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Samsungs "original" idea


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I think you are getting confused by different users.

Some people prefer Android over IOS.

Others prefer a larger screen.

I personally prefer Android but also think one of the main advantages of a droid phone is the choice of larger screens.

Apparently Samsung believes that some people would like the latest android hardware with a smaller package.

Nearly every time you get contradictory fan comments on new features it comes from different sets of users.


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I think you are getting confused by different users.

Some people prefer Android over IOS.

Others prefer a larger screen.

I personally prefer Android but also think one of the main advantages of a droid phone is the choice of larger screens.

Apparently Samsung believes that some people would like the latest android hardware with a smaller package.

Nearly every time you get contradictory fan comments on new features it comes from different sets of users.


Very well said!

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I like bigger phones, bigger screens, heftier batteries, and slide out hardware keyboards...

that said I will never buy another samsung phone, the omnia killed it for me.

I want to double or triple the battery on my droid 4, I really don't care if it's heavier.

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iOS works ok, I've had to reset the Iphone 4 almost as often as I've had to reset my droid 4... so kind of a wash there.

The hardware is a generation or 2 behind, and to have applications with any sort of functionality you have to drop $5 a piece on them.

Not to mention the lack of removable memory, which would be a super easy problem to fix, but the apple people would rather charge you double or triple the cost of the phone for double or triple the storage.

Edited by magley64
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The reasons people choose phones are as varied as the reasons people choose cars. Fashion, popularity, technical specifications, ease of use, reliability, crowd acceptance, marketing success, functionality, practicality, utility and so on. Just as most cars do some things better than others and not as well as some, phones are the same.

There is no best phone for everyone, otherwise there would only be one phone on the market as there would be no reason to manufacture any other phone.

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