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Seven killed in shooting rampage at Wisconsin Sikh temple


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Give it a soft and fluffy name and you're in. It's not an "assault rifle" it's a "defense rifle" or "patrol rifle". (that was the name a news organization used to describe an officer's AR15)

What about "Liberty Rifle" or "Patriot Rifle"?

"45-70 freedom keeper", "303 crime stopper", "SKS liberty provider" or "6mm hole puncher"? :rolleyes:

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DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror


Daryl Johnson had a sinking feeling when he started seeing TV reports on Sunday about a shooting in a Wisconsin temple. “I told my wife, ‘This is likely a hate crime perpetrated by a white supremacist who may have had military experience,’” Johnson recalls.


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DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror



Johnson, who has written a forthcoming book about far-right extremist groups, concedes that the definition of “right-wing” in his product was imprecise. In retrospect, he says he should have clarified that his focus was on “violent” right-wing organizations, like white supremacists, neo-Nazis and so-called Sovereign Citizens who believe the U.S. government is an illegitimate, tyrannical enterprise. Much like mainstream Muslims denounce terrorism and object to over-broad analysis portraying Islam as an incubator of extremism, so too do mainstream conservatives denounce neo-Nazis and white supremacists and dispute that those groups are authentically right-wing.
If there's a big spike in white-supremecist violence towards minorities I'll be happy to concede his fears were real and the threat palpable.

Not seeing it, yet. How many racially-charged violent acts from other minorities have there been against whites that fall completely off the DHS' radar, or do they even consider such acts as terror? If not, why not? Does a black guy targeting a white victim merely because they're white count as racial hatred? Further, could it be construed as domestic terror? What if he has ties to a black power group?

Bet there's a few instances of those. Bet it didn't register a blip on anyone's radar...which is interesting.

Oh, questions...questions.

Edited by swingset
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