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Problems with left turns


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First off, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm not sure quite where it belongs.

So, I've been riding 15 years. I haven't had a real track day where I've had coaching, and I didn't take a MSF course. I think I ride OK, all things considered. Not great, not fast, but I seem to be somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Over the years, I've been down a couple times, and I think I've finally found what is going on, but I'm not sure what to do about it. It's left-handers. I just can't seem to read them. There is something happening visually that is throwing everything out of whack. I'm having a lot of trouble finding and holding a good line. Anybody have any advice to offer on how to fix this?

Both times I've crashed, it was on a left hand turn.

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First off, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm not sure quite where it belongs.

So, I've been riding 15 years. I haven't had a real track day where I've had coaching, and I didn't take a MSF course. I think I ride OK, all things considered. Not great, not fast, but I seem to be somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Over the years, I've been down a couple times, and I think I've finally found what is going on, but I'm not sure what to do about it. It's left-handers. I just can't seem to read them. There is something happening visually that is throwing everything out of whack. I'm having a lot of trouble finding and holding a good line. Anybody have any advice to offer on how to fix this?

Both times I've crashed, it was on a left hand turn.

Just keep riding putnam.. It only has 2 lefts! :p

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It's not about being spooked... it's like I can't seem to find the right line through them for some reason, and I'm not smooth. At times it's working. I'm going to have to try and notice which ones are more difficult and figure out why.

I went out and rode about 8 hours yesterday. Where were we when I crashed that day? I tried to find the road but couldn't remember where and what it was. I ended up doing the bottom half of 555 and a lot of 78 as well as a bunch of other roads. For the most part it was good, but there were times when I just couldn't read the turn. It seemed to be ok on the tighter stuff, but the hard sweepers, especially going up hill, seemed to be an issue. It was like I couldn't find the line. I really am wondering if it's an eye dominance issue.

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Are you left handed? Most people have an easier time with left handers vs. right handers. They are predominately right handed also... Not sure... But, that is what a lot of people find.

Best thing is to borrow a dirt bike, get into a grass field and set up a road course. Grass track, essentially. Then, get er in sideways and force yourself to do them until you puke.

It'll come. It's body position and need for more seat time. Just keep at it. Get to a track that has a good number of CHALLENGING left handers. Putnam is good because of Dead Bear and high speed 4. Mid-Ohio has a strong turn 1 that is a challenge and of course turn 8 and before the Honda bridge and turn 14.

Grattan has a good set of left handers and even better when ran the opposite direction. There's plenty of examples.

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I think it may also have to do with the fact you have an entire extra lane to catch yourself in an emergency situation when turning right but when going left you just have grass and guard rails. This plays with my head sometimes and I didn't notice it until the gap trip since I do not have fun roads where I live. But during that trip I would find myself not getting into the right position to take lefties since the right position is next to the white line typically and is kinda intimidating to ride that close to the edge. However, when I would turn right I would be right next to the center line ready to dive into the turn. Just my 2 cents on the topic.

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Are you left handed? Most people have an easier time with left handers vs. right handers. They are predominately right handed also... Not sure... But, that is what a lot of people find.

This is me to a T. I'm much faster and smoother through left handers. Right hand turns I don't feel comfortable, almost to the point where I feel disconnected from the bike.

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I definitely "prefer" right turns, but I think for me it has more to do with feeling like I'm leaning into someone elses lane on lefts (even if I'm not) Rights you have the whole lane for your tires to cover, and your body never crosses the center whether your tires are running left edge, or right edge or somewhere in between.

Left turns if your tires get too close to that inside line, and you have any kind of substantial lean angle going, your body is in the other lane, so it essentially cuts your lane in half..

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Come on a ride. after a couple of gas stops we'll get it figured out.

By any chance are you worried about running wide in lefts and taking a line that is too far inside? that can cause a couple problems.

Edited by Tpoppa
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Come on a ride. after a couple of gas stops we'll get it figured out.

By any chance are you worried about running wide in lefts and taking a line that is too far inside? that can cause a couple problems.

I do this, :( plus the slope is against the turn except where there is fair amount of banking

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Are you left handed? Most people have an easier time with left handers vs. right handers. They are predominately right handed also... Not sure... But, that is what a lot of people find.

Best thing is to borrow a dirt bike, get into a grass field and set up a road course. Grass track, essentially. Then, get er in sideways and force yourself to do them until you puke.

It'll come. It's body position and need for more seat time. Just keep at it. Get to a track that has a good number of CHALLENGING left handers. Putnam is good because of Dead Bear and high speed 4. Mid-Ohio has a strong turn 1 that is a challenge and of course turn 8 and before the Honda bridge and turn 14.

