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Thoughts on the family suing Monster for the death of their daughter


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Wasting more $$ in our court systems so some worthless parents can make a buck off their kid dieing.

I've personally seen Grapesmuggler drink 2 BFC's from Monster before noon, and he said when he was in the military serving, they had stuff like that for them there. Would drink 6+ a day when on patrol.

Seems like the facts don't line up on this and the cause of death at all.

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14 is a child, children do not make good decisions. Accedents happen. Just because some one bought/sold her the drink does not mean they knew it was for her or she was about to consume it.

This argument can be the same for alcohol and alcohol posioning. you can buy 4 cases of beer, the seller has no idea what your intensions are.

If a parent buys said child said alcohol, they are charged.

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Wasting more $$ in our court systems so some worthless parents can make a buck off their kid dieing.

I've personally seen Grapesmuggler drink 2 BFC's from Monster before noon, and he said when he was in the military serving, they had stuff like that for them there. Would drink 6+ a day when on patrol.

Seems like the facts don't line up on this and the cause of death at all.

Some platoons do not allow their troops to drink monster/energy drinks, especially out in the field, due to it causing dehydrate and making soldiers fall out.

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3 scoops of c4 (preworkout) makes the amount of caffeine in monster look like child's play.

frivolous lawsuit is frivolous

Also, this may sound stupid but it's true or atleast it used to be true, shits changed over the years. Some doctors actually recomend caffeine for kids with adhd because it has the opposite effect on kids with adhd. We used to buy water Joe(caffeinated water) and mix it with tang for my stepbrother. I used to be allowed to drink pop in class even though everyone else was only allowed to drink water in class. I'm sure something like this won't matter in a case like this, but who knows :dunno:

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3 scoops of c4 (preworkout) makes the amount of caffeine in monster look like child's play.

frivolous lawsuit is frivolous

You= Adult...Man...Fit

Her= Young...girl...developing

apples =/= oranges

I can eat 5 bags of fruit snacks, 5 cans of cherry pepsi, and eat 5 tablespoons of pure granulated sugar in the course of an hour... that same amount of sugar would put my diabetic girlfriend into the hospital...

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You= Adult...Man...Fit

Her= Young...girl...developing

apples =/= oranges

I can eat 5 bags of fruit snacks, 5 cans of cherry pepsi, and eat 5 tablespoons of pure granulated sugar in the course of an hour... that same amount of sugar would put my diabetic girlfriend into the hospital...

right, and a diabetic isn't stupid enough to gulp down 10 spoonfuls of sugar, but dumbass girl with a known heart condition gulped down 2 big cans of energy drank. if all you had were elbows, do you run head long into a gun fight?

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I'm not a 14 yr old girl... diabetic or not

but saying that one person can handle a ton of caffeine, so everyone can, is a little absurd.

if she were an adult, I'd say you all hit the nail on the head...and the lawsuit is a no-go... but there are too many variables...

The product certainly isn't advertized as a dangerous substance.

I'm not even saying the manufacturer is at fault, I'm just saying that depending on where she got it, and who was aware of what dangers, her parents might have a case.

I bet that monster makes their warnings more stern in the future, either way.

Edited by magley64
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I'm not a 14 yr old girl... diabetic or not

but saying that one person can handle a ton of caffeine, so everyone can, is a little absurd.

if she were an adult, I'd say you all hit the nail on the head...and the lawsuit is a no-go... but there are too many variables...

The product certainly isn't advertized as a dangerous substance.

I'm not even saying the manufacturer is at fault, I'm just saying that depending on where she got it, and who was aware of what dangers, her parents might have a case.

I bet that monster makes their warnings more stern in the future, either way.

This right here sounds like your going in the direction of MC donalds. The first suit most people know is the hot coffe one, but meh that doesn't apply except for thr the obvious caution hot they put on the cup. The second well known lawsuit is them fat fucks suing McDonalds because their food made them fat.... Although McDonalds doesn't put a caution on their big Macks saying this product will make you fat, they have the calorie counter, but thats more of a less blatant warning when compaired to monsters current warning, which is on the product itself.

Next thing we know the bath salt companies are going to be sued and held responsible for Turing retards into zombies... If anything monster may end up like most the other products where you have to be a certain age to buy it now, good riddens, them young kids don't need this shit anyhow.

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I'm not a 14 yr old girl... diabetic or not

but saying that one person can handle a ton of caffeine, so everyone can, is a little absurd.

if she were an adult, I'd say you all hit the nail on the head...and the lawsuit is a no-go... but there are too many variables...

The product certainly isn't advertized as a dangerous substance.

I'm not even saying the manufacturer is at fault, I'm just saying that depending on where she got it, and who was aware of what dangers, her parents might have a case.

I bet that monster makes their warnings more stern in the future, either way.

so is it your opinion that the parents have no responsibility in this matter? i mean, other than "having a case"

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wow. i've been known to make redbull margaritas, but that sounds pretty ridiculous

Redbull margaritas? That's like tequila and motor oil, right?

I wish these were as widely available in the US:


Bawls > all, period.

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Not the same "bath salts"...


Bath salts[1][2]*is the informal "street name" for a family of*designer drugs*often containing*substituted cathinones, which have effects similar to*amphetamine*and*cocaine.[3][4][5]*The white*crystals*resemble legalbathing*products like*epsom salts, and are called*bath salts*with the packaging often stating "not for human consumption" in an attempt to avoid the*prohibition of drugs,[3]*but chemically have nothing to do with actual bath salts.

Well I'll be damned, learn something new everyday lol.

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Her parents should be allowed to sue. I should be allowed to sue you for buying a new bike and not posting it online. However' date=' that doesn't mean I would support them/me winning said suit.


And people who sue with frivolous lawsuits knowing it is just that, should be held to pay the defendants court/attorney costs.

If you want to sue me for buying a new bike and not posting it, why should I have to pay to defend myself?

I see this going something like this. Family sues Monster for 2 million, Monster settles out of court for 15,000 cause it's cheaper than going to court. Should they really have to pay $15K if they aren't really at fault though? No, and they won't. The price of Monster goes up $0.10/can to cover frivolous lawsuits like this.

Full Throttle > Bawls > Monster > Red Bull > Grape Drink

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