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Danville Do-Gooder Day

Unk Greg

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Posts elsewhere mentioning Danville. The popular meet spot is the BP...at the "Square", there again tonite for my ice cream...not on bike...cage.

I noticed packages of Cindi's Fudge.... suspected Cindi that used to work there....prolee would still be working there except a coupla years back got hit head on by someone texting. Cindi was in a bad way....prolee has more steel in her than my bike.

So she is making fudge and the gas station has it for sale.

Sorry I just missed her...she made a delivery and left. Glenmont girl...SR520 to you riders....so bought some Cindi's fudge. Don' t know how good it is....wasn't my point in buying it. Do-gooder thang....when ya stop there for gas...ask about Cindi's fudge...ask about Cindi too....aching tonite they said...wet cold weather and I'd bet she's feeling it.

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