Grattan has a good set of left handers and even better when ran the opposite direction. There's plenty of examples.

I'm right handed and much faster in rights. :dunno:

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I think it may also have to do with the fact you have an entire extra lane to catch yourself in an emergency situation when turning right but when going left you just have grass and guard rails. This plays with my head sometimes and I didn't notice it until the gap trip since I do not have fun roads where I live. But during that trip I would find myself not getting into the right position to take lefties since the right position is next to the white line typically and is kinda intimidating to ride that close to the edge. However, when I would turn right I would be right next to the center line ready to dive into the turn. Just my 2 cents on the topic.

You just havent ventured your way to the better stuff ;)

To the OP: I used to be the same. I've never done a track day but I've learned a shit ton just from rising and attempting to keep up with IP, bambam, and others as of late. If its one thing I've learned it's just seeing the line through and holding it. My problem is mostly in my head and I'm sure I could be a much better rider if I could do that all the time

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Little Tally is run counter clockwise and is mostly lefts with two rights. That would be the track to run if you want left hand practice.

Lefts might be harder as you are going off the center line or lack of a center line on country roads. Rights always have the ditch and greater contrast between pavement and no pavement.

Body position and looking through the turns are probably most of it but confidence is another matter. Go slow, break the turn down step by step. Once you can identify what you are doing on the rights and not doing (or not doing as well) on the lefts, you will figure it out. Have someone follow you but a track day with a CR will probably help the most as you can eliminate all the other distractions of street riding on the track.

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You guys might be on to something with this leaning toward oncoming traffic and riding at the far side of the lane. That is definitely something I think about. The first time I went down it was due to gravel toward the outside edge of a left-hander.

I'd like to get on one of the rides and get some tips. I'm never going to be fast like some of you on here, but I would like to be at least confident with a 7/10 pace.

Thanks for the replies.

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I think you are doing great just by acknowledging the problem exists. Many people think it is the bike.

I have found that I turn better left than right this season but I attribute that to recovering from left achilles rupture almost a year ago. I can't seem to grip with left leg as good as right. Or maybe I am just using this as an excuse.

My advice is to focus on body position and ensure you are in the same (but opposite) place on the bike for both the rights and lefts.

Then work on your brain, if you think you will put a wheel off the road, that will always keep you from going fast.

Spend the money on a track day with your focus on the left turns. I don't think about what is off the edge of the road (or try not too).

When turning left on public roads, I narrow my area of riding to the right 60% of the lane to avoid my head hanging into oncoming traffic.


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I know nerves are coming into play somewhat. I'm definitely more tense in the lefts, and my body position is suffering, which is not helping at all. I noticed a couple times I pushed the bike down under me in the lefts, where the rights my body position was more correct, with the bike more upright and my body to the right of the vertical center of the bike. I have no problems in rights with getting off the seat. Lefts, it's happening, but not as smoothly and not as confidently.

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You guys might be on to something with this leaning toward oncoming traffic and riding at the far side of the lane. That is definitely something I think about. The first time I went down it was due to gravel toward the outside edge of a left-hander.

I'd like to get on one of the rides and get some tips. I'm never going to be fast like some of you on here, but I would like to be at least confident with a 7/10 pace.

Thanks for the replies.

If you are feeling like you are going to fast...you are. You shouldn't be trying to go fast anyway. Your goal should be smoothness. Confidence & speed will come after that.

If you aren't feeling smooth, there is reason for it. It can be a simple as changing your line entering the corner or changing where you are looking (you should be looking through a corner not at the pavement right in front of your tire).

It may be other reasons, too. This is a good conversation for a gas stop.

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have some fun in an empty parking lot. i dont do it a lot since i get on track a lot, but it is fun. just make sure your tires are warmed up before you get too crazy.

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Without watching you do a left sweeper all this is speculation. You might not be steady enough on the throttle, or you might have target fixation or you could just suck. :lol: Serious though, try video taping yourself or have someone video you doing it. That makes analysis much easier to see what you are doing or not doing.

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I could just suck, really. lol.

no, I do ok, and most the time I don't get in too deep- I feel ok. It's more like feeling a little out of sorts than feeling actually like I'm going to crash. Something is just not quite right. I think it's going to take somebody who knows what they're talking about following behind me to give me some pointers. I guess that rules out anybody on here, lol. j/k

I do ok, but I want to get to the next level and I know you guys are right about being smooth. Smooth is fast. It's something I repeat to myself while I ride. But lefts aren't as smooth as they should be, and I just don't know what is going on, if it's in my head, or I'm doing something odd... not really sure at this point.

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