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my experience with a memorial run

Gixxus Christ!

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You guys aren't taking into account a multitude of factors that makes it ok for Harley guys to drink and ride.

"It's ok" Fact 1) BMI - most are obese or above, so a 350# guy can have 80oz of 5% ABV beer (4-20s) in a half hour and still be under the 0.08% legal limit (.0782% to be exact - http://www.drstandley.com/food_calculators.shtml)

"It's ok" Fact 2) High tolerance - many have already built up a tolerance to alcohol which further allows them to be 'high functioning' drunks.

"It's ok" Fact 3) Intelligence - Harley riders have shown they are far and above the mere average intelligence of other motorcycle riders. What idiot would wear a helmet, gloves, and leather jacket when it's 90-freaking-degrees out? Obviously someone lacking intelligence. HD riders are able to just apply this "common sense" approach to drinking and riding.

So, think about it a little harder before you bag on those of above average weight (and intelligence) for drinking and riding - especially since they're the ones with experience doing it.


I get half the legal limit simply by having a cdl, but not even driving a commercial vehicle.

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Let's see...

40 miles at 42mph, with 6 stops, pirates...


the 500 miles of twisty Ohio roads I did on Saturday at a good pace.

Difficult choice.

Seriously though... what is it with the need to pose? It's such an obviously weak-minded way of living, and so unoriginal... such herd mentality.

I'm disappointed with my buddy across the street. He just got a Kawasaki cruiser (which is a nice bike) and I see him and his wife coming down our country road 2-up with no gear on at all (other than a do-rag at most). They have small kids. It's evening, and there are deer out all over the place. The odds are pretty good of making orphans of your children if you hit a deer. Is it really worth it?

I've been known to ride with just a dot half-shell (mine is one of the ugly ones that actually offers some side impact protection, goes down over the ears). At least it's something!

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Besides, alcohol actually increases body temperature (bad for hot day)

no, dilates the blood vessels causing the core heat to come to the surface,(makes you feel hotter) causing you to sweat, and actually making you colder (this is why it's a bad idea to drink if you're at risk for hypothermia, it drops your core temp.)

still a stupid idea, as the first thing to go is "judgement" and IMO that is one of the core competencies for riding, good judgement.

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no, dilates the blood vessels causing the core heat to come to the surface,(makes you feel hotter) causing you to sweat, and actually making you colder (this is why it's a bad idea to drink if you're at risk for hypothermia, it drops your core temp.)

still a stupid idea, as the first thing to go is "judgement" and IMO that is one of the core competencies for riding, good judgement.

You are right. However, doesn't take long before you become dehydrated which means no more sweat (or at least not much) and things get ugly from there. That's why so many people drinking in the sun get heat stroke etc. CrazySkullCrusher was smart enough to drink water alongside the alky though ;)

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alcohol actually increases body temperature (bad for hot day)

you got the second part right, but alcohol does not increase your body temperature, it just thins your blood and draws your veins closer to the surface of your skin so you FEEL warmer.

I understand that I'm splitting hairs here, but the effect in the cold can be deadly. You feel warmer, but you're really just allowing the cold air to get at your blood more easily, thus dropping your body temp much more quickly.

(that's all I have to contribute that would not be construed as "Harley bashing." :rolleyes:)

Aaron Borello was riding an XR1200 at Mid-Ohio today, trying to learn the track so he can qualify for the AMA round in a few weeks. That was pretty boss.

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^ ha. I can't believe somebody beat me to the info in my post above. I liked this thread better when we were bitching about cruiser riders instead of picking on each other... (some of whom are cruiser riders, I might point out)

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Redkow, I was actually looking at an XR1200 before going on this ride. Had a couple dealerships looking for one as they're getting scarce seeing how Harley is discontinuing them in the states. Now as a result of the culture they have created, they have alienated me from being a customer. Ever. I don't want to be part of the "club" so to speak. I have zero interest in being known as a Harley rider of any kind. And no, I'm not just passing judgement over the one event, I've done several. I was just giving it one more try to see if that culture has changed. And it hasn't. If I want to join an elitist club I'll be buying a Ducati. At least I'll be getting my money's worth in modern day technology lol

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I don't want to be an asshole who rips wheelies on the highway in a t-shirt and then runs from the cops, but that doesn't dissuade me from riding a sport bike.

