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You WANT to be Infantry? That's what 11 Bravo is... Each to their own, I guess. I would have picked something with real world applications, like Signal Corps or something. AND I am surprised there were no 11 Bravo slots, I figured they would have plenty of "ground pounder" positions available.

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If 11Bravo is what you want hang tough. "Not availible" is a bit shocking to me but it's a differnt Army.

I Have 7 years as a 11 Bang Bang, and 7 more in ASOC before I was done out by a spinal injury. Local GM plant wasnt hiring Snipers so I went into law enforcement.

I have 2 daughters in The Army.

my 20 Y/O is Intell- Airrborne in SF with a combat patch from her JSOC rotaion with the FET's attached to SF A-Teams and my 18 Y/O is threw MEPS and waiting to ship to BCT then off to UAV Opperator Training.

"You WANT to be Infantry?" HELL YEAH.

Best job discripion in the Army: "Locate, Close with AND Distroy the enemy by means of fire and menuver and close contact." Army FM 7-8

Every other MOS is just a Jock Strap (just around for support)

Best of luck, be safe and good hunting.

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Meh, I just don't think locating, closing with, and destroying the enemy by means of fire and maneuver and close contact looks good on a civilian resume. But I am not HR, so I suppose I wouldn't know for sure.

If a full, 20 year Active Duty career is what you are after, or law enforcement, then Fazer1sniper's advice is pretty good. If not, there may be more lucrative MOSs out there that will help in the civilian world.

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Thanks guys, MEPS was fun actually however they had no 11bravo contracts available so I told them to call me when one opens up. Kinda irritated about it but that's the government for me I suppose. Thanks for all the advice, it's always nice to hear from people that have served.

What were you told to do from there? They aren't going to call you when a slot opens. By the time they see there is one open, someone else more than likely filled it.

I'm glad you didn't get into another MOS, other than what you wanted. And I'm sure they may have told you, you could probably transfer later, which is so freaking hard to do. No one ever reclasses like they think they can.

Infantry is a great thing. It's not for everyone and it means very little on a resume. What you will get out of it is knowing yourself and reading the people around you pretty well. That's life. There's no college class for that. I just ran into my roommate from the Marines at lunch. Hadn't seen him in 6-8 years. 15 years ago we were grunts. He has a half million dollar house, runs a finance company and is doing ok. Me, my shit is just how I want it, and I'm thankful for what I learned about myself and the experiances. I'll be retired before I'm 50 and I have lived.

There will be hardships and tough times in service. It's when you look back at them and realize how you grew from them, that's a reward that only you can know.

Just make sure you set yourself up for success with school or a trade, if you get out.

Don't let the military be your greatest achievement. Everyone will see that in you, make sure you bring more to the table than a war story when your time is up.

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11B is the MOS for those who want to get out there and get their hands dirty. No practical job skills outside of combat jobs (Service or Merc). Lots of shooting and blowing stuff up though.

You can always apply for a different job after you've been in for a bit, but there is no guarantees you'll get it.

MI (35 series) and Signal (25 series) have some of the best job potentials once you're out. MI even more because of the TS or TS/SCI and the branching opportunities while in.

PSYOP (37F) and CA (38B) are some of the most interesting and fun jobs in the Army in my opinion. Both have lots of practical skills outside the service as well.

Go back into the recruiter's on 01 Oct 2012. That is the beginning of the fiscal year and all the slots should be open again. As long as you got the scores, you should be able to negotiate your contract with the recruiters before you go to MEPS.

PM me if you need anymore information.

Edited by BDBGoalie
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I scored a 75 on the Asvab, so my options are damn near unlimited in the job field. I WANT to be infantry, I have for as long as I can remember. I know most don't agree with it, and plenty I people have tried to talk me out of it but it's not happening. I was surprised about the no job openings as well but I guess welcome to the suck. I'll keep the thread up to date on what's going on with it.

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Well, if you are hell bent on it, go for broke! Make sure they have Air Assault and Airborne in your contract, as well. Heck, go for Ranger school, too. I hear that one kicks a lot of butt. I have a buddy who failed sniper school, he said that was pretty awesome. FYI, he failed on the part where you have to shoot targets while in a field without being spotted. Apparently, that's where most people wash out.

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Well, if you are hell bent on it, go for broke! Make sure they have Air Assault and Airborne in your contract, as well. Heck, go for Ranger school, too. I hear that one kicks a lot of butt. I have a buddy who failed sniper school, he said that was pretty awesome. FYI, he failed on the part where you have to shoot targets while in a field without being spotted. Apparently, that's where most people wash out.

