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Knife laws in Ohio - a question that I need a polcie officer or lawyer to to answer..


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I made some "throwing" tools a few years ago by welding razor blades together in interesting patterns..

sometimes you need to open a box from across the room, right?

Wait, doesn't this go against your gun philosophy? What other purpose throwing knives have other than to harm someone?

The art of knife throwing was first used in martial arts or hunting applications.

So why is a gun's design to kill, as you say, any different than a throwing knife's design ti kill? Why is one okay but the other isn't?

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The answer is twofold

1. Knives serve practical purposes...

How hard of a concept is this to grasp?

2. I used to be into weapons...

Back when I was younger, and thought weapons were cool, I wondered if I could build my own throwing stars... so i took something sharp (razor blades) and welded them into intricate patterns (as well as simple ones) and threw them at the back wall of the garage...

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The answer is twofold

1. Knives serve practical purposes...

How hard of a concept is this to grasp?

2. I used to be into weapons...

Back when I was younger, and thought weapons were cool, I wondered if I could build my own throwing stars... so i took something sharp (razor blades) and welded them into intricate patterns (as well as simple ones) and threw them at the back wall of the garage...

1. Guns serve practical purposes...

How hard of a concept is this to grasp?

2. I find it ironic how you called them "tools" when their original intent was to injure or kill and yet you won't follow the same theory when it comes to firearms. You can't have it both ways.

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1. Guns serve practical purposes...

How hard of a concept is this to grasp?

2. I find it ironic how you called them "tools" when their original intent was to injure or kill and yet you won't follow the same theory when it comes to firearms. You can't have it both ways.

1. Name one real world practical use that you've used your gun for other than to injure or intimidate living things...

2. You use a knife to cut vegetables, you use a knife to cut rope, you can use a knife to peel a potato, lots and lots of benign uses. A knife can serve practical applications in the real world other than harming living things... guns don't

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1. Name one real world practical use that you've used your gun for other than to injure or intimidate living things...

2. You use a knife to cut vegetables, you use a knife to cut rope, you can use a knife to peel a potato, lots and lots of benign uses. A knife can serve practical applications in the real world other than harming living things... guns don't

1. Hunting for food, yes people need to eat. Mastering the skills of concentration, breathing, control, confidence, etc. Safety of myself and loved ones is a real word practical use but I've never drawn on someone while carry as a citizen with a CHL.

2. Now you're changing things. This was about throwing knives, not normal run of the mill knives. What practical use do throwing knives have?

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1. so hunting...

now wouldn't you agree that hunting is more of a liesure activity than your primary source for food?

2.that was part of my twofold answer, I used to be into weapons, lost interest when i discovered motorcycles, and women....

could be a maturity thing in my case... i dunno

Edited by magley64
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Injuring or killing someone IS a legitimate purpose.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

see what happens when you drop that caveat?

You now have made yourself judge of who deserves to die...

Do you expect everyone's life to depend upon your perception?

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So you're saying that if you take away the reason, then there's no more reason...right?

What I'm saying is that the reason is subjective...

"real" self defense depends upon you knowing the future... which you don't.

the argument of self defense, depends upon the perception of the person who is defending, and if their perception isn't correct, then it's no longer self defense, it's an attack... assault with a deadly weapon.

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What I'm saying is that the reason is subjective...

"real" self defense depends upon you knowing the future... which you don't.

the argument of self defense, depends upon the perception of the person who is defending, and if their perception isn't correct, then it's no longer self defense, it's an attack... assault with a deadly weapon.

So you're saying...If one feels his/her life is in immediate danger, the best course of action is to wait and see if they actually die or not, and then make an informed decision...?

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So you're saying...If one feels his/her life is in immediate danger, the best course of action is to wait and see if they actually die or not, and then make an informed decision...?

No, I'm saying if a gun were actually defensive, You would defend yourself by blocking attacks (the proverbial shield), not by preemptively attacking your perceived attacker with deadly force...(the proverbial sword)

you might have prevented a deadly attack, but you didn't defend yourself, you killed someone else to change the course of events.

now the obvious difference between a sword and a gun is that a sword can effectively be used to shield attacks... (a sword can stop a sword) but with a gun, the odds are significantly less... (you probably won't catch a bullet with a gun)

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I believe a proverbial shield would be useless in a life-and-death situation...and a real shield would be too heavy and awkward to carry around.

well, this is where we need to go IMO to make bullets worthless and guns obsolete... you want a "defensive" device, invent a better shield.

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you might have prevented a deadly attack, but you didn't defend yourself, you killed someone else to change the course of events.

That is more-or-less the definition of 'self-defense', where force = force.

now the obvious difference between a sword and a gun is that a sword can effectively be used to shield attacks... (a sword can stop a sword) but with a gun, the odds are significantly less... (you probably won't catch a bullet with a gun)

So, say a whack-job with a sword tells you he is going to kill you. then draws back the sword to swing...Are you carrying a sword to block with? (If so, are you wearing tights?)

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So, say a whack-job with a sword tells you he is going to kill you. then draws back the sword to swing...Are you carrying a sword to block with? (If so, are you wearing tights?)

in that unlikely scenario, I'm dodging the perceived attack, then looking for something I can use to shield attacks, 2x4, chunk of pipe, what have you...

if the attack is real (the perceived attacker would have actually killed me had I not dodged), then I would attempt to disarm the attacker...

None of this has anything to do with the effective use of a gun as a defensive device.

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in that unlikely scenario, I'm dodging the perceived attack, then looking for something I can use to shield attacks, 2x4, chunk of pipe, what have you...

if the attack is real (the perceived attacker would have actually killed me had I not dodged), then I would attempt to disarm the attacker...

Holy crap, you are wearing tights, aren't you? :D

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Carrying a gun doesn't make you right, it just makes your opponent dead, and unable to tell their side of the story.

Now we're getting somewhere. To be 'wrong and alive', or 'dead and right'?

And for someone who claims not care for black and white...Defending oneself with a gun does not always lead to a dead, or even injured attacker.

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Now we're getting somewhere. To be 'wrong and alive', or 'dead and right'?

And for someone who claims not care for black and white...Defending oneself with a gun does not always lead to a dead, or even injured attacker.

I'm not so bold as to think I have the right to take someone else's life, especially in a split second decision...

self defense is exactly that, defense, not preemptive offense.

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I'm not so bold as to think I have the right to take someone else's life, especially in a split second decision...

self defense is exactly that, defense, not preemptive offense.

I refuse to die unarmed because you're scared i might misinterpret how much of a threat the mugger with the knife is.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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