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wow no wonder apple wants to sue samsung


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I got to test drive the samsung galaxy sIII and a Iphone 5 today. and all I can say is why would anyone choose a iphone over the galaxy is mind boggling.

this thing kills the iphone in every aspect. other than being too big for some people's taste I can't see why anyone would choose the iphone over the galaxy for any other reason.

the s voice system to me is way better than siri on the iphone. don't know what other reviews are bitching about. i found it to be better.

now for anyone that knows about this stuff, does the galaxy have a quad core processor or not? some sites like sprint says it's dual core wiki says it's a quad core.

so I'm not even sure which one I was using. if it was the quad core no wonder it's so much faster.

and I seen about the new HTC one X+. guaranteed iphone5 killer. it has a 1.7ghz quad core processor.


Edited by serpentracer
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Jellybean adds some new cool features. I wish I could get it on my Razr.

The S III comes with a dual core and ICS to start but I'm sure JB will get released for it soon enough.

EDIT: 1.5GHz cpu, most other phones are still running 1GHz.

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Was considering S3 but my work colleague and his wife got S3s each and they are constantly having to reboot them, like a couple times a week. ICS made it worse. She wants to return hers because it is so buggy. My buddy had to take his out of his pocket yesterday because it got too hot to be comfortable against his skin. We checked for running apps but nothing.

My DroidX cannot understand my accent. Siri has no trouble.

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Was considering S3 but my work colleague and his wife got S3s each and they are constantly having to reboot them, like a couple times a week. ICS made it worse. She wants to return hers because it is so buggy. My buddy had to take his out of his pocket yesterday because it got too hot to be comfortable against his skin. We checked for running apps but nothing.

My DroidX cannot understand my accent. Siri has no trouble.

the app google makes is supposedly so much better than both. but I don't think you can get it on the iphone. too bad I seen a video of it whipping the snot out of the iphone5 siri.

lots of android phones need rebooted here and there. probably due to linux being superior of course. lol (that's big time sarcasm)

but my buddy has a motorolla droid razor and he doesn't have any issue with reboots.

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the app google makes is supposedly so much better than both. but I don't think you can get it on the iphone. too bad I seen a video of it whipping the snot out of the iphone5 siri.

lots of android phones need rebooted here and there. probably due to linux of course. lol

You saw a video? That shit MUST be true! :rolleyes:

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You saw a video? That shit MUST be true! :rolleyes:

when you talk and both devices are working at the same time and siri for the most part takes much longer to look things up on the web, it's hard to downplay the video. I stumbled on it the other day and have been looking for it again to show you guys. but I'm failing here.

and it was done by a legitimate test site. not some youtube video of a guy in his basement

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Yes, but who made the video? If it was Google, of course they're going to beat Siri in it. I was riding with Anden a couple weeks ago and I had time to check 2 different apps for the nearest chipotle before his gave an answer on the first on his droid.

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Ive not used the iphone other then a few minutes but i love my GS3. My battery lasts about a day day and a half, depending on how often i use it to check facebook and the forums here. Ive not seen any issues with ICS yet, havent had to restart mine since i got it 2 weeks ago. I have mine rooted to allow for wifi tethering on my laptop. The international version of the GS3 is a quad core. and Jelly Bean is slated for release sometime this month.

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Yes, but who made the video? If it was Google, of course they're going to beat Siri in it. I was riding with Anden a couple weeks ago and I had time to check 2 different apps for the nearest chipotle before his gave an answer on the first on his droid.

no, it was like phone arena or something like that. it wasn't a typed up review. it was just the guy talking to both phones and letting you see the results.

maybe the network plays a role in that one.

don't get me wrong I think the iphone is a good phone and all but I like more things about the galaxy.

1. bigger display

2. replaceable battery

3. memory card slot

4. google apps

5. android market

6. 2 gigs of ram

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no, it was like phone arena or something like that. it wasn't a typed up review. it was just the guy talking to both phones and letting you see the results.

maybe the network plays a role in that one.

don't get me wrong I think the iphone is a good phone and all but I like more things about the galaxy.

