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Nelson ledges


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Crap surface, lots of camber in 4 (the left), and have faith that you can go faster than you think through the kink/dip on the back straight

Do not count on a hot shower or a comfortable shitting experience.

You will go through "the 3 stages of Nelson." 1. "this track is a piece of shit!" 2. (around lunch) "it's not THAT bad." 3. "THIS TRACK IS A PIECE OF SHIT... I can't believe I like it so much."

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I almost forgot: the main paddock area is very small, so you're in kind of close quarters with your neighbors unless you put way out in the infield area. While close quarters sounds inconvenient, it actually makes for a lot of fun when the track is no longer hot. I have met a lot of my riding buddies because of Saturday nights around a fire at Nelson.

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Like we talked at Pegrams bro, turn 4 and the caresoul both, are faster than you think, same with the kink, catch 1-2 up shifts on 12 and even into 13, and get a good drive onto the front straight.

You've got me on FB too, feel free to hit me up on there too man, or PM me.

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as far as gearing for various turns (on a 600), I'll try to break things down a bit...

T1 - I take it in 4th so engine-braking doesn't slow me down more than I want it to, but I'm sure some people drop to 3rd.

Turns 2/3 - accelerate the whole time. You'll be tempted to brake for 3. Don't. there's a bump at the apex of 3 that scares you.

I drop from 4th to 3rd under braking for T4 (the left). As noted, 4 has a ton of positive camber, and you WILL over-brake for it the first few sessions.

Accelerating out of 4, I just tick the rev limiter in 3rd before rolling off for the carousel. Faster guys need a momentary shift into 4th, and then a down-shift into 3rd.

The carousel can be double-apexed. I prefer to actually go in hotter and "blow" the first apex before squaring it off and rolling on in 3rd on exit. I believe that's quicker than running the double-apex drift-out and come back in line. Especially in a race where drifting out usually means someone is shoving a wheel on the inside of "your" line.

after the carousel is the back straight. 3,4,5,6, and then down-shift into 5th before the kink/dip. STAY AT LEAST AT NEUTRAL THROTTLE THROUGH THE KINK THOUGH. You do not want to be loading the front end by braking through there, because the suspension compresses considerably from the dip... Losing the front there would be bad news. The bike is happy under throttle, and you'll keep some travel room in the forks.

I actually get back on the gas for a second after the kink. I believe this is common for those of us who don't have the balls to take it as fast as we should.

Brake later than you think you need to for T12. that's a drop from 5th to 3rd, or 6th to third if you never backed down a gear before the kink.

Go in tight on T13, and drop into 2nd gear. If you miss that down-shift, you're screwed on the front straight.

the front straight is short. it's 2,3,4, and as noted at the beginning of my post, I stay in 4th. I tend to use the shadow of the bridge as my braking reference point. Obviously it moves as the day goes on, but generally so does my confidence :-)

T1 is faster than you think. You can drag your knee through the grass on the inside of 1. Less experienced riders will want to stay wide enough to put their knee on pavement, and you can exploit the hell out of that. Especially in lap traffic.

It's a very flat layout though. HAVE FUN! Just reenacting a lap in my mind makes me want to go ride it.

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You need to grab on to a local guy to get the lines. VERY important to learn the lines. You really should have done a Moto Series track day to learn the lines.

WAY faster than you think. Scary at certain lap times, but totally capable.

Good luck!

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Just looked at the Mylaps times online and wish I had made the trip up, looks like would have been a good time and actually would have been competitive.. Kind of surprised of their times there, but guess not running the track often makes a huge difference.

Definitely looks like MotoSeries guys would have done well, and this weekend all you guys can really show what's up.

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Yeah dude, also looks like Murse the molester and HollyDoche would have done well, possibly some podiums, and Cocks, I mean Cox.

I gotta drop over there and get my warmers and AMB sometime, and I left my pillow and sleeping bag too last Nelson event in his trailer.

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Not exactly relevant but... I took my car to Nelson's for a fun day. Had a blast. Very fast track. Don't lift for the kink whatever you do. I learned that quick and was coming up on actual sports cars very quick ( I was in a factory suspension zx3). I did have one mishap. I lost my train of thought and lifted coming out of the carousel and went for a fun ride around and around and around and around and went into the grass. Lol. Almost hit a guard rail. It's a fun fun track though.

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