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I have a faint interest regarding overall performance, since it would seem that our athletes coming from a large, diverse and wealthy nation should have the resources, training and skills to dominate athletic events... The main drawback we have is our extreme obesity problem which could make it difficult to find well fit competitors.

Some events are somewhat entertaining to watch, others are completely boring...

and some events are completely worthless... I could care less which country owns the best dressage horse.

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I could give 2 shits about most of these sports, but the personal stories they're showing of some of these athletes are pretty cool:

Missy Franklin, 17 year old swimmer from Aurora CO - what a neat girl. Stays in CO instead of going to Cali or somewhere to get "better" coaching because "my coach for 10 years is here, all my friends and family are here, and if I went somewhere else I wouldn't be happy".

The two volleyball players, Misty May Treanor and Kerri Walsh - just watching them work together is like 2 people working as one, and in an interview with John McEnroe ?! they just seemed nice and "genuine", for lack of a better word.

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I have little intrigue in the Olympics. Although on a funnier note, I managed to catch a bit of the volleyball at BW3's this afternoon and one of the competitors name was "Destiny Hooker" :lol: I shit you not. About blew a halfeaten hotwing at my wife when I saw it! Aparently this Olympian has yet to live up to her name :dunno:

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I have little intrigue in the Olympics. Although on a funnier note, I managed to catch a bit of the volleyball at BW3's this afternoon and one of the competitors name was "Destiny Hooker" :lol: I shit you not. About blew a halfeaten hotwing at my wife when I saw it! Aparently this Olympian has yet to live up to her name :dunno:

^ that's awesome! Everything else about the summer olympics so far, other than the womens beach volleyball, but including the opening ceremony, has been the gayness.

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Remember Chinas competitors are paid for by China from early on. Ours may get scholarships and private donations but are for the most part on their own till they become well enough known.

That said, if they win they get $10mill deals to be spokes people for products and car dealerships. Plus they can make a work out video. :lol:

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Its no secret how China grooms their athletes. If we had a program like theirs I would be disappointed in our performance. But we are still relying on peoples dreams of becoming Olympic athletes not the states dream so I'm pleased.


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Watched the Women's Judo yesterday. Lots of girls wrestling in PJs, basically. Not as entertaining (from a MA persective) as I thought it would be. Two Korean coaches were booted, one of them flipped a rude gesture at the judge that was caught on TV but I've heard nothing about that. It is amazing to me how far removed Olympic Judo is from real-world fighting. I know that point-scoring sport MA's (like TKD) tend to train fighters to land a technique and then stop fighting, which is bad news in the street, but Judo is even worse... 5 seconds of stalemate = stop and reposition? So Judoka train that if the fight isn't going their way they drop to the floor and turtle up. "Try that in a bar fight!" I'd like to see Judo rules changed to say that if some person is clearly dominant (and still fighting) and the other person is submissive (and is motionless) upon breaking a stalemate then the dominant fighter gets a minor point.

I used to play Badminton in college so I was interested in that, but seeing 8 players booted for "not trying" has dampened my enthusiasm. Look forward to checking out the Taekwondo, though. Do they do JuJitsu? I'll have to check.

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Watched the Women's Judo yesterday. Lots of girls wrestling in PJs, basically. Not as entertaining (from a MA persective) as I thought it would be. Two Korean coaches were booted, one of them flipped a rude gesture at the judge that was caught on TV but I've heard nothing about that. It is amazing to me how far removed Olympic Judo is from real-world fighting. I know that point-scoring sport MA's (like TKD) tend to train fighters to land a technique and then stop fighting, which is bad news in the street, but Judo is even worse... 5 seconds of stalemate = stop and reposition? So Judoka train that if the fight isn't going their way they drop to the floor and turtle up. "Try that in a bar fight!" I'd like to see Judo rules changed to say that if some person is clearly dominant (and still fighting) and the other person is submissive (and is motionless) upon breaking a stalemate then the dominant fighter gets a minor point.

I used to play Badminton in college so I was interested in that, but seeing 8 players booted for "not trying" has dampened my enthusiasm. Look forward to checking out the Taekwondo, though. Do they do JuJitsu? I'll have to check.

Local got the gold medal :cool:

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