1. bigger display

2. replaceable battery

3. memory card slot

4. google apps

5. android market

6. 2 gigs of ram


1. Bigger by 1/4" on each dimension. Big whoop.

2. The screen can be removed and the battery can be replaced. There's torx head microscrews either side of the charging port. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57517433-37/inside-the-iphone-5-bigger-battery-easier-to-repair/

3. I got the 64Gb iPhone so I'm not concerned about the memory size - and replacing the card in my DroidX was the quickest way to F-up the phone when stuff was suddenly missing

4. Apple apps work just as well. (maps excluded)

5. App Store works just as well.

6. I'll let you know if I run out of memory.

You know why droid phones have batteries that are easy to remove? Because you have to remove them frequently to reboot the damn things. :D

Another HUGE plus for the iP5 for me is that I can VPN into my work and then ssh into the linux servers I work with. I can do remote troubleshooting on my phone with the only drawback being cut/paste is not as easy as in putty. All I would have to root an android phone for VPN functionality.

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when you talk and both devices are working at the same time and siri for the most part takes much longer to look things up on the web, it's hard to downplay the video. I stumbled on it the other day and have been looking for it again to show you guys. but I'm failing here.

and it was done by a legitimate test site. not some youtube video of a guy in his basement

I've seen it. It's true. I forget which magazine or webzine did the test.

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Yes, but who made the video? If it was Google, of course they're going to beat Siri in it. I was riding with Anden a couple weeks ago and I had time to check 2 different apps for the nearest chipotle before his gave an answer on the first on his droid.

Had to do phone out of pocket and take gloves off. Not really a comparison. We can burn them up next time. Chipotle also threw my phone for a loop.

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Was considering S3 but my work colleague and his wife got S3s each and they are constantly having to reboot them, like a couple times a week. ICS made it worse. She wants to return hers because it is so buggy. My buddy had to take his out of his pocket yesterday because it got too hot to be comfortable against his skin. We checked for running apps but nothing.

My DroidX cannot understand my accent. Siri has no trouble.

How could Ice Cream Sandwich make it worse? The S3 has always had ICS, sounds like they dont know their device well.

And for the comments on storage size, remember, to upgrade the extra 48GB in the iPhone costs an extra $200, the extra 64 in an S3 costs an extra $50 in microsd

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I have the S3....most everything said here has some truth to it. I prefer the S3 over the I5 for a few reasons. I only got the 16gb phone instead of the 32gb one since I saved about $50. I have a 32gb micro sd in it and can upgrade to the 64gb at anytime for less than $50. I figured that 96gb in the phone would be overkill. I have a ton of music and videos and pictures on my card and documents and spreadsheets and etc etc.....and still I have only got up to 8gb on the micro card. Ringtones and files and apps are easy to get and run much faster than on the i5. I find siri is more realistic and human like than S voice. As stated, it is easier to upgrade battery, memory on S3 where you get what you buy on I5. I5 has a stronger case and holds up better when dropped than the S3. S3 screen size is a little larger but not by that much. S3 doesn't have facetime, but skype works just as well. Price of both were about the same except that I could have a 96gb phone for about $270 where the max the I5 had was 64gb. I bought the 4300 mHa extended life battery, but have yet to really need it as I am getting a full day and 6 hrs on the standard one......they say the big battery is good for about 2.5 days without needing to plug in.

What really sucks is that the I5 changed the charge/input/output port and now ALL IPhone accessories no longer will accept the I5 without the adapter which they will give to you for $30 Both phones have 8mp cameras on the back, but the I5's is superior for both video and stills. S3 has a better front camera then the I5 , but at the range/distance that it is used, it really isn't that big of a deal. I love the motion feature of the S3 and also face/voice/pattern security unlock. Where's my Iphone/Ipad is better than where's my droid. Final decision was the S3 was a much better deal and had much better versatility than the I5

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