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Karma is a Bitch


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The bike may be listed stolen, but that doesn't mean it actually was, or the guy riding it is the thief or that he even knew it was stolen. (Ever seen that ep of cops where a "stolen" car is pulled over and it turns out the owner found their car after reporting it stolen and never told the police they found it...?)

The story doesn't say whose fault the accident was. Would love to get an update on that.

Anyone who knowingly leaves the scene of an accident should have to pay 5x property damages if they were at fault. Anyone who knowingly leaves the scene of an injury (or worse) accident should have to pay 10x damages, AFTER spending one year in jail for every week the victim spends in hospital, or 25 years for fatals. Question is, how to you track down who ran? Dashcams from ebay cost about $100 (make sure you get HD, TRUE HD not upscaled. Can't go wrong with a gopro, but they cost more) I can read plates from any car that gets within 20' of me.

Never know when something stupid is gonna happen...

(Yes, I can read both plates in the original video. And that's with a dirty winsdhield)

Edited by Scruit
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How drunk do you have to be to flip a U-ey on a roundabout and think you're driving just fine... :confused:

Pretty freakin' drunk, I would imagine... :wtf: Or having some serious dimentia issues. :confused: Whatever, damn good thing you saw him coming and weren't checking for the "real" oncoming traffic in the round about!

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