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RIP Art Modell


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I would probably be upset if I was a Brown's fan and he moved the team, but:

  • There is plenty of blame to go around. Modell is the easy scape goat. Try Mike White, the NFL, city officials..etc if you need some direction.
  • Like it or not, the Cleveland Browns exist as a business first and foremost. They don't exist to primarily give people something to cheer for. I know we all love our teams and we think WE own them, but we don't. Was anyone cheering for the Browns going to pay Modell's bills? Apparently not.
  • The man is dead...RIP. He wasn't a child murderer or kitten basher...he moved a team because he was left (seemingly) with no choice, financially. You don't have to love him, but the hate is a little overboard.
  • When Matt Millen dies, please don't dig this post up and throw it in my face because I'll be the first to piss on his grave.

Yep. After hearing his involvement in getting the AFL and NFL together, his involvement in getting TV contracts going with pro football, I found out he really was instrumental in helping football evolve into what it is today. I really felt for the Cleveland fans when he snuck off to Baltimore, but also felt good for the Baltimore fans who had themselves lost their franchise in their move to Indianapolis. But now Cleveland has their Brown's back, Baltimore has the Ravens and Indy has the Colts. And Detroit has rid themselves of a cancer called 'Millen'....now that right there is the biggest POS (GM) poser that really deserves a big-


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As a Browns fan, when the Browns left it was horrible. It was like we, the fans, were the young children of two parents going through a bad divorce. You don't really know exactly what happened, or who to blame, but you generally pick one parent to be mad at. We should be mad at Cleveland, but it's easier to be mad at the one who left.

I kind of feel bad for Modell as he never had a chance/way to repair that relationship.

That said, fuck the Ravens...fuck the Steelers...and fuck the Bungles :)

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How dare you! Sixburg baby! ;)

Ugh their rapist of a qb's wife is preggo and he said he would miss a game if the kid was born on a Sunday. I guess it's safe for women to go back to the clubs/bars as this proves his balls are securely locked up at home. Lol :)

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Apparently there will be a moment silence for Art before the Browns home opener on Sunday (as requested by the NFL). That's a great opportunity for Browns fans to show the world just how classy they can be :yikes

Perfect timing - straight outta the parking lot and as drunk as they're gonna be all day. :D

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I've had a day to think about this now....

Modell was came into Cleveland with a suitcase full of nothing and left a Multi-Millionaire....with our team. He was in financial straits when he took the team to Baltimore and he still had to sell the team even after the move and them winning OUR Super Bowl. And Cleveland still got the new stadium he wanted so badly.

I won't curse him to rot in hell for eternity, but I still say fuck him. Piece of shit could have kept the team in Cleveland, had his stadium, and would probably be in Canton. Instead he'll be remembered by history as a shrewd bastard that is only notable for taking away something from good and hard working people so he could fill his fat pockets in Baltimore. I was a die hard Browns fan at birth and remember vividly watching Browns fans tear Municipal Stadium apart the day they left with a tear in my eye. He and the rest of the Modells can kiss my ass.

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Apparently there will be a moment silence for Art before the Browns home opener on Sunday (as requested by the NFL). That's a great opportunity for Browns fans to show the world just how classy they can be :yikes

That won't happen. They requested an "appropriate honoring" so it doesn't have to be a moment of silence. All they would have to do is put a flag at 3/4 mast and most people aren't likely to notice

I'm not the biggest Holmgren decision making fan but even I think he wouldn't let a moment of silence happen because we all know how silent that would be. Then again I'm a fuck everyone else for trying to tell us how we should feel and react. If they don't like it they can continue to suck on the ESPN nut hugging of Tebows taint and Mannings neck aids

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