Don't let a few guys with beards and no sleeves ruin the XR1200 for you.

Ride one, and let the bike ruin itself for you! (i keed, i keed.)

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If I ever own a Harley, it will either be an XR1200, or possibly some variant of the V-Rod. In either case, I'm going to wear full leathers and a full-face helmet at all times.

If any "bikers" give me shit about it, I'm just going to give them a limp-wristed wave and say "oh be nice!" in my best queermosexual voice, and then tell them that "Harleys are SUPER! I love how it vibrates my bum!"

Then get the hell out of there ASAP, hopefully with enough time to give a miss-America wave with my left hand after the 1-2 up-shift.

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It's so they can justify paying tomorrows prices for yesterdays technology. It must be the best brand there is, because its the most expensive and has its name on everything from toilet seat covers to coffee cups. My dad rode Honda's for most of his life. Bought a vrod a few years ago and now he has the shirts, jackets, boots etc to match.....I tried to explain to him what a sucker he is but he doesn't see it. I tried to explain to him how much faster and better jap bikes are than his vrod, his reply "they win on the drag strip every time". I asked him how many Harleys he's seen in moto gp....he didn't have an answer. Sure, a top fuel funny car is going to win against a vette on the strip, but which one would you rather own?

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If I ever own a Harley, it will either be an XR1200, or possibly some variant of the V-Rod. In either case, I'm going to wear full leathers and a full-face helmet at all times.

If any "bikers" give me shit about it, I'm just going to give them a limp-wristed wave and say "oh be nice!" in my best queermosexual voice, and then tell them that "Harleys are SUPER! I love how it vibrates my bum!"

Then get the hell out of there ASAP, hopefully with enough time to give a miss-America wave with my left hand after the 1-2 up-shift.

Awesome! +rep coming at ya!

Ever see a panic stop in a parade of drunks? Kind of like Bristol NASCAR. I would love to know why Harley Riders do not like other brands. I don't think Victory is accepted either.

Victory is probably more American made than Harley, too.

^^1) a VROD is hardly a harley

2) I'm willing to bet I know of at least one VROD that will outride a majority of sport bikes on this very forum


I KNOW you're not talking about the typing cat...

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^^1) a VROD is hardly a harley

2) I'm willing to bet I know of at least one VROD that will outride a majority of sport bikes on this very forum


I know that guy, he's crazy on that thing, dave used to be pretty crazy too...

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Nope. :cool:

Typing Cat needs to put some centavos into his suspension' date=' though. That's the only reason he wasn't towing UnclePunk around Georgia.[/quote']

That's bullshit; he won't be towing me around until he stops using hard parts to plow rain grooves in the roadway. Way too much drag to overcome his lack of horsepower doing it that way.

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Why don't the cops greet these guys as they come into one of their bar stops? I know they're drunk, the cops HAVE to know they're drunk (or definitely been drinking). Hell there was over 100 bikes in the last ride I went on and I didn't see a one of them having a coke at any of the bars that we stopped at. My simple math says that's 150,000 in fines. I know we fight against motorcycle only checkpoints as being unfair but good god man, keep those idiots off the streets! Shit, I'm ranting again...sorry.

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Why don't the cops greet these guys as they come into one of their bar stops? I know they're drunk, the cops HAVE to know they're drunk (or definitely been drinking). Hell there was over 100 bikes in the last ride I went on and I didn't see a one of them having a coke at any of the bars that we stopped at. My simple math says that's 150,000 in fines. I know we fight against motorcycle only checkpoints as being unfair but good god man, keep those idiots off the streets! Shit, I'm ranting again...sorry.

That would be pretty fucking funny to see.

Hell there was a woman run over participating in one of those. It was as couple of blocks from home. I think only the guy that ran her over stopped. The rest of them kept on trucking. When the police caught up to them. They claimed the didn't know it happend.

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Why don't the cops greet these guys as they come into one of their bar stops?


Cats can type?

apparently, they also ride vrods like crazy...

vrods first drag footpeg, then exhaust bolts, then radiator shrouds...

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