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Canned air..a warning


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So, working from home today...new job allows me to do so 3 days a week...and I'm on a conference call...my computer fan starts making a lot of racket so I mute the call, pop the side off, and grab the canned air...can't quite reach the fan, so not thinking I point thenozzleupwards, thus releasing the liquid...no, the cold didnthurt the computer, but aparrently something was hot enough to ignite the damn liquid/gas...big ass fireball shoots out of my PC...it immediately went out gut left behind a horrible smell, and caused me some lung irritation...still coughing up gunk from it....needless to say,I will NOT be using that crap any more..and I advise noone else to do so either..

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I know I inhaled some, but the irritation is slacking off...if it gets any worse I plan to go to er.

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check with the ER....sometimes injuries feel better, then in a couple hours, you take a nasty turn. speaking from experience.

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Yea mine does too...pretty much I wasn't paying attention to the can because I was on the conference call at the same time...basically a bonehead move.

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The good thing is your ok. Ive inhaled the propellant many times, it does cause respiratory irritation but the best way to overcome it is to move to fresh air. I think youll be ok

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many times eh?

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I'm feeling better..my concern wasn't so much the propellant, as the byproducts of the combustion of the propellant...aparrently it can produces some pretty nasty stuff...

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The cans we use here at the office not only are popelled by butane, but they have a bittering agent in them to prevent potential meth heads from huffing the crap. So I am sure your cocktail of butane exhaust, flash fried shit you blew out of your PC, and that bittering agent is something your lungs far from appreciate. Can't be too careful with your lungs, mang. Hope you are all OK soon.

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yes I think I'm OK...soon as I got a whiff of that smell I left the room and closed the door...caught my breath, and held it to go back in to open windows...smell is almost gone now, and aside from a slight burning in my nostrils, my breathing pretty much back to normal..checked the can out, and this stuff is diflourethane..which when it burns produces some nasty shit... definitely going to pay attention to myself for a while, but I do think I'm alright...called a nurse friend of mine, she said as long as I dont have breathing trouble or che stain I should be OK..I'm just lucky I wasn't exposed to more....

So now I sit here on my tablet, with both windows open in the office, 2 fans going, band duct tape sealing the door until it ventilates out...ugh...

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checked the can out, and this stuff is diflourethane

That's what the cans I have say that they have in them. Those fluoroethanes are bad stuff to breathe in. Brake parts cleaner is pretty bad stuff, especially when it vaporizes. I was spraying down the front of a 7.3 powerstroke to find an oil leak one day, while it was running. Massive lung irritation, hard to breathe, had to go outside to get fresh air.

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The cans we use here at the office not only are popelled by butane, but they have a bittering agent in them to prevent potential meth heads from huffing the crap. So I am sure your cocktail of butane exhaust, flash fried shit you blew out of your PC, and that bittering agent is something your lungs far from appreciate. Can't be too careful with your lungs, mang. Hope you are all OK soon.

Beat me to it.. if you notice when you lick your lips they taste weird, its due to the bittering agent.

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MSDS information sheet for DustOff. Which is DuPont “Dymel” 152a.

Which is Ethane, 1,1-Difluoro (1,1-Difluoroethane)

I don't know what brand you've got. But probably the same data.

edit: Yup, it's flammable.

(PDF file)


Edited by ReconRat
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I think it sparked when the liquid hit the power supply, I was aiming up towards the CPU, distracted by the conference call, unintentionally tilted the can, and sprayed the liquid right up into the CPU and power supply...pretty sure this is how it happeded...

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Get your self checked out. Minuscule amounts of some chemicals can do some very serious harm.

There is a welding horror story out there. Guy is fucked up for life from inhaling a very small amount of some vapor. Will linky here later.

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documentation, documentation,documentation

if it is not on a piece of paper, it didn't happen

get yourself checked out

even if you don't think it means shit at the moment, if 10 years from now it is found to be a carcinogen, that documentation will save your ass

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The cans we use here at the office not only are popelled by butane, but they have a bittering agent in them to prevent potential meth heads from huffing the crap. So I am sure your cocktail of butane exhaust, flash fried shit you blew out of your PC, and that bittering agent is something your lungs far from appreciate. Can't be too careful with your lungs, mang. Hope you are all OK soon.

I've met the guy that did a lot of work to get the bittering agent in those. He's a Cleveland cop, drug interdiction as well, that lost his son to sudden sniffing death syndrome. He huffed on some canned air and that was it. Great guy, I feel for him.

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