension. I made a statement about you wanting texting banned, but pointed out a handful of the other distracted driving issues I see every week as well. I didn't say anything needs to be banned....

Close calls while driving in traffic? Hell, I have them weekly. My job has me driving all over the Cincy/Dayton area daily. Yep, I see plenty of people driving shitty while texting. I also see them driving shitty while on the phone, tending to kids in the back seat, eating an ice cream sundae, and all kinds of other stupid stuff. Why single out this one cause of shitty driving over all the others and make yet another new law which won't be enforced? I would hope if a cop sees someone swerving all over two or more lanes, run a traffic light or stop sign, or any other bone headed thing you can do in traffic, he stops them no matter if they are texting or whatever else is the reason. It's distracted driving, and it's already illegal.

Are you saying you have never so much as picked up your phone and looked at a message while in your car?

Nope, NEVER. I do not text period.

And the bullshit about defensive driving, and being able to text while driving is total bullshit, but....If I shut my mouth and turn and walk away, it doesn't mean you've won. It simply means your stupid ass isn't worth anymore of my time.

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There's already laws regarding distracted driving. We don't need more.

there are already laws against going left of center, speeding, reckless operation, not using turn signal etc so why do we need a separate law against driving drunk too?

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