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Kansas may not put Obama on the ballot for the November election


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We will continue to buy oil instead of drill ourselves while they drill and sell it to us.

question... as a country, does it make sense for us to drill now while oil is <$100 a barrel? or wait, sit on our reserves and drill/sell when it hits >$1000 a barrel? or $10,000 a barrel? What advantage do we have by drilling/selling it now?

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And buying a business at a set price with your own money or with investors permission is one thing. Taking my money and spending it without any right is something totally different. I am not saying a bail out wasn't necessary in some respect either auto or bank. But it was done without any thought process or accountability. Should we bail out the post office now? Or redesign it for the next 25 years with an active plan that will mean downsizing or move it to the private market. What does the Government do at a profit? Why should they? Taxpayers will bail it out. Taxpayers are tapped out and fed up with it. People need to stop letting the Government do what ever they want in the dark of the night. But the more people who are dependent on Government support the greater the control of said Government. Social Security was stolen as well and the grease up before the screw job is taking place one year at a time. Soon there will be nothing.

Schools are next along with the overpriced tuition. It will go to the internet and the big box schools will start closing. Loans will get bailed out as well as the schools and the teachers and staff. We will continue to buy oil instead of drill ourselves while they drill and sell it to us.

We have some of the most fruitful land on the planet and we produce almost nothing because we have priced and government controlled ourselves out of business. While other countries buy our scrap and sell it back to us.

Tell someone to get a job and there reply is: Why don't you find me one.

Sounds like lots of impotent rage here. Hate to break it to you bub, but the government has a right to collect taxes and spend that money as it sees fit, subject to the laws of the elected representatives. Don't like paying taxes? Feel free to live in any one of the semi-autonomous countries on Earth, there you can be as bootstrappy as you wish.

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Don't get me wrong we are way better than anywhere else. And you are correct they can, will, raise and spend our taxes like drunken sailors as long as we allow it to take place. And the voting process is the cure. Which is why you people should not complain unless they vote. Get knowledge, study, get involved with the process and try get them in check. Those who want to have the Government make all their decisions have the right to vote those parties in. Given free reign either of the two will screw it up. The check and balance system is in place. Time to put it in check. I hope you did not think I was slamming this country. I am as Patriotic as they come.

So on one hand we're being "greased up before the screw job", and on the other hand we're "way better than anywhere else". Which is it?

Maybe something like this is more your speed, once they get it off the ground, of course. Or maybe sunny Puntland, you can carve out a good chunk of land right off the Horn of Africa, you can even implement your solutions to curtail illegal immigration by keeping out the locals! Electrified fence, a moat with sharks (lasers optional, wouldn't want to add to the deficit!), anything you want!

You want to be truly patriotic? Pick up a book and read about Locke's social contract, about Lincoln's policies following the Civil War, Teddy Roosevelt's policies towards corporations, and Eisenhower's policies on infrastructure development and it's effect on the nation as a whole, and his policies on continuing military spending. Understand all this is where your party once was, a party of conservation, both financial and ecological, about responsibility, both personal and corporate, and about coming to the table and intelligently exchanging ideas with people who may not share the same viewpoints as you, in hopes that in the exchange you both will understand each other a little better and a compromise will be that much easier. It doesn't take that much to bring that back, all it takes is for you to put down the cable news, open a book, and do a little reading.

That's being patriotic. Waving a American flag while listening to cable news pundits doesn't make you a patriot, it makes you an spoonfed, uninformed idiot.

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Coming from the guy with the creepy avatar of some pedophile playing grab ass on a little girl while wearing a costume.

You remind me of this great movie clip:


I see you are unwilling to learn. Too bad. Enjoy what's left of your miserable, jingoistic existence living in constant rage/fear of the Obama boogeyman.

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I was hoping it could be a good argument. But you are turning it into a name calling attack on me. Now that it is going to personal attacking I bow out. You win.

You've made a very convincing argument so far in attacking my Pedobear gif and posting a clip from Good Will Hunting.

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I agree I went where I shouldn't have. I resorted to personal after you attacked. Like I said You Win. Sorry I crossed the line. I never meant it to go there. Thats why I stopped. But I would like to close: I Love My Country its political process. The ability to keep itself in check and balance. I feel it has gone too far left. I hated Bush. Obama is flat out horrible. I respect your opinion and you and I have totally different beliefs. I respect your opinion even though I disagree. I would never try to take that away from you. I was hoping the Good Will Hunting clip would make you laugh. Side note: I still think the Pedobear is classless. And it feeds the creepers. But hey you have the right to your sense of humor. I also would never question your patriotism without knowing you the man. Not a couple posts. I have never walked in your shoes. Anyway Good Luck and God Bless. Thanks for the spirited argument.

That's the thing, this isn't a zero-sum game. It's not about winning or losing, it's about the exchange of ideas. It's about doing a little critical thinking and intelligently challenging what's going on around you, then taking that knowledge you have and exchanging it with someone else.

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