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Thanks I will call tues if have not herd from them by then, I just e-mailed

Tom Sussi from there web site he's one of the investigators. And says he has degrees in both telecommunications and criminal justice. Hope he looks into this for me. I also gave him a link to the thread.

My friend from the Ohio Motorized Trail Association just sent me his e-mail, muddyrabbit@gmail.com. Hope he can help.:D

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M_Quick, good talking to you. Hope some of those suggestions help. One thing I forgot, do report this to your insurance immidiatley! Insurance companies are in business to make money, not pay it out and not recover. Even if they pay you they will then begin their process for recovering the lost revenue, which involves their own investigation, them finding out who his insurance is, them making inquiries with law enforcement, and ultimately their lawyers taking him to court.

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Called and talked to owner on phone a little while ago. a few things to mention, he said I was bashing him on the internet! I said I'm just telling my part of the indecent, and it's all true! And then he said expect for the one part about the value of the buggy! lol other than that he didn't deny anything. He told me a story about 1 yr. ago four quads stolen they recover'd them all from his sources not the police. I asked about the police report, he told me they dialed 911 like 3 times and it took 4 hrs for them to arrive. Well then I told him what Ryan Kerr told me, " that we have our own detective and he's waiting on us to call with vin#'s and then we will get a report #. MJ said he's absolutely right. So I asked again did the police come out and take a report or not? He said it took them 6 hrs! I said you just told me 4hrs and that Ryan was right that no one came out which is it? He says he has a report #, failed to give it to me, asked for my vin# I told him he could have that as soon as he give's me his report #, or he could find my vin# from my police report, and that it was online not like his. He also would not give me his insurance info, and said they were not going to cover it any ways. He is supposed to be calling me back with a report # but IDT that will happen. He also told me to go my route about this and he will go his route. And he was not saying he will replace the unit or not replace it, he hopes it turns up, and to give him 90 days. Also MJ did confirm that night they left the key's in my quad and his. His list of stolen units to me was, my quad his quad, 2 go carts of his, not bugys, and another customers mini bike. What do you all bet his units show back up at the shop?

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Called and talked to owner on phone a little while ago. a few things to mention, he said I was bashing him on the internet!

Did you invite him to come on here and tell his side?

I Love a good show


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Did you invite him to come on here and tell his side?

I Love a good show


Great idea!

If it was being not-so-subtly hinted at that I was a thief, I'd certainly want to come on here and defend myself.

I've got $100 says he ain't coming on here. Takers?

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on, not one
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M_Quick, good talking to you. Hope some of those suggestions help. One thing I forgot, do report this to your insurance immidiatley! Insurance companies are in business to make money, not pay it out and not recover. Even if they pay you they will then begin their process for recovering the lost revenue, which involves their own investigation, them finding out who his insurance is, them making inquiries with law enforcement, and ultimately their lawyers taking him to court.

Nice talking to you as well, and thanks for all the info. I don't have insurance on this quad, or I would of called them.

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Did you invite him to come on here and tell his side?

I Love a good show


I didn't, but would you ask for an invite if you were in his shoe's and thought someone was bashing you? FYI I never did get the call back from MJ with police report #. I still went out of state to visit my family. My Uncle has a 4th of July hog roast every year, with lots of fire works. I just came down with one less quad and child:mad: The Scrambler was the quad my wife and older boys ride.

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http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95276. I see that they are a sponsor on our site now. Surely looking for business. Maybe shoot him a PM or give him a call and to gain our trust may help you out or at least tell you where you stand legally. Worth a shot.
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http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95276. I see that they are a sponsor on our site now. Surely looking for business. Maybe shoot him a PM or give him a call and to gain our trust may help you out or at least tell you where you stand legally. Worth a shot.

Sent him a PM today.

Rest of update, today Attorney Generals office called me. Asked me to send copy of invoice to him, which I did. And he said he would be in contact with MJ. And then someone called from a local # and said they were with his Insurance company, but told me a rep from another insurance company out of town would call me tomorrow? And also this lady provided me with a Police Report # 12-0576693, which is a report # aprox. 18k numbers after my report #??? And it does not appear online for me to view, at least yet. She also advised me they were covering my quad and apologized for MJ's, actions as far as him telling me no info and that his insurance would not cover it. I will update tomorrow if they call.

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Sounds like some positive progress is being made.

If I were you, I'd not get too excited just yet, treat this like high school, you know - pray for an F, get a D-, woot woot!

Does sound like someone's been forced into being a businessman and taking care of things properly, as they should have since the beginning.

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Sounds like someone's cage got rattled.
Sounds like some positive progress is being made.


Maybe so, but now it just seams like the circle jerk continues. I didn't get a call today. So I called back to talk to lady I spoke with, of coarse she was busy. The other girl give's me a claim # the adjuster's Name, 800# and ext #. Call them, he tells me claim hasn't been assigned to anyone yet! Then says oh wait, rattles off a name and offers to transfer me. Well you probably guessed it, right to v/mail and I have yet to get a return call.

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Glad something is happening at least!

This is (part of) why it is so important to never buy an ATV or dirt bike without a title. You would not believe how many calls and emails i get every year from people who bought a bike with nothing but a handwritten bill of sale, then realize they can't get a trail sticker or insurance. Unfortunately not all states title ATVs, and more than likely that is where you quad is by now. But since you do have the title you have proof that you owned it, and it existed.

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wishing you luck... dont let them push you around

Thanks, and I'm trying not to but they are pushing...

7/12/12 missed call from John Marks the claims adjuster from Westfield Ins. around 9am. I called back and left v/mail 11:30am At 3:00pm Jon Marks calls me back. We talked for several minutes. And then he asked me which of the reported units was mine? When I answered, he told me he didn’t see anything Polaris on his list! He took all my info, asked me about a claim check. I explained that’s not there practice to give you one, and there invoices are not even numbered so who know‘s how they keep track of anything. And then he asked if I had a copy of the invoice and if I had a title, and asked me to send them to him which I did. The list of items I got from the insurance guy are as follows. 2 racing go carts one was 2007 model, a 98 Honda 300 Quad, 04 YZ 85, 01 CR 85, And a CRDI Honda? Which he had no clue what that was. He also told me he can not view the police report that MJ filed because it comes up as under investigation!

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Did you invite him to come on here and tell his side?

I Love a good show


Well If you are still watching this thread MJ I would now like to formally invite you to tell your side of the story. That is if you have it all figured out yet!

Like Judge Judy always says, if your telling the truth you don't have to think about it! Also if it don't make sense it's probably not true.

I mean what kind of a POS reports the break in to his insurance agency, and forget's to add the customer's unit!

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After mick told me about this I thought about calling them. So I did and I asked about getting some work done to my renegade and i asked if my quad would be safe there. The person on the phone told me they havent had any problems with theft or break ins. So then I asked about the scrambler lol. the phone got quiet and I was told that he didnt know anything about it. I smell bullshit these people are crooks and there isnt nothing worse than a thief

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7/13/12 received e-mail from Jon Marks {MJ’s Insurance adjuster}, confirming he received my e-mail with the 2 documents he asked for. And also advised me this should be wrapped up next week, but he would be out of the office on Monday. As of this evening 7/20/12 I have not herd back from MJ’s insurance or anyone else for that matter. I will try and contact the adjuster Monday am and see what’s going on. And the police report # still does not come up online. Also will email the AG and see if he has had any response from MJ as of yet. Last I talked to the AG was 7/9/12, I’d think that would be time for a response but maybe not.

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