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How messed up is this?


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Seriously........and the roster is in fact "not all Caucasian White" yet they appear to be white, so how is this not profiling, how is this right and fair for some to start shit and cause problems? Why not target golf, tennis, hockey and soccer, these are obviously sports that are too white? :rolleyes: So if you play in a league that is 75% African American, that sure doesn't leave much to be spread around throughout the teams for the other ethnicity. Equal rights activists my ass......pure hypocrites. NCAA teams like Stanford, Duke, Indiana, Butler and Wisconsin have rosters that are primarily white "there are several others too", so I am sure their recruiting is racially biased as well? :nono:


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If youre saying it's not possible or you think it doesnt happen you may be living in a dream world.

Its reality, being able to talk about it and not calling either side of the discussion racists would be a step in the right direction for society. Sometimes these topics are too "taboo" for most...

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It just happens too much anymore, so many take any opportunity to use the word racist or bigot, whenever they feel wronged or repressed. Some of these whackjobs that are equal rights activists, have no intention to ensure things are equal and just for everybody. :nono: They are many times the worst of the bunch, they have an agenda and don't want peace no matter what they say. Too white or too black, not white enough or not black enough..... this shit needs to stop or this country will just become more divided.

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Was just an example Matt of how fucked up this country is according to what color you are "or appear to be", this is relevant in allot of situations anymore. Everything seems to revolve around race, instead of the person. And I know that you loathe all sports too.:D

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Talk about wanting ANY reason. Some people just don't get that racist people just aren't white people. Bringing up this topic or caring about it proves that the people complaining are.

Damn I hate society and shit like this reminds me why.

And the words racist and bigot are so overly used and abused, people get called or labeled that over practically nothing these days. Worst case of that lately has got to be the Trayvon Martin case, that crap got ugly.

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A local radio show had this guy on for an interview. I was listening with an open mind until he said that the only reason Clevelanders were burning and beating lebron James effigy (sp?) was because he was black not because of how he treated Cleveland. Once he said that I didnt give a shit what else was said he proved what an idiot he is with that one statement.

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A local radio show had this guy on for an interview. I was listening with an open mind until he said that the only reason Clevelanders were burning and beating lebron James effigy (sp?) was because he was black not because of how he treated Cleveland. Once he said that I didnt give a shit what else was said he proved what an idiot he is with that one statement.

That guy was a fucking joke. He's as bad as al sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of those idiots. What a waste of space.

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