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changing gears for a bit


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Ive been mildly active at best on here, only been on a few group rides and meet n greets and what have you, although i was much more this summer than in the past. Anyway, i believe opportunity is knocking and i'm not going to send her away!! Airplanes have always been my first true love and after all i have one in my garage im rebuilding :D come january I am taking the test for my Inspector Authorization (will be able to do an annual inspection on an aircraft and deem it airworthy :eek: i found a gentlemen that is going to let me work for him so he can teach me all the ropes, hes an old timer that is already retired and just does it because he loves airplanes. Everytime ive talked to him he mentions retiring for real and moving away, so im hoping i can slide into his place and buy all of his tools from him and pick up where he will leave off. at this point i expect notihng more than good experience him and to get my name out there a little more. worse case scenario is I make just enough to pay the bills and do something i love, best case scenario is i make enough to quit my day job and do this only...

i have thought very long and hard about selling my bike to pay for the overhead needed to get it going if woody should say hey, "you can have all if it tomorrow" but i realized i love my bike and even if i only get it out once every summer or never again until im 50 (that 21 years away) that i cant sell it unless im just that hard up for cash... my bike isnt one you see everyday, but that doesnt make it rare and 'desirable' lol a 750 with 65 HP at the crank is nothing speial even if it has a ducati sticker on it! :D

i have a possible partner and we have a common contact that says he can get us our own FBO (fixed based operation) at a local airport, between the two of us we can do any kind of flight training and maintenance an individual would want!!! FBO would include selling gas/maps/coffee up to fuel, instruction and renting airplanes to people. all we really need is a couple more airplanes and we could start tomorrow....

a long rant and few will probably real all of it, but i feel better having put it all out there!!

my old air cooled L twin tractor will always be around!

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Go for it!! The retired guy started somewhere. This way you won't wonder "what if" if you don't follow through. I spent part of my vacation in southern Utah and visited some of the national parks. We stayed in small no-chain local motel. The one early 20's gal that works there is a park ranger and co-owner of this motel. She has the motel just as a "fall-back" plan. She would like to own another motel and eventaully get out of the park ranger side of things.

I also noticed a boat-load of older cars from all years, 40's - 70's sitting next to barns out that way. The motel gal said if I bought a car out there, I can keep it behind the motel short term until I can make arrangements to bring it home to Ohio. So, I will be back to that area.

What I would like to do is move out to that area and start an offroad sight seeing company.

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Chase that dream bro, we only live once so we should go for the things we want so there's less regret when we come to our end. Hope you find it financially rewarding so you can continue to do it until you retire. Are you planning to move away or is this something local for good?

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Van, whereabouts do you live? when you get all of your ducks in a row on it, let me know.. the guy who does my annual on the Pitts is retiring this year, so I will need a new inspector next year, be glad to bring a fellow aviation and motorcycle enthusiast the business!

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

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Van, whereabouts do you live? when you get all of your ducks in a row on it, let me know.. the guy who does my annual on the Pitts is retiring this year, so I will need a new inspector next year, be glad to bring a fellow aviation and motorcycle enthusiast the business!

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

Oryon, I am near hartzell field! Message me for contact info. The first annual per 90 days I plan on doing on the house!


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