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I stayed alive on the 555.


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It was a good day. The weather was beautiful and traffic was light. And today, I rode the 555, all of it.

Myself and two others met in Newark this morning bright and early. We rode to Zanesville and then down Rt 555 to Belpre, Ohio, on the Ohio river. It was a great ride.

There were pebbles on the road in places but never did I have to slow because of a deteriorated road surface. It was nice and curvy with corners you couldn't see around very well at times. I was in fourth gear often and occasionally third on my little six-speed 500. Our pace was comfortable and not rushed. Next time I may pick up the pace a bit, just for a little more excitement.

Yes, I'll ride this road again. I like that it demanded my attention and held it hostage through a major part of the route. Warnings that my experience may be lacking for such a ride were appreciated and may have been more applicable had my pace been closer to what is often described on this forum as 'spirited'. My pace was cautious while approaching curves but throttle was less restrained as sweeping curves were handed to me as if I had called ahead and placed an order.

I would recommend a ride on the 555 for anyone wishing to hone their country road riding skills, keeping in mind all the hazards country roads may have to offer. If it's your first trip, you may wish to ride as though you have a bowl of goldfish riding pillion on your trusty steed whenever unsure as to just what may lay ahead behind the next blind corner.

There were no close calls, hard braking, or obstacles requiring a quick response. Be aware horse biscuits and road kill may appear occasionally.

And as a friendly reminder to anyone up to the challenge of the 'triple nickle,' the shift lever is your friend.

~ Jack



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Nice write-up. Wish I could have gotten out on this gorgeous day.

I've only ridden 555 a couple of times this year, but really enjoyed it each time. It seems like a lot of the bad sections that made the road infamous in the past are in better shape and we also noted a welcome lack of gravel/other crap.

Will definitely try to work it into rides more next year.

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You rode with Jnor' date=' didn't you? Stay away from that guy. He's nothin' but trouble.

....and Nascar rules![/quote']

So is 555 anything like any of the roads we've hit down in the Smokies? I coulda sworn you were the one that gave me the impression 555 was overrated

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You rode with Jnor' date=' didn't you? Stay away from that guy. He's nothin' but trouble.

....and Nascar rules![/quote']

There were three of us. A Goldwing's headlight was usually somewhere in my mirror throughout the trip and way off in the distance, skillfully slipping around curves and hopping over horizons with nary an effort was the sight of a faint tail light and a little puff of dust leading the pack off into the unknown.

Jnor? Could that have been Jnor? Possibly so, gliding along on that awesome Vstrom DL1000. Possibly so.


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>> Sounds like a good ride. Did you hit 669 east?

We left Nerk and headed for Zanesville, east on Rt 16, and then south on Rt 146 / Nashport Rd.

Once we reached Zanesville we zigged a bit and then zagged a bit, and somehow came face to face with the very mouth of the dreaded 555 monster.

The light turned green and it was 3...2...1...zippity boom! Off we went.

Rt 669 did join with Rt 555 but east was not our direction. We continued south with Rt 669 leaving us and heading west in Deavertown while we remained with 555 until we reached Belpre.

After a break for lunch, we traveled upstream on Rt 7 and then Rt 550 West. We rode 550 through Barlett, crossing over the 555 and on to Amesville. At this point I think I remember turning right at the 329 and heading north to Rt 13 in Trimble. Rt 13 took us all the way back to Newark.

And now, a word from our sponsor.....

Edited by JackFlash
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