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Manger stops robbery by shooting - company being sued


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Why is it a waste of taxpayer dollars? This is civil litigation with courts costs being paid by one or both of the parties to the case. :confused:

You REALLY believe all the expenses of this case will be paid by her if she loses? :rolleyes:

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You know her? You know she cannot pay?

We know some relevant facts...

1. She raised a worthless shitbag criminal.

2. She defers blame for his death not on his lousy rearing or awful character but on the man who stopped him from committing (another) robbery.

3. She attempts to collect the money her sons failed robbery could not.

Occam's Razor says she not only cannot pay, but will not pay.

This is a waste of society's time, not just the courts.

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The bad news is that the lawsuit is priced for the defendant to roll over and pay, rather than pay more to the lawyers to fight and dismiss it. This is an ambulance chaser.

The plantiff should be fined... $75,000. But that won't happen.

Because Tom already said it.

But, it's funny to read the opinions about her being able to pay for the lawsuit. Some of ya'll talk like you aren't really educated on how the process works.

1) Civil cases have to have a fee paid to even bring the suit

2) If you do research, you'll see that $75k is often the statutory max in a District court where filing fees are low (~$350 to $500). Over $75k bumps you up to Federal court and increases the fees.

3) I'd bet dollars to day old doughnuts that this is one of those "Only pay if you collect" lawyer deals where the plaintiff only has to cough up the filing fees with nothing else to lose.

In the end, I think a settlement wins out, unless Kmart really wants to litigate and go after her via Rule 13 and Rule 11 (if they're feeling really ambitious), though highly unlikely.

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But, it's funny to read the opinions about her being able to pay for the lawsuit.

I was simply saying it's a waste of tax payer money. But what you say seems to confirm that.;)

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