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Mass Media witch hunt begins in wake of Aurora!


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Yes, it was beyond tragic, but let's not cheapen it by running around calling everyone who hadn't gotten word of it insensitive and uncaring. I wonder how many people said they were "dead tired" on facebook or twitter today? Unreal how people will go out of their way to hate on gun owners sometimes.


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Just another chance to tilt the view that gun owners are bad.

So the tweeter media guy slept in today and didn't hear about this incedent.

I don't think CNN would report all the conservation and other works of goodwill the gun owners perform.

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It only gives the next loser a reason to plan the next big shooting. I swear I hate the big media giants.

My thoughts exactly. It's a cowardly, despicable act by a deranged individual.

Predictably, the news media will ride this horse into the ground, inspiring some other meathead to try something similar. It will also put more pressure on lawmakers to increase gun control laws which will only serve to punish the law abiding citizens and not idiots such as this bent on mayhem.

By the way, no more wearing costumes at AMC theaters. That'll show 'em :wtf:

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My thoughts exactly. It's a cowardly, despicable act by a deranged individual.

Predictably, the news media will ride this horse into the ground, inspiring some other meathead to try something similar. It will also put more pressure on lawmakers to increase gun control laws which will only serve to punish the law abiding citizens and not idiots such as this bent on mayhem.

By the way, no more wearing costumes at AMC theaters. That'll show 'em :wtf:

So let's require all patrons to show up in their birthday suit to assure no ones carrying a fun that I'll show them ;)

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So let's require all patrons to show up in their birthday suit to assure no ones carrying a fun that I'll show them ;)

If I showed up in my birthday suit....they'd see I was carrying a "fun"

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Just another chance to tilt the view that gun owners are bad.

So the tweeter media guy slept in today and didn't hear about this incedent.

I don't think CNN would report all the conservation and other works of goodwill the gun owners perform.

Did anybody (the media) even consider that they could have something automated to send out those tweets, thereby having it all set into place before the shooting even happened? :rolleyes:

So let's require all patrons to show up in their birthday suit to assure no ones carrying a fun that I'll show them ;)

Does that include the movie theater employees? Gen3 would have to show them off then! :lol:

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By the way, no more wearing costumes at AMC theaters. That'll show 'em :wtf:

Shit, what am I going to do with my Diego costume I was going to wear to Ice Age?:rolleyes:

Hey lets stop higher education because this guy was smart. This will all get twisted into someones political agenda while this guy is paraded across the TV like the bastard in Europe who killed all those kids. Let's stop trying to put reason to the madness of a guy who deserves to be burned at the stake!

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Found this blurb on Google+ by a gal from Texas.

But wait, did she just equate patriotism with a batch of undesirable traits?

Yes she did. Intentional or accidental? Means something either way.

I did notice that no one was commenting at all. Probably caught that weird part.

I kinda wanted to tell her that 6000 rounds is just two day's practice to stay proficient.

Not to mention that "the ammo didn't do it".

Just a guess, but what I think people really fear, is that they themselves as an ordinary person, could be an ordinary person that suddenly turns into a mass murderer. They fear themselves.

SIX THOUSAND rounds of AMMUNITION...purchased through the INTERNET. That's a 6 followed by three staggeringly large zeros!

Human behavior is subject to the same laws as any other natural phenomenon. Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns. If the environment is unaltered, similar behavior will happen again. And again we will all be shocked and do nothing about it. Meanwhile, I now have one more reason to avoid movie theaters.

Kimberly Shoemaker

OK, there are some comments showing up now. The first one was from a German, which literal translation is "The spin of Americans!". Most comments are negative.

edit: I'm also reading from some one (Licensed Clinical Psychologist) that perhaps the root of the shooter's problem, was simply that he was unable to find a job. Dropped out of Doctorate and was working at a McDonalds. A victim of our economy.

Edited by ReconRat
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I don't even care that I'm not blacking out this chicks name. I saw this on Facebook yesterday. As soon as I saw it I promptly and politely informed her she was most informed and a retard. she did take it down right after I commented.


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Found this blurb on Google+ by a gal from Texas.

But wait, did she just equate patriotism with a batch of undesirable traits?

Yes she did. Intentional or accidental? Means something either way.

I did notice that no one was commenting at all. Probably caught that weird part.

I kinda wanted to tell her that 6000 rounds is just two day's practice to stay proficient.

Not to mention that "the ammo didn't do it".

Just a guess, but what I think people really fear, is that they themselves as an ordinary person, could be an ordinary person that suddenly turns into a mass murderer. They fear themselves.

OK, there are some comments showing up now. The first one was from a German, which literal translation is "The spin of Americans!". Most comments are negative.

edit: I'm also reading from some one (Licensed Clinical Psychologist) that perhaps the root of the shooter's problem, was simply that he was unable to find a job. Dropped out of Doctorate and was working at a McDonalds. A victim of our economy.

So we should blame Ronald Mcdonald?

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I don't even care that I'm not blacking out this chicks name. I saw this on Facebook yesterday. As soon as I saw it I promptly and politely informed her she was most informed and a retard. she did take it down right after I commented.


holy shit!! the NRA is giving out highpowered automatics??? where do i sign!

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There's no way to prevent this sort of thing from happening but if they they took these scumbags and string them up quick (or worse), the next potential one would probably more carefully consider his actions. Instead he'll be stuck in a warm cell with a tv and 3 squares for the rest of his life. Not much a of a deterrent there.

Better yet, drop him off in the middle east somewhere with his hands tied and a sign around his neck saying Mohammed is a fraud. :D

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ABC News has suggested that James Holmes -- the suspect in today's shooting in Aurora, Colorado -- may have a connection to the Tea Party.

ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

(See also: Full coverage of the Colorado theater shooting)

"Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes," Ross cautioned "but it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."

ABC News is the only network or cable news channel to suggest a possible Tea Party connection, according to a survey of the TV Eyes database at 9:30 a.m. ET, though they did not verify that the two individuals were one and the same. (This is the Tea Party Patriots page on which Ross based his report.)

The report has already set off alarm bells on the right. At Brietbart.com, the conservative news site, Joel Pollak has accused ABC News of "scapegoating."

"How interesting that Ross and ABC News should think to look to the Tea Party website first--and to broadcast politically volatile information without verifying if that 'Jim Holmes' is the same as the suspect," Pollak writes. "Look for more scapegoating from the mainstream media and the Democrats in the hours and days to follow."

Never waste a crisis.

Sad, but oh so predictable.

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