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FB has become annoying as fuck!

max power

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Between my princess sisters dramatic life as a newly single fat girl, retarded people arguing politics, newly dumped girls whining and moaning about there pathetic lives and sharing stupid quotes about finding someone better and all the stupid unfunny shared pics from people with names like funny shiz, bitchin about stupid farming games and inspirational quotes, and the occasional queer friend of a friend trying to pick fights with me because I called him a sissy, I'm starting to think that the douchebags here on OR aren't so bad.


Edited by max power
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my dad (and countless others) have defriended me. don't let mere family status stop you from defriending those annoying fuckfaces as well.

i got defriended by a girl i knew in high school because i (clearly) facetiously told her to just give up and be a crazy cat lady (she was whining about guys or something). she was displeased with my attitude.

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The "Hide Story" feature was one of the best things FB could do if you can't tear yourself away from it in the first place. The only family member I haven't blocked is my brother, and he's lucky to post something once a month, usually racing related.

Abstinence is always the best policy, just ask all the people arguing politics on Facebook.

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Yeah, it's getting pretty lame. The worst is when people spout off about something (i.e. why does happen to me???) and give no clue or reference as to what it's about. FB is the attention whore's dream. I'm tired of the "inspirational" quotes, pitcures of the temp display in the car, pictures of whatever food you are stuffing in your face, the fact that you are going to work, the fact that you are at work and hating it, etc, etc, etc. [/rant]

Only reason I stay active on it is to keep up with my family in NY whom I don't get to see very often. I find Twitter to be a much more useful tool for keeping up with companies/entities I am interested in.

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that should make it all the easier :lol:

just knock em off from showing up on the newsfeed

That's what I do :D

my dad (and countless others) have defriended me. don't let mere family status stop you from defriending those annoying fuckfaces as well.

i got defriended by a girl i knew in high school because i (clearly) facetiously told her to just give up and be a crazy cat lady (she was whining about guys or something). she was displeased with my attitude.

Had someone from HS defriend me cause I corrected his spelling of Beer, and another cause I said he had to many shoes. True story

The "Hide Story" feature was one of the best things FB could do if you can't tear yourself away from it in the first place.


I enjoy trolling people on FB cause its easier than doing it on here since I am amongst Gods of the Trolling arts :lol:

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I said the same. I pretty much use it for sports news, food news and deals news. I don't think I ever tweet, rarely reply to people and sometimes retweet and now I enjoy it

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I guess I'm lucky. My friends on FB are friends in real life, not just people who decided they need a bigger audience for their needy sub human attention getting look at me generation WHY? brain dead ass plugging psychy. :lol:

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