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microsoft's worst ever?


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but when will any of those inferior os's catch up to ubuntu?

I've upgraded to the latest version on my Lenovo T61 and it's very smooth but not necessarily an improvement over the previous version (harder to navigate) - but I still prefer XP''s ease of use and simplicity.

I also have W7 Enterprise on my work laptop and it loads faster than ubuntu but is otherwise glitchy with the programs my employer requires us to use.

And oddly enough, the back button stops working on the IE browser quite frequently. Other than a few glitches with the software, it's a very good OS and I'm thinking about a newer laptop with W7 to use with WMC with my 360.

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if you get stuck, just open a terminal (ctrl-alt-T) type "sudo rm -rf /".

that'll fix it.

/nah, don't do that.

I'm just dealing with permissions and crap like that. I actually got what I was trying to do accomplished, but now I have no audio output running it in a VM.

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Can't we all just agree that the Windows Surface PRO tablet is freaking sweet?

Specs of a computer in a tablet capable of doing EVERYTHING A COMPUTER CAN ON THE GO? :D

I'm withholding judgement until I get my hands on one. The Zune was supposed to be the one-and-only iPod killer at one point too, until users got their hands on it.

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I'm withholding judgement until I get my hands on one. The Zune was supposed to be the one-and-only iPod killer at one point too, until users got their hands on it.

I really liked my original 30GB Zune. A touch screen at that point would have made it the iPod killer, but that didn't happen.

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I just bought a new laptop and was going to use the $15 "upgrade" to windows 8. Maybe I'll just stick with 7...

May not hurt to have a copy lying around, especially if it's only 15 bucks. I wouldn't install it though until it's thoroughly vetted by first-adopters.

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The most telling story is...

Windows 8 is Microsoft's attempt to stop the bleeding created by Apple OSx and iOS devices which have a very unified look and feel. The pressure is on and I think they will choke!!!! Microsoft OS's are security nightmare junk!!!

Still prefer a Linux box to all of them.

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I've heard Win8 sucked, but also heard that about 7 when it came out.

No way...I was using the beta of Win 7 months before the release and I couldn't wait for the final build. I had skipped Vista altogether. I consider myself an advanced user (I regularly use the command console, edit registry, etc) and I played with the beta for Win 8 for awhile. I see no compelling reason whatsoever to upgrade. Going from XP to Win 7 was a large leap with a lot of improvements.

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ok well it looks as though 8 is officially been released. microcenter (a computer store) has a few computers with it installed and had a demo area set up .

after messing with it for a few min I realized it still works like windows 7 and looks just like it once you turn off the start screen thing they keep showing in pictures.

there's a normal desktop. but it lacks the start button.

they're trying to mimic ubuntu it appears. which is exactly why ubuntu got replaced by linux mint on my laptop

Edited by serpentracer
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Windows 8 looks more like a skinned Windows 7 than anything. They lost the start menu and replaced it with the start panel or screen. I've been using it for about a week (I think) and I don't really miss the start menu, and I rarely use the start panel. In reality, most of what I use the computer for these days can be accomplished with a tablet though.

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