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MM Tape Measure


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I'm servicing my forks, shock, and respringing everything. I need a mm tape measure to get oil height and sag set. I've used standard and it got old converting.

I know I can order one online but I want to find one locally so I don't have to wait a week to get it as I want to get my forks done before the weekend.

Any suggestions?

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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It's not good for oil height but works well for sag. Stop by the local sewing store or Walmart and get a cloth tape measure. MM on one side, inches on the other. Probably cost you more in gas to get there than what they cost. As a side benefit, they don't scratch the paint if you drop it on the bike. :)

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Just get motion pro oil height tool! Worth it! Cant really see down in fork that well and with a measure tape its hard! Motion pro is cheap too!

These are what you really need to use for true oil level height. Motion Pro is the best/cheapest, but you can also get the other needed service tools at Traxxion Dynamics:


If you serviced the oil in the forks, I assume that you drained them completely? You really should probably tear completely apart and clean the internals as well as that is what you would get with a true refresh...

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A friend was once in Canada for work and brought me back a tape measure with both inches and millimeters on it - he thought it was a Canada-only thing. :D

I've used the Racetech tools before but at home I usually just fashion a dipstick out of coat hangar or something and mark it with a sharpie.

Edited by brn6604
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KTM I'm going to strip them down completely. I'm pretty anal about cleaning while I'm in there.

As for the motion pro tool I looked at one at Iron Pony while buying fork oil. I'm not about to drop $30 on something I can make at home. I made a spring compressor from PVC and ground out screws too. I have a big syringe and a hose already. I'll mark the hose at the desired depth, affix hose to something straight and rigid, put hose in fork tube, and suck out the extra.

I'll go digging around at Sears for the mm tape measure for sag. I'll also use swingsets idea to measure for fork oil. I have a digital caliper and am always looking for a reason to use it. Good idea buddy:thumbup:

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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