Way ahead of ya ;)

Im doing guard while I'm in school for law enforcement but I hear the guard has an sf option. I will be inquiring.

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Yes, the 19th SF group out of Rickenbacker. Good group of guys, I know a few.

The way they work is they have these "open tryouts" where you coordinate with them, do some drills and what not, and they do their own selection type event. If you pass their selection, they will then send you to the "real" selection with the Active Duty.

Also, inquire about getting the GI Bill while doing the police academy, I know it does pay out a little while you attend.

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Just remember Basic is a game. Just play it and you'll be fine. The things they have you do won't make sense - they're not supposed to - so don't try to reason it out, just go with it.

Work on your push ups too. You'll do about 100 BEFORE you eat breakfast, and then about 500 more throughout the day.

You're gonna be sore from your jaws to your toes. You'll be tired beyond all belief and don't be in a hurry to do anything or go anywhere. The Army is all about hurry up and wait.

Stay tough my friend. Play the game and you'll be fine. Goodluck and thank you for your service!


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Way ahead of ya ;)

Im doing guard while I'm in school for law enforcement but I hear the guard has an sf option. I will be inquiring.

Yes, I recall from my time in the Army the 19th can send you to Ft. Bragg (I remember a few went through the same time I was there for 18E) but I'm not familiar with any SF NG units here in Ohio.

SFAS is no joke so if this is what you're considering, you'll need to be in the best shape of your life for what is now 2 weeks of H-E-L-L (it was 3 weeks back in '92 when I finished it). Get used to carrying a 70# ruck, learn land nav in your sleep, and get a better score on your ASVAB to name just a couple areas to address.

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19th group is here in The Columbus area.

You can go drill with them and see if you like it, and if they like you. If they pick you, you can drill with them and prep for selection.

I'm guessing you'll be at RSP next weekend?

Can I drill with them anyway? I'm what the Marines would refer to as "a disgusting fatbody" and wouldn't mind a regimented workout.

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Just remember Basic is a game. Just play it and you'll be fine. The things they have you do won't make sense - they're not supposed to - so don't try to reason it out, just go with it.

Work on your push ups too. You'll do about 100 BEFORE you eat breakfast, and then about 500 more throughout the day.

You're gonna be sore from your jaws to your toes. You'll be tired beyond all belief and don't be in a hurry to do anything or go anywhere. The Army is all about hurry up and wait.

Stay tough my friend. Play the game and you'll be fine. Goodluck and thank you for your service!


WHAT! Stuff like being told to stuff sand down another soldiers shirt to piss them off and making a new sleeping bay on pad and then setting up your bay again about 30 times in a row doesn't make sense? Also, how does a plan changing 20 times in an hour not make sense? Oh, don't even get me started on how much sense getting punished for someone elses fuck up makes sense.

J/K, he is right, they will fuck with you(and everyone else) just because they can. I hear they have gone soft over the past few years though from all the stories I hear from new soldiers.

Stress cards, WTF... :lol:

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19th group is here in The Columbus area.

You can go drill with them and see if you like it, and if they like you. If they pick you, you can drill with them and prep for selection.

I'm guessing you'll be at RSP next weekend?

Negative. Contract wasn't open so i didn't sign in as "open" like they wanted.

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Your overall ASVAB score is not as important as your GT score. That will decide what you qualify for. You need >110 to really have your pick of things.

I agree that if you go Infantry, get your contract as stacked as possible. Get a bonus and college payback if it is still offered. I would advise Airborne and RASP. If you are going to go the Infantry route, the Rangers will be one of the best routes to take. (Option 40)

If you're interested in SF the 18X is a good route, if it is still being offered. You'll get Airborne out of that too.

Take this time to get in shape if that is your goal.

Run 7 miles in 50 minutes. You will not get a chance to do that kind of distance running in BCT or ABN. (RASP standards are 5 miles, usually at a 7min/mile pace)

70 Pushups in two minutes.

80 Situps in two minutes.

SF/Ranger score their tests on the 17-21 bracket, regardless of your age.

19th Group is head-quarted out of Utah, with a company based out of Ohio. I would expect any drill in Ohio area to be light duty. Consolidating drill days into week-long training sessions elsewhere sounds a bit more like it. I know they do a lot of training at Atterbury.

You can still go talk to the chain there and see if they will allow you to observe, and maybe even participate.

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